Wednesday, August 15, 2012

New Black Panther Party Threat!


'We Need to Kill White Babies by Bombing Nurseries'

Is this what we've come to? White baby annihilation?  Isn't this the racism that the tea party gets charged with all the time?  Yet I dare anyone to give a true example of a tea party racist.  Is MSNBC covering this story ACCURATELY or at all?   News and Disturber?  Bet we won't hear a word on the Sanford Herald either.  Please don't hold your breath!

This is the color of racism.  Not the tea party!  No one in the tea party has ever threatened a life.  We've threatened to turn our country back on the right path.

But is this the type of bullying we're in store for at the polls in November?  I am afraid it may be.  Folks, this is not what America is about.  But apparently it's ok with the  Attorney General Eric Holder!  He refused to do anything about their bullying before.  And I doubt he will do anything about this.  Go get your concealed carry permit.  Your families may depend on it.  But I say "Enough".  Enough to these bullies!  

I demand our President who proceeds to preach to me about civility denounce this behavior.
But can he take that step?  Can he turn his back on his supporters?  I doubt it.

 Warning:  This is graphic!!

 From TheBlaze article,

"New Black Panther’s Graphic Charge: We Need to Kill White Babies by Bombing Nurseries'"

“Under siege.” That’s how New Black Panther Party Chief of Staff Michelle Williams describes the black community in Tampa, FL, site of the GOP convention. And you can bet she blames Republicans, whites, and “tea baggers.”

So during an Aug. 12 rant on Black Panther radio, she let loose not only on “crackers” but also on black conservatives. During a particularly colorful diatribe explaining why she hates whites and why all blacks should, too, she vowed that as long as whites keep characterizing blacks as “ni**ers,“ her ”feet [will be] on your motherfu**ing necks.”

Breitbart has the audio (CONTENT WARNING FOR LANGUAGE AND RACIAL EPITHETS).   It's so disgusting and offensive I decided to take it down. This is the direct link: 



Just remember the "community organizer" use to do this organizing. . . . he is glad this division is coming out! Keeps the "dumb-masses" focused on something else like these "hate mongers" whilst he continues to march us toward the utopian state of dissent.

Jay Calendine said...

If I may address the KKK comment first. Do you think the NBPP has an organization even close to what the KKK accomplished in its decades of terrorism? Sometimes accomplished with the acquiescence of local governments, the KKK traces its ideological roots to racism and religion, and is the earliest example of post-Civil War Christian terrorism in the United States. How you equate the KKK with the NBPP seems a bit kind to the KKK. To paraphrase Christopher Hitchens, evil people to evil things and good people do good things, but if you want to get a good person to do evil things, well, for that you need religion. The KKK is only one example of that maxim.

Second, by equating this fringe garbage the way you just did in the last paragraph of your most recent comment with "our President and his partners" you commit a pretty common logical fallacy: guilt by association! It's sloppy argumentation at best; hateful speech at worst. It makes you appear either incompetent or unkind. Given your follow-up comment, I think it's somewhere in the middle. You give a kind of nod to the foolishness of what you're doing ("Because I don't believe it [represents the views of liberals or blacks] either"), but then you draw a parallel between them and the Tea Party. Do you really think that's a fair parallel, Sheila, or do you really believe what you wrote two paragraphs above that? You seem to be of two conflicting minds.

In fact, the New Black Panther Party is not a group in any way similar to the Tea Party Movement. As I said before, a point to which you assented, the NBPP is to liberals what the Westboro Baptist Church and Michael Bray are to conservatives. You wouldn't think it fair for me to hang them around conservatives' necks as representative of their views, but your argumentation halts between seeing the NBPP as a fringe group and as a partner of the president? Which is it? If it's a fringe group, then the proper question might be why you thought it at all relevant to your perpetual discussion here about politics to talk about them, especially when one moght think you had plenty of other material (however, given Romney's choice of a running mate, I admit that may not be the case). But, if you think they're somehow in league with the White House, then you might be pressed to, I don't know, present some evidence (I know that's not popular among conservative scientists, anyway - I read the Intelligent Design argument in Kitmiller v Dover - and don't know if the affliction applies to the group as a whole) supporting such a wild accusation.

