Friday, August 17, 2012

Unemployment Higher...Not Better

This is not hope and change for the better.  When you read the article you'll see that the state (government) lost 14,000 workers in June.  Many of them were temporary jobs.  But hey, who were they paid by?  Us.  If we have less money, the state has less money. 

NC jobless rate worsens to 9.6 percent in July

The unemployment picture in North Carolina worsened in July with the jobless rate increasing to 9.6 percent after being stuck at 9.4 percent for the previous three months.
The July rate is the highest since 9.7 percent in March. It is down from 10.7 percent a year ago.

 Lee County:  Click the pic to find your county's unemployment rate:




Why hasn't "A" and JAY not commented? This is the BHO record that cannot hide from! So they deflect and chase Romney's private tax returns and ignore BHO's sealed records. What gives?

Bottom line, what Romney does with his money is his business. What BHO and his crony capitalists do with our money is our business!

So sad to learn that our youth are lured into the "covetness" of the marxist in chief.

Yahweh knew that coveting is the most hateful emotion that would destroy mankind. Marx, Engels, Lenin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Ho Chi Minh, Pol Pot, and Barack Hussein Obama (whose own book touts his desire to seek out the Marxist professors) all agree that their evil can prey upon the ignorants "covetness!"

So what else is BHO hiding? Enquiring minds want to know!

Sheila said...

The disastrous policies of the Obama and Persue administrations cannot be defended. Thats why no commenting.

Jay Calendine said...

Well, it could be that, Sheila, or it could be that we've independently decided that "unanimous" rarely says anything of substance, anything much deserving of comment. I don't know what "covetness" is, mainly because it isn't a word. "Enquiring" isn't, either, unless we have suddenly begun speaking Middle English. This genius is ignorant to the fact that seeking out a Marxist professor is no evil thing; no less a man of morals than Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. employed the company of Marxist advisors; but, I would not expect a person with such base skills of argumentation as "unanimous" to know that.

Sheila, one need not defend that which has not been competently attacked.

As to your original post, well, I am reminded of my days as a Rush Limbaugh listener, during the Bush years. I remember when Rush used to say that those liberals rejoice in the news that the country is doing poorly, because they want to be in power, and how awful it is that those liberals actually want the news to be bad. And, now that the shoe is on the other foot, it is conservatives like you that keep beating the "look how bad things are" drum. If there were any good news about the economy, any at all, your side would be the most innoculated from recognizing it. One might go so far as to say you want the unemployment number to keep going up. Anything to get Obama out, right? So many of the things for which you once excoriated your enemies are now so true in your media and your patterns of thought and speech. So, maybe the rank hypocrisy of conservatism is worth a mention or two, but that is all.


Heh Jay!

BHO's father (questionable) either Barak Sr. or Frank Marshall Davis were marxists. BHO's mother, risque model for Frank Marshall Davis was also a marxist sympathizer. BHO's maternal grand parents were both avowed marxists, Frank Marshall Davis, "black" gay mentor selected by the Dunham's (BHO's marxist grand parents)was also a card carrying member of the Communist party and on the FBI's watchlist!

So if BHO was seeking out the various marxists professors, etc. it stands to reason that "birds of a feather, flock together." So let's see BHO's various school records to see how he did in those marxist classes! Why are they sealed? Who is hiding something?

"Enquiring minds want to know."

So how many jobs did BHO destroy when he banned off shore drilling (he sent them with our money to suppliment George Soro's Brazilian deeper sea oiling drilling operations)? how many coal mining jobs did BHO destroy with his assault on "carbon?" How many "republican owned GM and Chrysler dealerships were closed because of the GM/Chrysler bailout? How many jobs lost with the higher fuel prices and increased inflation (hidden because food and fuel is no longer calculated in the current inflation numbers), and how bad is unemployment (one must read the U6 report not highly publicized in the "lame stream media" (otherwise BHO supporters). Yeah Jay, "Enquiring minds want to know."

Jay Calendine said...

The word you're trying to use is "inquiring." Your problem seems in this case not to be typing or spelling but vocabulary.

If you really think that checking out President Obama's educational records to see how he did in "those marxist classes" would be proof of anything, then you are a blithering fool. Maybe you really think that the path to erudition or scholarship is to pick the one true philosophy and stick with it, never exploring others, never learning expanding your view. Intelligent people in all societies are people of great intellectual depth, people upon whose bookshevles rest volumes filled with competing philosophies and views. That seems to be suspicious behavior, in your view. Your views about these people you mention say far more about you than they say about these people.

The ban of off-shore drilling was a reaction to the Macondo Prospect incident. You may argue that it was an excessive reaction, but the triggering event was the largest offshore oil spill in American history and the second-largest oil spill of any kind in American history. Your little conspiracy theory about Goerge Soros is cute, but nothing more than a cute little conspiracy theory.

Coal mining and burning is the number one human contribution to CO2 in the atmosphere. Now, you conservatives don't believe in science, so you don't know this (and your sense of inquiry fails you here, too), but the earth's climate is warming rapidly, and human activity is a significant factor. Warming of the planet ruins habitats, limits natural resources and causes glacial and polar ice to melt, which in turn causes sea-level rise. Scientists believe we are entering another mass extinction event. So, reasonable people believe we should stop the human contribution to this nasty chain of events, even at the cost of coal mining and other coal technology jobs.

