Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Now he wants to be Governor! (http://www.thetimesnews.com/articles/last-52961-raleigh-day.html) I don't know how Boom Boom can survive in Raleigh. We require a budget and he didn't pass one for years while in Congress. Come to think of it when is the last time Bobby advocated for a budget when he was "serving the people"?


Anonymous said...

It's the Senate that hasn't passed a budget. Bob Etheridge never served in the Senate.

Sheila Barber said...

Excuse me! He served in the House. The House under Nancy Pelosi didn't pass a budget. They both have to be involved. They both have to agree!


Sheila Barber said...

As in House and Senate. I better make that clear before you assume I am talking about Bob and Nancy. Of course, they agree. They agree on everything that turns us downward instead of moving forward.

So Mr/Ms Anonymous: WHO ARE YOU?

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