Monday, February 28, 2011


Obama Supports Easing Health Law Mandates for States

WASHINGTON — Seeking to appease disgruntled governors, President Obama announced Monday that he supported amending the 2010 health care law to allow states to opt out of its most burdensome requirements three years earlier than currently permitted.

In remarks to the National Governors Association, Mr. Obama said he backed legislation that would enable states to request federal permission to withdraw from the law’s mandates in 2014 rather than in 2017 as long as they could prove that they could find other ways to cover as many people as the original law would and at the same cost. The earlier date is when many of the act’s central provisions take effect, including requirements that most individuals obtain health insurance and that employers of a certain size offer coverage to workers or pay a penalty.

“I think that’s a reasonable proposal; I support it,” Mr. Obama told the governors, who were gathered in the State Dining Room of the White House.

“It will give you flexibility more quickly while still guaranteeing the American people reform.”

The announcement is the first time Mr. Obama has called for changing a central component of his signature health care law, although he has backed removing a specific tax provision that both parties regard as onerous on business. The shift comes as the law is under fierce attack in the courts and from Republicans on Capitol Hill and in statehouses around the country.

The bipartisan amendment that Mr. Obama is now embracing was first proposed in November, eight months after enactment of the Affordable Care Act, by Senators Ron Wyden, Democrat of Oregon, and Scott Brown, Republican of Massachusetts. Senator Mary L. Landrieu of Louisiana, a Democrat, is now a co-sponsor.

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Real Life Example of the "ObamaCare" Coming Near you!

This family wants to make the choice of the healthcare of their child.  They want to bring him to America.  And Canadian judges/doctors say he must die!

Here's the article: 

Canadian Family in Life Support Battle Denied Request for Hospital Transfer
Go watch the video!!

The parents of a Canadian boy ordered off life support by government health officials have been denied a request to transfer the 13-month-old to the Children’s Hospital of Michigan.

London Health Sciences Centre in Ontario, Canada, was advised Thursday by the Michigan hospital that the boy would not be transferred.

Moe Maraachli and his wife, Sana Nader, of Windsor, Ontario, wanted the Michigan hospital to perform a tracheotomy on their son Joseph, who is currently kept alive by a respirator. The boy suffers from a rare, progressive neurological disease which, Canadian doctors say, has left him in a vegetative state beyond recovery.

The Children’s Hospital of Michigan told Fox News it is not “commenting on any matters surrounding the case.”

Joseph’s parents believed that if the Detroit hospital had accepted the child and conducted the operation, in which doctors would place a breathing tube in his windpipe, he could be cared for at home.

Canadian health care allocation officials already ruled that Joseph had to be taken off life support and allowed to die in the hospital. A Canadian judge then ruled that Maraachli had to give his consent to having the breathing tube removed by Monday. He refused.

Maraachli says turning off life support could cause his son to choke and suffocate. He told Fox News on Wednesday that the doctors at London Health Sciences Centre have said the “best treatment” is to “let him die… I don’t know what kind of treatment that [is].”

The family believes this procedure will allow Joseph to breathe on his own, and thereby be able to go home and likely die there.
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Interesting little facts...

As I talked with Mr. Brooks Turner, Senator Burr's aide, this afternoon, I happened to surf on over to the Lee County Board of Elections website.  If you've watched the news the past couple of weeks, there is beginning to be an uproar on requiring people to show an ID when voting.  Some are so sad they might just be disenfranchised if they can't vote without proper ids.  Boo hoo.

Were you aware that if you go to a One-Stop voting station (other words, register and vote at same time) you have to follow these rules:

"To use this process, a citizen must (1) go to a One-Stop Voting Site in the county of residence during the One Stop Absentee Voting period, (2) fill out a voter registration application, and (3) provide proof of residency by showing the elections official an appropriate form of identification with the citizen's current name and current address. The new registrant may vote ONLY at a One-Stop Absentee Voting Site in the county of registration during One-Stop Absentee Voting period and not on Election Day.

