UPDATE: Oh my somebody didn't get the memo - Biden's unleashed!!!
In a very twisted and sad state of affairs within the DNC, Vice President Joe Biden has been denied the opportunity to speak at the convention. He'll be there but the "ticket" is afraid of his gaffes! Yes, they want the American people to vote for Obama and "the other" guy. I don't believe this has ever happened before!
No B.F.D. at the D.N.C.: Democrats Bump Biden From Primetime
Democrats bumped their gaffe-prone Vice President, Joe Biden, from primetime on Thursday night to ensure he does not say anything that bigfoots President Barack Obama's address to the Democratic National Convention.
In Biden's stead, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), the bland senator who will do no harm, will introduce Obama before one of the most important addresses of Obama's career.Biden, who is often undisciplined and frequently goes off his prepared script, caused a stir when he told a Virginia audience, half of which was black, that Republicans were "gonna put y'all back in chains." And this move shows Democrats do not completely trust Biden to stick to his script, especially if he knows he has a national audience before him as he eyes a potential 2016 presidential run.
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