Friday, July 20, 2012

Guns Don't Kill...People Do!

After the Colorado tragedy, and like after every instance of something like this, the talking heads start their rant about guns.  Nanny "Bloom doom" speaks up again.  Mayor ...Guns don't kill...People do.  Why are you asking what the Prez or Romney will do about guns?  Maybe you should ask the justice department that instead?  

Why not ban hands? Knives? And ropes?  An Ohio woman was killed down at the coast - believe she was strangled per article.  The "thing" isn't the problem.  It's the person.  

Had any one in that movie theater had a gun that killer could be in a morgue instead of a jail cell.  And he should be.  Before long we will hear every excuse under the sun about this guy...his mom will be blamed,  Rush already has, Tea Party, the heat (Chicago murder rate blamed on heat), gas too high, corn costs too much, etc.  Why do we have to get crazy when these things happen?  Guns don't pull their own trigger.  Some lunatic behind them does.   This is something we all ought to agree with.

Michael Bloomberg: After Colorado shooting, soothing words not enough

Michael Bloomberg is pictured. | AP Photo
'This is obviously a problem across the country,' Bloomberg said. | AP Photo
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, one of the nation’s highest-profile supporters of gun control, said Friday that “soothing words are nice ” but demanded that the presidential candidates “stand up and tell us what they’re going to do about” preventing mass shootings.

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