Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Who's Scared of What Now?

Nanny Bloomberg has once again show how his democratic mind is FAR ahead of his mouth, oh and not just once, but twice, same issue different statements same day. 

Slip one, I don't know why cops don't go on strike until harsher gun control is passed. I may not be the smartest man in the room, but I can tell you why that's a horrible idea. I'm not going to even insult my readers by saying why that is a bad idea, you guys know what would happen if the police were to go on strike. 

Slip two, same day mind you, Well I didn't mean they should literally go on strike. (Than why did you suggest it idiot?) In fact in New York it is against the law for them to go on strike. (So now you are encouraging your police force to become criminals, we are on a roll here.)

So if I were in Nanny B's shoes I'd think about just stopping at this point. Apologize for my
earlier idiotic remark, ask the police force to please carry on with their duties and ignore the call for a strike and be done. But come on, it's Nanny B. we are talking about here, you know that he won't shut up until his foot is shoved so far into his mouth that he will taste the soles for weeks. 

What he goes on to explain his call for a "strike that is a strike that isn't really a strike but is still a strike none the less" is actually a call for policemen to speak to their representatives, and admit how fearful they are for their lives and cry out to the big brother for harsher gun laws so they can come home at night. (Again I think he missed the point that men and women do not join the police force in order to cower behind a politician. They are the working end of our legal system, they uphold laws, they don't hide behind them.) 

Of course as always, if you listen enough the truth eventually comes out. ("What are you doing to protect me? And, if you don’t, I’m going to work for your opponent, because that’s what this is all about.") Nanny B has pulled a lesson from rules for radicals. Let no crisis go to waste. This isn't about gun control, it uses the ploy of it. This isn't about protecting the nation, no matter how he paints it to seem that way. This isn't even about the police force. This is about fear. He wants you to be so scared for your safety that you demand the government to step in. And if that can't happen he wants you to support the other side, so that the politicians can just take control anyways. 


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