On another blogger's website he claims some pretty juicy stuff on Cameron Sharpe and Wendy Carlyle, Lee County BOE candidates who are Republicans. But he left out the other two that go hand in hand!
Let's just give the dear man the benefit of the doubt that his vision needs correcting. Because how in the world can you miss these two signs that literally do sit side by side on many corners and some yards in our town? Ok, maybe his camera broke. Ran out of film? The dog ate it?
This picture (at the intersection of Pendergrass and Steele Bridge) is worth a thousand words considering both of these individuals are running as Republicans and support or have supported the opposition! Will they do the same if they get elected? Doc is an incumbent who can't run away from his voting record. Ms. Brogran is a candidate for Lee BOE. How will she vote with Jeff Moss and company if elected? Just stating the facts.