Saturday, August 25, 2012

Rahm Emanuel's mini-Obamacare for the City of Chicago

      Chicago's 'Wellness' program is just a little taste of what we can expect from an implemented Obamacare.  I applaud the 54 people who have refused to be a part of the program.  Part of me wants to take up a collection to help them pay the additional $50 a month they will have to pay now for their health care plan.

Chicago Pushing ‘Wellness’ Program on  Its Employees

August 24, 2012 

( - Sign up or pay up. The City of Chicago is urging its employees and their eligible spouses to join the city's "innovative wellness program," or else pay an additional $50 a month for their health care plan.
"Our program will change lives, make our workforce healthier, and save taxpayers money," Mayor Rahm Emanuel said on Thursday. "It will only work if people join, and I'm so pleased to report that we've had well over 22,000 employees or spouses join the program."

Emanuel noted that another 25,000 have not yet let the city know if they plan to join; and so far, 54 employees or spouses have refused.
Chicago Lives Healthy provides free annual health screenings, physical and mental health checkups, call-ins, and “wellness activities” for employees. The city calls it the largest municipal wellness program in the world.
The first step, the sign-up period, runs through Aug. 31. Starting on Sept. 10, employees will begin their free biometric screenings (including blood work), which can be scheduled during work hours at Walgreens outlets or at a doctor’s office.


Sheila said...

Can you say "behavior modification"?

Monthly calls? Required activities?

Real life version of The Island"!!!

Big brother said...

Very good Comrad now report to mintru for proper blogging procedures.

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