Fooled you. Do you really think PBO will release his college transcript? I don't think so!
However, we did get one grade and from the man of the "empty chair" himself..Obama!
Charlotte, NC -- Asked to rate himself on fixing the economy, President Obama says he hasn't earned a grade letter. More than three years into his first term in office, the commander in chief gives himself an "incomplete."
In an interview with a reporter in Colorado over the weekend, Obama highlighted some of his administration's earliest accomplishments. "The steps that we have taken in saving the auto industry, in making sure that college is more affordable and investing in clean energy and science and technology and research, those are all the things that we are going to need to grow over the long term."
Asked on KKTV how he'd grade himself, he responded: "You know I would say incomplete. Historically after these big financial crises, where a lot of people are dealing with debt or a collapse of a housing market you know that creates a bigger challenges and we're seeing this not just in the United States but around the world. I mean Europe is going through a difficult time, parts of Asia even China are going through a difficult time right now."
President Obama famously said in 2009 he would be held accountable if he didn't fix the economy in his first term. "If I don't have this done in three years, then there's going to be a one-term proposition," he said on the "Today" show just two weeks after being sworn into office. In December 2009 Obama graded his overall performance in the Oval Office "a good solid B-plus." In that interview with Oprah Winfrey less than a year into office, he said he would upgrade to an A minus if he could get healthcare reform signed.
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Tired argumentation. Boring conclusions. I stopped by because I'd heard that lately you just get your zinger in about people being on meds and then close comments. And, well, that seems to be true. Your banjo seems to only have one string there, Sheila. Medications? I know veterans who have to take a lot of medications. What on earth are you saying about people who take medications? That they can't think? Hardly seems fair to say that, plus it's one heckuva thing for you to say to anyone.
Maybe you should just close comments, all comments, period. You obviously have a problem with opposing views. The one Anonymous poster who did nothing but quote your own words back to you - I thought that was great. But, you didn't get the point. A better person might have been the slightest bit gracious, but not you. "rawr, medications, obamacare, rawr," close comment. Don't you realize that when you close comments after you get in your little insults that it's not being a good moderator; it's just being petty?
You enjoy calling anonymous commenters cowardly, but you are the one shirking from a fight, every time. You close comments because you're annoyed, angry, whatever - who knows? - but, the net result is that you don't have to listen to those meanies, anymore. Nyeh. How very convenient for you.
Your readers are, by now, probably quite used to the shrill tone, the apocalyptic phrases, the schoolyard taunts (how old are you? "Dumpling?"). Every time you post thusly, however, you just put the least intellectual, most unlettered, most poorly composed side of your little movement forward. It would be sad, if it weren't so hopping funny. But, then it's sad again. But, then, funny. You posted a 16-minute video of Glenn Beck griping about his weekend. Yeah, definitely funny.
'Til next time. oooh, unless you ban me. That would be the ultimate close comment, right? "Don't ever come back, you meanie - and take your medications, yuk yuk yuk!"
Dear Jay,
thought you gave up?
what's your problem? can't handle the same criticism you dish out?
YOUR side starts the cat calls. Go back and study the posts. Its not until the left start slandering that I get sick of it.
BTW after a certain amount of time your argument that Obama is the Messiah and those of us on the right don't have a brain or heart gets very very old.
Closing comments is my perogative. I am the boss here. And frankly Anonymous screamers for the left abuse their privilege of being able to comment.
Talk sensibly and discuss the issues REASONABLY and people will listen. Beat up my bloggers and I will fight you!
What in the world happened over here? i leave for a few weeks and what few comments that have been made look to be at the 5th grade level, sad you've seemingly lost Jay although you seem unable to debate with facts at his level.
Let me give you an opportunity to enlighten us librol's who listen to the lame stream media by asking a couple of rather simplistic questions. how does mr romney plan to cut taxes 20% across the board, restore the 716 billion obama saved medicare by cutting fraud, waste and abuse without reducing benefits, increase military spending by 2 trillion over the next 10 years and not raise taxes on the middle class?
we know from his own words that under mr ryan's plan poor mr romney would end up with nearly a 1% tax rate, that's a fact and i dare you to prove it's not.
it's sad what folks like you do when someone disagree's with your opinion, race baiting, fear mongering, lies and innuendo seem to be your only tools. try and get above pandering to the lowest common denominator and debate the facts. "A"
Lost Jay?
When did I say it mattered?
There goes the 5th grade crap again. Is that all you have?
Who is it that can't discuss without throwing out names?
You liberals.
If you want a real dialog, come out of the closet so we see who you really are.
Or are you too embarassed?
and you answered 0 questions, simply deflect and move on. can you not support your position with your candidates stated policy? let me try again; restore 716 billion to medicare, cut taxes 20% across the board, increase military budget by 2 trillion, not raise taxes on the middle class.
you better close comments on this thread or risk looking like you can't/don't have any answers. "A"
Oh, Sheila. More childish posturing (can't handle the criticism you dish out?). Clearly, I can handle criticism. I seek out these kinds of conflicts, after all. You are the one who uses comment moderation to silence your critics.
Messianic tendencies run on your side, not mine. In fact, you actually have a Messiah. I just think that the President's accomplishments in the last 4 years make him the best candidate in 2012. I am sorry that you do not agree, but there's no need for wild accusations. For the record, I'd put any American president's actions up against the actions of your Messiah any day. I can proe all those presidents actually existed.
Closing comments is indeed your prerogative, but having the right to do it doesn't shield you from the accusation of pettiness when you do it as an argumentive tactic. But, look, maybe you don't want meanies like us on your blog. If that's true, then you should just close comments, period.
"A" recited a litany of facts about the Ryan/Romney plan, daring you to respond, and didn't call anyone any names. Your reply ignored those facts, called something (I know not what) "5th grade crap" (you should talk), and then implied that you can't have a dialog with an anonymous commenter. You dodged the argument so many times our heads are spinning, and then you blame your evasion on the anonymity of the commenter. You guys are terrifying in power (because this absence of thought also typifies the nature of conservative republican government), but oh, so funny when you're not. "A," I think you should try again. Next time, though, use crayons.
Finally, no one is beating up your "bloggers" (all of your readers have a blog, now?). We are beating up on you. We come into your little magic land and challenge your logic, challenge your beliefs, and challenge your integrity to your own beliefs (you never backed away from your pro-choice position, Sheila). We call you out on your baseless accusations and childish argumentation, and you know what? You take it. You have no reply. You are unfit to join the debate. It's no wonder you close comments. That's your only effective weapon.
You are one demeaning individual.
Hope you sleep well at night.
Call me whatever you want. Try to make me look foolish all you want.
This blog is mine. It is my opinion and I back up my opinions with facts. I use YOUR MESSIAH's examples. And you give me more than plenty to talk about.
Please Jay say nothing if you can't be respectful of others. Because the childish foolish one is you, my friend.
At some point in your life, I hope you come off that atheist agenda and find where real hope is. It is not in man. It is not Obama or Clinton or Romney or Bush or FDR or Ghandi. Nor is it within ourselves. It is above and a living God that freely gives us opportunities to either tell the truth or not. To try to make others understand to the best of our ability.
You figure out the rest.
But duly note THIS IS MY DOMAIN. And I can shut your comments off at anytime. You abuse the privileges afforded to you and the other Anonymous posters. So be it.
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