Intuitive Commentary by Kirk Smith
Sunday night while driving back from Greensboro , I was listening to a sermon by Ravi Zacharias, regarding his months ministering in Vietnam during 1971. He spoke of his Christian Vietnamese interpreter that worked with him during that time. After the war his interpreter was interred in a communist run re-education camp.
It was in this re-education camp where the Communist intended to purge JESUS AND GOD from his life. They successfully effected his decision vowing never to pray to JESUS. That very same day he was assigned latrine duty. While cleaning the latrine, he found a scrap of paper in English covered in excrement. He was starving to read something in English so he scooped it up the piece of paper, cleaned off the excrement, and later after everyone was asleep he read it.
The piece of paper was biblical scripture from the Bible, the Book of Romans that the Communist Camp Commander was using as toilet paper. GOD was sending a message to this man and he broke down and cried swearing never to deny his LORD and SAVIOR! He volunteered to clean the latrine everyday rescuing the Bible page by page.
I beg the Commissioners, the County lawyer and those of you of little faith - - - - Don’t let the Godless, communist founded, ACLU, tear from our history books - - - our CHRISTIAN HERITAGE and wipe prayer from our meetings.
I PRAY TO GOD every day that the light of his SON JESUS CHRIST shines freedom and truth on those blinded with the ignorance of this COUNTRY’S CHRISTIAN HERITAGE.
As always, I shall remain, In Search of Our GOD Given Liberties!
What if you just stood up and read from the Bible. That way you could make the argument that you were just quoting an important document that has heavily influenced the formations and laws of the country. Then you could read out loud any series of a few verses that you wanted. Even ones about Jesus. It seems that would satisfy the need to spread the Christian word and would be well insides the bounds of ceremonial deism. Your thoughts sir?
-Randall Lee Yow
Bless your Heart, Randall,
I PRAY TO GOD every day that the light of his SON JESUS CHRIST shines freedom and truth on those blinded with the ignorance of this COUNTRY’S CHRISTIAN HERITAGE.
As always, I shall remain, In Search of Our GOD Given Liberties!
Last Year's Easter Prayer Breakfast:
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