12:01 AM

Originally Published
12:01 am
NOTE: Author acknowledges her post below referenced the Constitution, and not the Declaration of Independence on unalienable rights. That's what happens when you spend 2 days on the Capital grounds in Washington, DC, defending life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for ALL, including the lives of babies that will be slaughtered due to this bill. And the rights of others to sit on their butts and spew out hate about my country. I truly apologize to my readers. Sheila Barber 3.22.10 @3:17 pm.

Folks, I’m sitting here … well, I’m sitting here.

The words come, but so do the tears. Our country is no longer the America the Founding Fathers gave us. I’m tired. I’m mad. I’m in a fighting mood.
My hubby and I left Saturday morning at 4 am and headed to DC. We had to get there. And in my heart, I had this yearning to get to the Capital steps. And I did. And then the yearning got stronger and stronger to get into the House Gallery. And I did. My purpose was to get there and pray. Pray for this country. Pray for a revolution. Pray that the House would come to their senses, search their hearts, and not pass the atrocious “healthcare reform” bill.

I don’t understand it. I don’t understand the hate for my country the liberals have. I don’t understand the protestors screaming “Give us healthcare NOW” or carrying signs (they all carried the same sign) “Catholics for Healthcare reform”. I don’t understand why people in this country think they have a right to everything.

We have a populous who are like the Israelites when they left Egypt. All they did was complain. They didn’t see the miracle of having manna (food) supplied to them supernaturally every morning. They didn’t have the plush pillows, or warm baths, etc, etc, but they had freedom. It wasn’t good enough. And consequently what happened is that they stayed in the wilderness much longer than they ever had to if only they had trusted God. Some scholars have said what really was a 2 week trip turned into a 40 year experience because of their trust in man and not God.

The Constitution explicitly says, and I know it does because I’ve read it (and now have seen it in the National Archives Building in DC), that God, our Creator, gave us unalienable rights – Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. The Constitution does not say Congress does that. But some Americans think so.

They will, as the Israelites did, have a long journey back to true freedom. Because, what the state gives, the state can take away. What God gives, you are born with. From conception. Not when you decide to give it up and start following Him. No, he freely gives his grace along with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. No matter how stupid we get.

I met people from all over the nation this past couple of days who said on Thursday they felt the need to get to the Capital. We did too. We forced the Slaughter rule to be axed. We forced the Rules committee to be adjourned because we were loud. (Click on your Capital in the picture).

And we can force Republicans who talk the talk but don’t walk the walk to be ushered away too. And we will.

The hypocrisy of Bobby Etheridge, Nancy Pelosi, Bart Stupak, Brad Miller, and others will not go unnoticed. The sleeping giant has awakened. They seemed to have sold their souls to the devil. And payback is coming. And I don’t think it is just at the polls. Voting is the part WE THE PEOPLE control. They have to answer to a higher power for the rest. But that’s not for me to make happen.

Oh, by the way, any of you who try to tell me the “Executive” order that is suppose to prevent federal dollars funding abortions, will take care of it… you haven’t read the small print. It says the order must be compliant to the current law.

So… Roe vs. Wade is the law. It allows abortions. Does the executive order comply with the current law? No. It is a mute point. The Supreme Court will strike it down.

I said in an earlier post to one of the editor’s articles that we have waited to the eleventh hour to do something and it’s almost midnight.

Not now, it’s 12:01 am. We’re past midnight. And just what does God say about the morning….

Psalm 30:5 (Amplified Bible)

"(5)For His anger is but for a moment, but His favor is for a lifetime or in His favor is life. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning."

It’s 12:01 am. And time for us all to go to work taking back our country and our sacred rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Although, we might weep in the wee hours of the night, do not give up. Do not walk away.
For now it is morning...

Until next week….
Monday, March 22, 2010