So they tell us we're on the rebound:
US Adds 120,000 Jobs; Unemployment Falls to 8.2%
Tell these people we are rebounding...
88 Million Not in Labor Force
Now here's the fine line in the first report:
".... The drop in the unemployment rate, to the lowest level since January 2009, reflected a drop in the labor force. The separate household survey, from which the jobless rate is derieved also showed a drop in employment...."
Many of the jobs created have been added in manufacturing which in the long run looks good for the economy. I guess saving the Auto industry was a good thing after all.
-Randall Lee Yow
No Randall bailouts are not good. they never address the issues -union payouts and demands, mismanagement , etc.
if the bailout was so good, why did GM just move some of their operations overseas? you see Randall, the government owning any business means you and I have to pay for it. In the long run, just like everything else they try to do, ultimate failure will occur.
And you and me will still beating for it. The best solution is to let them fail, have to restructure, and deal with their wayward ways. 88 million unemployed is NOT an example of the economy rebounding. No matter which side you are on.
I meant we will still be Paying for it. I hate autocorrect on this iPad!!!
What jobs were created? prove it. Union thugs maybe.
Did anyone notice this week another green job creator went under, with our STIMULUS MONEY!
Yep! guess those funds wasted were good for the economy, huh???
The railroads went out of business all the time in the 19th century. The government bailed them out, subsidized them, and promoted them. Why? Because they were the future and we needed them to progress, just like green energy jobs.
Mr. Yow, from experience give it up, you aren't gonna win the battle with this tough cookie, Sheila Barber. :)
We all love her dearly.
I am all for going down to Carthage an reestablishing the "buggy business!" Now there are some green jobs, especially the green "road apples" left behind!
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