The NBPP is dangerous. But, so is global warming. Sectarian (religious) violence is pretty dangerous, and kills more people every single day than the NBPP will ever dream about killing. There are all kinds of dangerous things that you could talk about. So, again, I charge that you just picked an easy target and blew it to smithereens, and while no one would really disagree that the NBPP is, you know, really bad... You failed to make a case why its story is worth dignifying with an airing.

Sheila Barber said...

The President failed to condemn their bullying before. They are dangerous. Extremely dangerous.

Dale Marks said...

I think it is a serious story because it shows the effects of a Holder justice dept blind eye to groups like this.

You guys went crazy over conservatives painting bullseyes on certain election districts.

But you don't consider letting thugs with clubs impede voters at polls. Nor a justice dept on record as not going after certain left wing groups or races.

Now you see the consequences. If Bush had allowed those kkk you referenced run rampant at polls you would be hollering to high heaven Jay.

Oh pardon me for using the noun heaven didn't mean to offend you.

Jay Calendine said...

Sheila, the President isn't beholden to address every single threat by name, publicly. Some groups just aren't worth the dignity of Presidential address. Just because you think he should have addressed them to your satisfaction just means you think that, and since it's your blog, I guess you get to publish that, but it's a pretty specious charge. But, you've answered my question about your intentions. You dignified this group with an airing because you really think it a real threat to the man on the street(!), somehow, and you believe, at least somewhat, that the President is to blame. Not surprising, but fairly pedestrian, wouldn't you say? And, I guess you just take the hit on the KKK and your false comparisons. Honestly, I thought I was pressing against doors that were a little better defended.

Dale, you're right! Talking ugly in front of a camera is a serious crime! And, if you want to talk about voter intimidation, well, the Holder Justice Department brought them before a court of law, who failed to find evidence that a single voter was too scared to vote. I mean, I agree that these guys are dangerous, but what do you want, black helicopters and secret CIA prisons? They're a fringe group with a few thousand members (probably less) who make their money off of scaring people in front of video cameras. When they eventually commit a serious crime, the individuals responsible will be held accountable. But, being in a gang isn't a crime, and when a single Crip murders a child in a drive-by in south central LA, it's not like the police can go arrest all of the Crips, and let's face it - it's not like you care.

"If Bush had allowed those kkk (sic) you referenced run rampant (sic) at polls you would be hollering to high heaven Jay." Well, no I wouldn't, because as an atheist I have no occasion to call upon heaven. Also, the KKK murdered African-Americans, burned churches, and comitted atrocities the name of jesus christ and white power, but they weren't really known for keeping white people like me from voting. And, the passage of federal civil rights legislation (by Democrats) in the 1960's was the beginning of the end of that group; Bush had nothing to do with it. So, your comment to me was misaligned, kind of stupid, and, well, I'll be kind - badly researched.

No, painting bullseyes on certain election districts is fair game, in my view. Have at it. And, if I see a thug with a club impeding voters at the polls, I will call the police, because that doesn't happen in my America, no sir. Of course, *anyone* would do the same, and your remark is redundant and, once again, misfired. Be angry, sure, okay, but being angry at the Justice Department over this is useless.

And, Dale, you cannot possibly offend me. Religious people murdered my friends and did their best to kill me, not in spite of their religion but because of it. But, even those acts pale in comparison to the mental and physical abuse and death forced upon people every day by those who claim to serve that celestial North Korea: the Dear Father and his son, the Dear Leader. All for a myth that we all should have outgrown thousands of years ago. Oh, I'm way past offended, but I do hope that doesn't mean we cannot be gentlemen.