Acceptable forms of identification include:

A North Carolina driver’s license with current address
A utility bill with name and current address
A telephone or mobile phone bill
An electric or gas bill
A cable television bill
A water or sewage bill

A document with name and current address from a local, state, or U.S. government agency, such as:

A passport
A government-issued photo ID
U.S. military ID
A license to hunt, fish, own a gun, etc.
A property or other tax bill
Automotive or vehicle registration
Certified documentation of naturalization
A public housing or Social Service Agency document
A check, invoice, or letter from a government agency
A birth certificate
A student photo ID along with a document from the school showing the student’s name and current address
A paycheck or paycheck stub from an employer or a W-2 statement
A bank statement or bank-issued credit card statement

**If you cannot supply an acceptable form of identification for Proof-of-Residence, your registration application cannot be fully processed until the required information is provided. Registered voters may also update their address and change vital information in an existing registration record at the One Stop Site, but they are not allowed to change their party affiliation during the One Stop Voting period that precedes a partisan primary."

So can someone tell me why it is such a problem to have EVERYBODY show ids when we show up to vote?  Nope the Dems cry "wolf" so they can have another excuse to invoke fraud on the process.
Stay tuned. More to come on my conversation about military voting!!
I've got to do some research first.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Just some notes from Dean!

Since the remarkable election of November, 2010, my professional responsibilities have left me unable to follow politics as I had previously. I have tried to stay engaged, however, and have been encouraged by much of what I have read and seen.

The House Republican majority have done what they said they would do. They have voted to repeal Obamacare. This will not pass the democratic controlled senate, nor Obama’s veto pen, but it is a promise kept. They have also begun the process of defunding this evil bill and that will do nothing but encourage my support of their efforts. I am especially pleased that Renee Ellmers, a lady I supported and worked hard to elect, has followed through on her promise. She has voted in favor of all of the above. You go, girl!

In the meantime, much of the liberal press has responded, with great reverence, about the events in Egypt and the Middle East. The press wants, very badly, to attribute these revolutions as freedom-based and directly related to Pharaoh Obama’s outreach to the Muslim world. What a laugher.

Some reporters have questioned locals about Obama’s relevance to the current situations only to find that, despite their desire to find extreme loyalty to the Great One World Leader Barrack Hussein Obama, the people who are instrumental in these uprisings could care less about our great leader. That makes perfect sense. People who are involved in these uprisings want to believe that they have done so on their own. My fear is that, in their belief that they have created a freer Egypt, they have opened the door for a more tyrannical leadership that is Sharia law based. There is nothing free about that form of government.

I recently turned fifty years of age. That means that I am watching the end of my world and the beginning of others. American society has changed a great deal during my time on this earth. My father will say the same thing. His father would have said the same. Could my grandfather have predicted that today’s youth would be proficient in the use of computers and cell phones? I doubt it. My own father, when he turned fifty, probably could not have envisioned a day when his great grandchildren would know as much about playing a DVD as he does.

It doesn’t matter. Life is about change. My new position requires that I supervise several people to accomplish a task. In addition, I have been tasked with the responsibility of engineering a great deal of change in an environment that has not experienced that kind of change in more than fifty years. Along with that, my grandson, who has lived with my wife and me for almost the first three years of his life, is about to move to Virginia. Change is coming. The journey is ongoing. We can accept it, deny it, or participate in it. I will participate.

Sheila and I are going to present a plan to Senator Richard Burr regarding voting mechanisms for military personnel. They have been one of the most abused and abandoned voting blocks in modern American history. My wife and I believe that, before anyone else is allowed to vote, our military heroes should be allowed to vote. If you have any ideas about this they would be greatly appreciated. The senator has already requested our presence and ideas. Change is coming. Let’s be a part of it!

Friday, February 18, 2011

He's such a good liberal!

Headline reads:

"Activist Sharpton takes up Ohio school choice case"

AKRON, Ohio – A woman convicted of a felony for using her father's address to enroll her children in a neighboring school district should be "saluted, not arrested," civil rights activist the Rev. Al Sharpton said at a rally for her on Thursday.

Sharpton spoke to a cheering crowd of about 300 people who gathered to support Kelley Williams-Bolar at a church in Akron, a struggling industrial city about an hour's drive south of Cleveland. The rally was organized by Sharpton's New York City-based nonprofit National Action Network.

"I think this woman should be saluted, not arrested," Sharpton said to rousing cheers at the church, which was packed with people. "This is an issue that everybody ought to get mad about. White, black, whatever."
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What a liberal!  Let's give the man a standing ovation.  And just like liberals, he isn't on the side of school choice any more than the Rev. Buffet Slayer William Barber is.  They are all talk.  In this article, it shows where a mom just flat out didn't want her kids going to an underachieving school.  And because of the unions and DOE crap, she didn't have a choice. 