If GM and Chrysler had failed, there is absolutley no evidence to think that your imaginary "republican" alternative companies would have been in a position to fill the gap. There is ample evidence to believe that foreign manufacturers would have immediately filled the gap. Saving Chrysler/GM saved American jobs and American manufacturing from dissolution and foreign takeover.

Fuel prices haves swung from highs and lows for decades, and oh, how you guys used to like to tell us that the Bush-era gas price hikes were'nt Bush's fault. In 2008, the mantra was "drill, baby drill" as public support for increased oil drilling was buttressed by higher prices at the pump, and your guy was in the White House. Now, gas prices are high, and you think you can blame President Obama, even though in 2008 you told us that we couldn't blame Bush. Hypocrites. Which is it? Personally, I wish gasoline cost us $10 a gallon; maybe then we as a nation will be motivated to move our energy technologies into the 21st century, and end our addiction to fossil fuels. In any case, you conservatives who want to blame the President for prices at the pump are just throwing things to the wall, hoping they'll stick.

Your minds are not "inquiring." Conservatives gave up on the spirit of inquiry a long time ago. You have all the facts, already; now, if only this uninformed electorate will just put you in power, so you can show everyone how elevated your philosophy is. Of course, so many of us are terrified that you're all like the Tea Party Republican majority that took office in the North Carolina General Assembly with a promise to keep the issues focused on job creation and the economomy only to churn out one social issue initiative after another, culminating in a constituional amendment about gay marriage (we're gonna make that sucker REALLY illegal!). You guys are hilarious, except when you're in power.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Jay, We missed you in church today. We are praying for you.

Jay Calendine said...

Dearest.... I think I know who you are!!! And, if you are that person, then I say thank you, sai, for the well-wishes.


Jay who calls anyone who disagrees with him as wearing a "tinfoil hat" wrote:

"Coal mining and burning is the number one human contribution to CO2 in the atmosphere."

So in Jay's mind, destroying American jobs and increasing our energy costs will stop China as well India from continuing to expand their "coal fired" electrical production! Should we invade India and China to stop the destruction of the world as Jay knows it? Yep make sense too me, liberals truly have a mental defect.

"Your little conspiracy theory about Goerge Soros is cute, but nothing more than a cute little conspiracy theory."

No Conspiracy here Jay, ole mr. rich George Soros has controlling interest in the Brazilian Oil company that is now using U.S. Tax dollars to drill in deeper water than the BP rig. One can assess the potential payback effect of all of BHO's green jobs nothing more than payola to the party loyalists.

"Fuel prices haves swung from highs and lows for decades,"

REALLY!?~! Please describe when in recent history we have seen a gallon of gasoline that averaged $1.84 on January 20, 2009 (when BHO ascended to the throne - in his mind) rose to today's average price of $3.72 a gallon? WOW, that is such a big number and I'm too stupid to know that! Must be why the headline news does'nt repeat it every hour on the hour like they did under "W". . . so much for a fair and balanced media.

"the mantra was "drill, baby drill" as public support for increased oil drilling was buttressed by higher prices at the pump, and your guy was in the White House. Now, gas prices are high, and you think you can blame President Obama,"

Funny Jay, you forgot to mention that the 2007-2008 Democrat (controlled by tree huggers) Congress blocked every attempt to open drilling in this country . . . insisting we remain dependent of hostile foreign sources. BHO took over January 20, 2009 . . . he is the ONE now in the hot seat. . . too bad his record is the most rounds of golf, the most fund raisers than the previous five presidents combined, and the most flights on AIR FORCE ONE (how's that working toward reducing the so-called "carbon footprint." Surely we need to ratchet up the abortions and euthanasia so as to reduce all those carbon footprints.

"Personally, I wish gasoline cost us $10 a gallon; maybe then we as a nation will be motivated to move our energy technologies into the 21st century, and end our addiction to fossil fuels."

Jay, what impact will $10 a gallon have on "working families?" What impact on food prices, travel, business and other economic activity tied to higher fuel prices? Is this part of the Cloward-Piven strategy to totally destroy and overload the U.S. economy? Cute play on words, especially "addiction". . . When will government end it's "addiction" to our money? When will bureaucrats end their "addicion" to power?

Jay, the TEA party is the sleeping giant of everyday, hard working, tax-paying Americans that finally woke up. To disparage them is the ultimate put down. Apparently you didn't get the message in November 2010, nor the recent attack on Chik-Fil-A and their CEO's biblically based beliefs. The TEA party (although the media attempts to taint them) has never created a violent situation. . . yet the Occupy Wall Streeters are purely union thugs, anarchists, malcontents, leftist radicals whose gatherings have included violent property destruction, drug abuse, murder, rapes, extortion, vile activity and threats to decent people.

But then again, I'm stupid and stuck in my basement with a tin foil hat while Jay is in the attic with our crazy uncle!

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