Friday, February 18, 2011

He's such a good liberal!

Headline reads:

"Activist Sharpton takes up Ohio school choice case"

AKRON, Ohio – A woman convicted of a felony for using her father's address to enroll her children in a neighboring school district should be "saluted, not arrested," civil rights activist the Rev. Al Sharpton said at a rally for her on Thursday.

Sharpton spoke to a cheering crowd of about 300 people who gathered to support Kelley Williams-Bolar at a church in Akron, a struggling industrial city about an hour's drive south of Cleveland. The rally was organized by Sharpton's New York City-based nonprofit National Action Network.

"I think this woman should be saluted, not arrested," Sharpton said to rousing cheers at the church, which was packed with people. "This is an issue that everybody ought to get mad about. White, black, whatever."
Finish reading at:

What a liberal!  Let's give the man a standing ovation.  And just like liberals, he isn't on the side of school choice any more than the Rev. Buffet Slayer William Barber is.  They are all talk.  In this article, it shows where a mom just flat out didn't want her kids going to an underachieving school.  And because of the unions and DOE crap, she didn't have a choice. 

So tell me why he didn't stand up for the kids when they had school choice in DC?  The dems and PBO killed the program.  (   What's good for our elitists in Washington isn't good for the families around town.  That's hypocritical.  Sharpton cares no more than Barack Obama. 

I wrote a research paper on this topic.  And during my research I found a very compelling video that absolutely any politician that really cared, would have NOT killed the program.  It's on the blog to the right.  Watch it folks.

What about Michelle, my bell (as Rush puts it)?  She is just as arrogant and elitist.  They have a feast on Super Bowl Sunday while telling you and me to eat carrots and broccoli.

I'll be so glad when the two of them are sent home.  Wait?  There's no way Barack will go back to Kenya.  So where will home be?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Looking for some good writers...

Dear Friends,

I hope  this finds you well.

Today I am writing to ask for your help.

I am looking for a few good writers to help me with this blog.  It's my last semester of school and it's pretty intense.  I want to add some other stuff to the blog, but it takes time away from writing.

So will you help?  If you think you've got the goods,  contact me at

I won't be finished with school until May.  So it's a lengthy assignment.  But if I have enough help, it will all work out.

Conditions, with no exceptions:

 You are a conservative. 
You are not wishy washy.
You are true to your principles.
You believe in God, family, and country.

You hold Constitution and all it stands for, dear to your heart.

Let  me know.  I'm waiting.
