Thursday, July 26, 2012

Winner and Losers, Chicago Decides

After a few choice words spoken by a CEO of a popular fast-food chain, Chicago has put it's foot down on who is allowed to do business in their city. 

Joe Moreno is blocking an local business man from opening a restaurant by denying the zoning for a new Chick-fil-a. This is due to the CEO's beliefs in a traditional marriage. Moreno used an argument initially posed by Mayor Rahm Emanuel to justify the denial. 

              “Chick-fil-a’s values are not Chicago values. They’re not respectful
               of our residents, our neighbors and our family members. And if 
               you’re gonna be part of the Chicago community, you should reflect
               Chicago values,”

I would have to agree with the first part of this statement, but trust me when I say it's not due to an error of morality from Dan Cathy, CEO of Chick-fil-a. Chicago's leaders do not hold the same values as the franchise. Not family values, not economical values, or even moral values are even closely in line.

But the true story in all of this for me is not who said what, who supports what or even if members should boycott a business because they don't agree with a CEO's principles, the real story here is how blatant Mayor Emanuel and Alderman Moreno are about picking winners and losers in the Chicago area's economy.

Call me crazy, but isn't a business, especially a franchise already worried about making a profit. Do you think they would just throw a dart and say HEY lets open up on this block and see how it goes? And even if the business is a terrible idea and would fall flat on it's face an entire bust with no customers ever walking through the door, isn't that the business owner's concern, not the politicians? 

I don't see why a city would support politicians who wish to play favorites among business owners. Wake up guys, look at what is happening. If you support Chick-fil-a or not, if you agree with them or not, that should be YOUR decision. But to have government picking and choosing who can open a business and who can't because of a personal belief is just wrong. It's discrimination, and its despicable.

1 comment:

Sheila said...

He is right about the fact that Chick Fil-A values are not Chicago values.

If they were, the crime rate wouldn't be so freaking high. (Not talking about the gays here...)

Wish the taxpayers had the same choice as the stupid politicians when it comes to certain businesses like GM..Planned Parenthood, etc. But we don't. I have to live everyday knowing my tax dollars support something against my in bailouts and abortions.

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