Friday, October 7, 2011

Time to Revolt! Time for an "Occupy the EDC" sit-in!

Shame on us Conservatives. 
Shame on the Republicans.

Really shame on the Democrats - acting like a bunch of toddlers.  I am referring to the EDC, BOE, and leftist leaning members, like Doc Oldham on the BOC. 

We should have our own reality show called "Will the Real Men of Lee County stand up?"

Republicans have failed in so many ways by thinking we could be nice to the liberals.  Let's all just get along.  That's bull crap.  It's a lie we've been fed from day 1.   Democrats are not in the business of getting along.  They want to tax us to death.  They want to throw gays down our throat

Added after original posting:  Legislative manuevers are not the way to make us embrace a lifestyle that is against our moral beliefs.  What people do with themselves, is their business.  Just don't try to make it mine. 

  They want to disband marriages.  They want to tell us God is dead.  They want us totally dependent on Government.  And more.

You cannot believe them in anymore.  You've heard the phrase "You cannot deal with the devil."  You can't deal with the enemies.  Even though Johnny won the fiddle contest in "The Devil Went Down to Georgia", I think the devil won!

And just go watch a movie like "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" or "The Omen".
Hey, just read the Bible.  There's no dealing with the enemy no matter what you call them.

Contact me via email, because it's time to revolt. 
 It's time to take a stand.
Time to have our own demonstrations and sit-ins. 
Let's have an "Occupy the EDC" rally.  Why not?

Oh I'll add this disclaimer:

The opinions written or spoken by me personnally are not the opinions
of my other two bloggers unless they, themselves speak or write so.
So any attempt to connect us is utterly disputed.  Right now!


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs and Walter Williams: College Really Can Be Unneeded

            First, as you probably already know, Steve Jobs of Apple, passed away yesterday.  I would never be able to memorialize him adequately, but I will say that without him and people like him, the world would be…well, most of you know what the world would be like since you were alive before Apple and Microsoft came to be!   RIP Steve Jobs, your life’s work goes on and on.

           Second, here is my blog.

           Walter Williams column of a few weeks ago, “College Can Be Unneeded”, was about how college may not be the best choice for some high school graduates, and how too many unprepared students in colleges are contributing to our national lack of proficiency in math and reading.  I agree with him that many are going to college for the wrong reasons, and that many have career goals that don’t require an undergraduate or graduate degree.  As I was taking a break from the rough draft of this blog, I read on facebook that Steve Jobs passed.  At that moment, my blog changed direction.

            Remembering that Steve Jobs did not finish college, I wondered how many other successful people did not finish college, or didn’t even attend.  Here are a few:

Jack Taylor, founder of Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Ralph Lauren, founder of Polo Ralph Lauren
Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company
Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook
Mark Dell, founder of Dell, Inc.
Dean Kamen, inventor of the Segway
Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Records (and more)
Rachael Ray, TV chef and personality
Steven Spielberg, director and so much more
Rush Limbaugh, conservative talk radio commentator
Frank Lloyd Wright, architect

            I could go on, but I won’t.  Instead, I will direct you to a website where you can read about everyday people who have succeeded without a college degree.  They aren’t known worldwide and probably won’t appear in history books or have a page on Wikipedia, but their stories are encouraging and positive.  And they illustrate what still makes our country the place everyone wants to come to – a place where determination, hard work and opportunity can lead to a successful life.  Go read and be encouraged and inspired.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

You have to ask: Is Apple Finished?


URGENT: Apple's Steve Jobs Dies

CUPERTINO, Calif. – Steve Jobs, the Apple founder and former CEO who invented and masterfully marketed ever-sleeker gadgets that transformed everyday technology, from the personal computer to the iPod and iPhone, has died. He was 56.

Apple announced his death without giving a specific cause.

Read the rest of the story here:

Monday, October 3, 2011

BET's Robert Johnson To Obama: Stop Attacking The Wealthy

BET's Robert Johnson To Obama: Stop Attacking The Wealthy

Answering the Call....

Editor's comments: 

 This blog has always been open to the opposition.  I don't filter anonymous writers out because if you live in this town, it's pretty easy to figure out who is writing.  The authors here welcome comments, good or bad, for or against, liberal or conservative.  Knowing who you're up against and not being afraid of who you are and what you stand for is the basis of "Fresh Brewed Conservatism". It should be the basis of all human beings.  But somewhere along the way, society has thrown out deep rooted moral values and replace it with a "whatever"attitude.  This has been known to destroy civilization.  It will again if not stopped. 

Anyway, one of our frequent and favorite commentors, Mr.Randall Yow, asked a question recently to two of us here on our intentions to run for office.  While I will not commit to yes or no at this point, Mr. Kirk Smith has.  Below is Randall's comment/question and then Kirk's reply:

Randall Lee Yow said...

You know the rumor going around the mean streets of Carolina Trace is that the Republican Ticket for the BOC in 2012 is going to be Shelia Barber, Kirk Smith, and Cameron Sharpe. Would anybody like to confirm or deny anything right now???
-Randall Lee Yow
September 24, 2011 9:25 PM

Kirk's reply:

Dear Randall Yow,

Sorry you missed the Lee County Republican meeting a few weeks ago, when I formally announced my intentions to run for County Commissioner in 2012. So let me put your mind at ease, there is no rumor.

My philosophy is simple. Government should exist to protect Life, Liberty, and Property.

Government provides law enforcement, fire departments, health departments, and emergency medical personnel primarily to protect Life. We need to maintain these critical services to the citizens of Lee County. Criminals never rest, natural and man made disasters will come like “a thief in the night,” and all of us benefit from the good health and well being of all our citizens.

Liberty is the fundamental Freedoms outlined in the Bill of Rights. The five freedoms of the First Amendment come to mind and shamefully our own government as well our young citizens have neither a clue to what they are nor their importance to each and everyone. It is the responsibility of the citizen to be ever vigilant to the threats to each or our freedoms and government needs to temper its desire to diminish those very freedoms.

Property is of course the physical things you own, land, home, vehicles, and of course your labor. That income you earn for your labor, that is your property, you know your money? It is not government’s money to take on a whim and redistribute it to someone else they deem more equal than you. That is why I support less taxes, fiscal responsibility, and accountability. I know it is your hard earned money and the less of it government takes, in taxes, is the less it has for fraud, waste, and abuse!

If you think government should demean life, disparage liberty and show disdain for your property by frittering away your money. . . then please vote for the other person.

As always, I shall remain. . . In search of Our GOD Given Liberties!

Kirk D. Smith