Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Fact Checking Obama Slamming Ryan's Plan

Wow.  Where are those speech writers for President Obama?  
What century are they living in?

Seems the Prez has been running around the country, on your dime, running against an outdated plan.  You would think the smartest President ever in the US would have his facts right.

Who do you prefer running this country?
Ryan's "Path to Prosperity" Plan can be found here

From Foxnews.com:   

Fact Check: Obama running against outdated version of Ryan Medicare plan

The Obama campaign would like voters to believe that Paul Ryan's Medicare plan would "end Medicare as we know it" -- privatizing the whole system and costing seniors more than $6,000 extra a year.
But the campaign, even before Ryan was selected as Mitt Romney's running mate, has effectively been running against the wrong Ryan plan.

The president's accusations largely refer to Ryan's 2011 plan, ignoring the fact that the House Budget Committee chairman rolled out a different version in 2012 -- taking into account Democratic critiques. Though the 2012 plan is more moderate, Obama and his surrogates have all but ignored the newer version as they amp up their accusations against the Romney-Ryan ticket.

Most glaringly, the campaign has omitted a key point.

While Ryan's 2011 plan proposes to give seniors a government payment to buy private insurance, his 2012 plan offers seniors a choice.

1 comment:

tarheelkarla said...

Very disturbing (but true) video.

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