Monday, September 10, 2012

Calling all Ron Paul Supporters...

Hey you...yes those of you who still have Ron Paul for President signs in your front yard and who think you'll change the world by voting for him in November.  How about just STOP!

It won't work.  You won't make the change you need by being defiant at the polls.  Join us.  Let's move out the current occupants of the White House and put America back on a course of fiscal responsibility.  Then we can start cleaning the household.  

Take note of the following and make some noise for America, not Ron...

Forwarding this from All American Blogger (honored to be a RightOnline Official Blogger with him). 

25 Things Ron Paul Supporters Can Do Now (That Aren’t Vote for Gary Johnson)


Look back at 2008. Ron Paul refused to endorse the Republican Party candidate, Sen. John McCain. He even refused to endorse the Libertarian Party candidate, Bob Barr. He endorsed the Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin.
And the results?

 Hmmm how did that 3rd party run pan out above? Not so good.

See the listing below of only 5 of the 25 items to check off.  Even I saw some things to do.

Follow the link at the bottom to get the entire list of action items.


Here’s how you become that change:
  1. Join the Republican Party:  You read that right.  Go to and join up.  Get their newsletter.  Like them on Facebook. Follow them on Twitter.  Join the team.
  2. Go the the GOP Website for Your State and Volunteer:  Missouri’s GOP website is  When I go there, I can volunteer to help the party.  Volunteering is often a great way to get your foot in the door.  Once you start volunteering and networking, then you can so something like #4, but first, you really should do #3.
  3. Attend the County Party Committee Meeting:  The Republican Party has committees in each county.  Personally, I don’t know that my county ever meets.  If they do, they aren’t advertising when.  All you have to do is go to the GOP’s website for your state.  Find the page showing county committees and see who is on yours.  Reach out to them and find out when they are meeting next.  Attend the meeting and press the flesh.  Get to know these folks.  If you really try, you could be working with them someday.  Which brings us to…
  4.  Become a Member of the County Party Committee:  How does one get on the county party committee? Right now, I don’t know. I never thought about trying to get on one. That’s a good question for you to ask when you attend your first meeting.  Once you are on the committee though, work hard politicking so you can…
  5. Become the Chair of the County Party Committee:  Boom!  Now you’re doing it.  Running a county committee is a great way to actually start impacting the direction of the party.  And, done right, could open the door to #6.
Read the rest of the suggestions:

Duane Lester
Editor - Liberty News
All American Blogger
All American Media, LLC
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PJ Media
PJ Lifestyle

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