Thursday, August 9, 2012

Ad Linking Romney to Woman's Cancer Death is Full of Distortions

     Have you seen the ad by an Obama SuperPac that links Gov. Romney to a woman's cancer death?  In this ad, the woman's husband insinuates it was Mr. Romney's fault his wife died.

    The man worked for a steel mill that was owned by Bain Capital.  According to the ad, when the man was laid off, he lost his health insurance, which led to his wife not getting needed treatment for cancer.

      The fact checkers have been having a great time with this ad.  Even CNN jumped on it and found that the timeline of events in the ad is misleading.  Check out the CNN video below for yourself.

Obama Super PAC ad "Not Accurate"


Sheila said...


The tables are turning. They "claim" Romney had a hand in her death. He makes it sound like this:

He was working. Laid off. No one in family had insurance anymore. Wife died 22 days later.

Romney left Bain when? Wife died 5 years AFTER the company was closed! Hmmm she had health insurance when her hubby was laid off. Oh the company kept the hubby on for 3 years after Bain came in. Who is really telling the truth?

Amazing isn't that this bunch of idiots can't figure it out that we're on to their game. Unlike 2008, we're not sleeping anymore!!

Anonymous said...

"To that point, if people had been in Massachusetts, under Governor Romney’s health care plan, they would have had health care,” Andrea Saul, Romney’s campaign press secretary, said during an appearance on Fox News.

there you go, in case you didn't see what mr romney's position is regarding the subject.

here's what mr romney says:

Recently, Romney hinted that his work in Massachusetts, a taboo topic in the primaries, shows he understands the plight of those with pre-existing conditions. In Iowa Wednesday, he suggested in a speech that his Massachusetts record would help him implement nationwide reforms:

"We’ve got to do reforms in health care and I have some experience doing that as you know. And I know how to make a better setting than the one we have in health care. I want to make sure that those with pre-existing conditions are able to get insurance and that people don’t have to worry about getting dropped from their insurance coverage and that health care is available to all people."

his words, in case you haven't seen them.

Nancy Gale said...

"I want to make sure that those with pre-existing conditions are able to get insurance and that people don’t have to worry about getting dropped from their insurance coverage and that health care is available to all people."

There are ways to do this without overhauling our entire health care system. For instance, let everyone buy their own health insurance by disconnecting it from employment and allowing people to purchase from any company in the country.

Along with that, have each STATE set up a health care fund to help support its own citizens that are unable to purchase health care because of lack of $. These STATE-run plans would cater to the needs of each STATE's own citizens, providing fiscal support so that the INDIVIDUAL citizen could continue to use the health care providers of HIS CHOICE and continue with the insurance provider of HIS CHOICE.

Give the power back to the INDIVIDUAL.

Dale Marks said...

Under His Majesties plan she would have been fined!

Nancy Gale said...

Yes, she would have been, Dale. Good point!

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