Don't understand some of the commenting then endorsing. Oh well. It's politics. I'll put the endorsements here but you can read the entire editorial on their website or pick up a copy of the paper. It is not appropriate to put a full copy of the editorial here. (Apologies to the Herald. Thanks to the Herald editor for noting an AD and an editorial must be distinguished.)
One more note: Do your homework. And when all is said and done and the election is over, DO NOT rest and let the BOE manage its affairs they way it has been. Support who the voters put in. But never, ever let your guard down and say "oh well". Hold these people accountable. One thing I can say is the reason this race is so "electic" (for lack of better word) is because we are demanding accountability - starting from the top (Superintendent) down. Regardless of what The Herald is a referendum on the current state of LCSS and how the voters, teachers, and our kids deserve so much more!
Now go spend the dough if you want more info than this:
"Our endorsement: Contrary to what some candidates say, this election shouldn't be seen strictly as a referendum on the current board and administration. The board functions as a team, and this one needs some lineup changes. Wendy Carlyle, David Nestor, Tamara Brogan and Dan Wood, in our view, would make the board more balanced, better-prepared and open to more constructive dialogue and positive change."
Read more: Sanford Herald - EDITORIAL Herald s picks for the school board
Is is just me or are the Cons more than a little insulting to pretty much everybody?
-Randall Lee Yow
I agree Randall. Wow, that's unusual. Lol
I would like to know why they said David Hecter was "specifically chosen". Who do they think chose him? David chose to run on his own & wasn't "chosen" by anyone! Interesting that they made that statement & did not explain how they come to that conclusion.
Agree with both.
Answer this: Isn't it true, by the very nature of it, that every candidate is "recruited" to be votes against the opposition?
Think about that!
That is exactly what i said to David. That is how an election works!
Still don't get the whole "Specifically recruited" part though.
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