Anonymous said...

jay, i for one appreciate your comments however you've got to understand most here are well beyond drunk on the kool aid the republicans have been serving.
trying to point out the obvious will lead to frustration on your part however i enjoy the sparring though the fight seems unfair as there are only 8 of them and 2 of us, from reading the comments here they need a few more on their team. "A"

Dale Marks said...

You know Jay , just because some people abuse religion,and use it to further evil doesn't mean that everyone is like that.

Because the messenger is wrong doesn't nullify the right message.

Sorry for all you said happened. First I had heard of that. Asked Bob Schwartz about you. I miss those home studies we used to do with Chris.

Yep I am a drunkard. I just hope all this last four years is the DT's and I have been imagining this.

You guys have to come harder than what you have. If this is all you got.

Guilty as charged conservative down to the bone. Loud mouth and very offensive on that count.

Jay Calendine said...

Dale, I'm not talking about people who abuse religion. I am saying that religion is directly responsible for what should be a shocking amount of violence and abuse in the world and in America today. But, because religion gets a pass in our society, governments look the other way when, for example, on public school property children are told that unless they accept jesus as their savior (something that jews, for example, will never do) they will burn in hell forever. They look the other way when fundamentalist schools teach our children that the framers of the Constitution were theocrats, that the South fought the Civil War to defend its Christian heritage, and that the Bible defends slavery (admittedly, that one is true, but it is taught in order to be exculpatory). They look the other way when regulatory exemptions to religious daycares endanger children, resulting in injury and even death. And, this is just a crappy internet post. A friend of mine just published a book about this ("Attack of the Theocrats" by Sean Faircloth), and we're not even talking about the Party of God or the religious violence among different sects of Islam, or the fact that a Dutch cartoonist had to go into hiding for drawing a catoon, and not a single US newspaper would reprint the image, either in solidarity or to call attention to the story. Why? In all of these cases it is because people are following the mandates of their religions. They are not abusing their religions, or somehow screwing them up. No, they are just doing the will of their gods as expressed in the the holy texts. Only religions can do this to people. No rational person would say to himself, "Oh, look, there's a mosque. I think I'll strap on some explosives and blow myself up there, in order to kill a lot of people." But, he'll do it for Allah (who likes a different kind of mosques, you see, not the Shia kind, but the Sunni kind) and 72 virgins. No one would say, "hey, you know, there's a doctor's office. I think I'll go blow it up and murder the doctors." But, if it's an abortion clinic, and the doctor is performing abortions AND the person in question believes it's God's will for all of that to end, well, then we can see how someone like Michael Bray can exist and inspire thousands (hopefuly less, hopefully much less).

There is no right messsage. I mean, there is, but no religion has it. A study was just completed in the UK that found that only 1 in 10 Christians there report that they get their morals from the Bible. We knew it all along. Of course they don't. Christians here don't, either (now, someone needs to pony up for the study). So, let's just accept that and stop pretending. Stop passing laws based on a desert religion that no one really follows, anyway.

"You guys have to come harder than what you have. If this is all you got. [sic]" Well, Dale, I'm not trying to convince anyone to be an atheist or a liberal. I am trying to get you to think about your own positions a little more logically. Reading back over this thread, I think that we've made the case that this NBPP story from Sheila was just useless fodder, and that her purposes for posting it were just part of the "throw everything to the wall and see what sticks" mentality of conservatives as related to the President. Anyone but Obama, at any cost. That's how you ended up with Romney, the man with the magic underwear who believes the Garden of Eden was in Missouri. You got me off track with the religion thing, but I'm sorry we didn't bring enough thunder for you. I compared 2/3 of your holy trinity to North Korea (credit to Christopher Hitchens, btw). In other posts I've repudiated your god and called his message false. If that's not hard enough to merit a response from you, then I suppose that the field of Christian apology is not what it once was, even among the laity.

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