So tell me why he didn't stand up for the kids when they had school choice in DC?  The dems and PBO killed the program.  (   What's good for our elitists in Washington isn't good for the families around town.  That's hypocritical.  Sharpton cares no more than Barack Obama. 

I wrote a research paper on this topic.  And during my research I found a very compelling video that absolutely any politician that really cared, would have NOT killed the program.  It's on the blog to the right.  Watch it folks.

What about Michelle, my bell (as Rush puts it)?  She is just as arrogant and elitist.  They have a feast on Super Bowl Sunday while telling you and me to eat carrots and broccoli.

I'll be so glad when the two of them are sent home.  Wait?  There's no way Barack will go back to Kenya.  So where will home be?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Looking for some good writers...

Dear Friends,

I hope  this finds you well.

Today I am writing to ask for your help.

I am looking for a few good writers to help me with this blog.  It's my last semester of school and it's pretty intense.  I want to add some other stuff to the blog, but it takes time away from writing.

So will you help?  If you think you've got the goods,  contact me at

I won't be finished with school until May.  So it's a lengthy assignment.  But if I have enough help, it will all work out.

Conditions, with no exceptions:

 You are a conservative. 
You are not wishy washy.
You are true to your principles.
You believe in God, family, and country.

You hold Constitution and all it stands for, dear to your heart.

Let  me know.  I'm waiting.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Nolan Smith: Bringing Showtime To Duke | ThePostGame

You know it.  I'm an avid Duke fan. And they just made me smile Wednesday night.

This is a good read on the "Man of the Game",  Nolan Smith.

Nolan Smith: Bringing Showtime To Duke ThePostGame

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Ha ha ha!

I get up Sunday morning about 2:30 am and look out my window as I always do. Deer find my front yard from time to time. But what I found were several pink and blue colored flamingos in my yard.  See the pic.

I could swear they were moving. But it was a bit early for coffee and I didn't have my glasses on. I didn't think anything of it until I got up and found metal sticks in my yard but no birds! Being who I am and knowing the amount of people I upset, I was startled.

The  Birds

When hubby woke up, I told him that “strange happenings” were occurring. And I was concerned. But then my daughter proceeded to tell me she caught some kids planting them in our yard. Huh? And then I found it, the note that said “You’ve been Flocked.”

Then I googled flamingos and up came the Sanford Herald's article:

For some reason I missed reading the Herald that day. But what a cool idea! Yea, it’s a cool one now that I know I’m not being stalked! Ha.

And to the responsible party, well, you know what they say about payback! In case you don’t, just google it. I can hardly wait.

Seriously folks, you have to laugh at yourself sometimes and this was a good one.  And so is the new Rod Stewart video, TSA Sexy, on the right hand side.  Whew!

But that’s not what my column is about today. I need your help. I need your input on a serious matter that is dear to my heart. It’s dear to my heart because it involves the military. Let me state it right now that no one in my family is currently in the military. My father-in-law served in the Air Force.

For some time now, I have had a heavy heart about our men and women who put their lives on the line for us. It seems the liberals have it out for them. They think nothing of “misplacing” their absentee votes. They think nothing of conveniently forgetting to send out absentee ballots for them to fill out. And the entire system is set up to do nothing but “disenfranchise” them.

So I can’t stand it anymore. And I am determine to get the ball rolling on finding a better solution. These people DIE, yes DIE, for us. They die for you, whether you are black, white, young, old, liberal, or conservative. They will die fighting for their country and not even blink an eye. They are the reason I can sit here and write these words.

That being said, please help us. Dean and I have contacted Senator Burr’s office and will be traveling to DC soon to discuss what legislation we can get pushed through to stop the assault on their rights to have their votes counted. But we have to have a game plan.

We will schedule time with Renee Elmers as well, because legislation gets written in the House. So we want to do the right thing.

As I stated, we have a couple of ideas. There are options:

1)Put voting machines on the installations abroad.
2)Institute internet voting.

After all, I would trust our military to be honorable and faithful in executing it. Wouldn’t you?

But I want to hear from you. What ideas do you have? And would you be willing to write letters to Renee and Burr supporting our efforts?

I mean, are you willing to die for your country like our men and women in uniform are?
You can do your part by supporting our effort.

Let me know.  Write me at:

I can’t wait to hear from you.
