Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dear Chet ...A LEED BRAT from the PAC

If you've followed this blog, you know I have bones to pick with the elitists in this county.  The LEED BRAT PAC (aka Donor list to the right - another one coming soon) deliberately put out vitriol disgusting ads in the Sanford Herald during the primary.  Now, I have to come to the conclusion that the Herald must have made lots of dough.  They sure are trying to discredit a few of us on the right.  Hope they all sleep well! 

Anyway, LEED is back with more dough and more disgusting attempts to keep Lee County in the hands of good old boys.  In the hands of those that will buy elections.  I sometimes think they've bought two people on the Board of Elections.  I guess that gave them a little backbone.  Well below is a letter to Chet Mann from me.  A blogger not afraid to take any of them to task.  And below that you'll find his recent email.  Have fun.  Enjoy knowing that the LEED BRAT PAC wants unemployment to remain high,  your taxes to remain high, your suffering to stay, empty store fronts, and your kids to go to public schools while ....well just read.

Dear Chet,

Mind if I call you Chet?  After all you call me a right wing.  I'll at least attempt to be nice.  It's hard when evil is present.

Your letter was so encouraging. Encouraging to the right because we have a full glimpse into your twisted view of how things are going so well in Lee County.  In essence, let's leave Lee County with high unemployment, empty store fronts and a school system that rewards high paid insurance agents (who happen to be a part of your group) instead of giving our teachers the best options.  I suppose your letter is bragging on Tamara Brogan?  Well Ms. Brogan has been told her feet would be put to the fire.  If she doesn't do as she campaigned, people will know.  That means she won't be eating out of your hands if she is honorable and does what she says.  Time will tell!

Yes LEED BRAT PAC...your love of administrators is just what we need while many of our families and teachers live on Barely Get Along Street!  We are so lucky to have such elitists in our county. 

Just note though that you LOST with the Womack pac crap.  You will lose again.  And you will be watched.  Along with the good old boys you prop up.   Your false assumptions of fine gentlemen who believe in smaller government and power back to the people will slap you in the face. 

So just in case the residents who, are not up to par to your living standards didn't get the memo below, I am reprinting what was forwarded to me.  I know.  You and your group will just laugh.  I'm just a blogger.  No, Mr. Mann, I am an American who believes in the Constitution and not dirty politics.   I am honorable and not sleazy.

Actually I thought since you were so kind to use "the Womack email" for your political purposes, which had my name on it and which remains on your website, that you wouldn't mind me returning the favor.   You didn't ask my permission.  I shouldn't have to ask yours.

Oh to my friends:  Here's the famous email (http://leedpac.com/information/):

Chet you say our schools are wonderful.  Well word on the street is your kids are enrolled in a private school about 20 miles from Lee Co?  Don't you trust the leadership of Superintendent Jeffrey Moss?  Oh that's right you trust those LCSS Admins with MY kids, just not yours! And I know some that support your group home school their kids.  I'm not sure if that's good advertisement.  You want me to pay more for schools  that you won't even let your own kids attend.  That's hypocrisy!

Chet, Chet, Chet...what goes around comes around.   I wouldn't write too many of these emails if I were you.  And you better find out who your friends are.  Surely, I would have never gotten hold of this had you had 100% sworn secrecy.  Chet, minimum donation $25?  Dang, if I didn't know better I'd swear you were Obama.  Come to think of it...same tactics  (personal destruction), etc...

One more thing, Chet...our vision, the conservatives,  for the future is to enable all citizens to enjoy the goods of their labor (not just a chosen few), limit government  and have every opportunity for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  Chet have you ever heard those words before? 

Here's the email folks:

From: Chet Mann <cmann@primelending.com>
To: "chetmann@gmail.com" <chetmann@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2012 9:06 PM
Subject: LEED PAC - Fighting for Lee County

Dear Friends,

               Hello to you all and best wishes on a great start to summer. LEED PAC – Lee Education and Economic Development- Independent Expenditure Political Action Committee – has been at work to insure that we keep the right message and the right information in front of our members and potential new members. Since the May Primary much has happened and work has started already for the critical November General Elections. This election may very well be one of the most important in many years to the future of Lee County. If you are new to LEED PAC or if you would like a refresher on who we are and what we stand for we encourage you to visit www.leedpac.com and look around. Especially visit the “Positions Tab”. This will outline what we believe. We are a non-partisan, business based group educating the public on our two main tenants – that a top quality public education system and the existence of progressive,  leading edge economic development measures are the backbone of successful communities.

Your efforts and support in the Primary helped protect and sustain public education in Lee County. A majority of the school board was maintained that will continue to uphold the progress being made by our public school system. If you don’t subscribe to the Sanford Herald we have attached the half page ads the PAC ran in the newspaper congratulating the local Teachers of the Year and listed the impressive statistics that Lee County Schools have achieved. We have come far in just a few years and with your continued support we will not take the emphasis off the progress we have made. The Statistics speak for themselves. Lee County has risen to the top of its peers and become a regional leader in public education. We also have the 2nd highest rated community college in the state and 65th best in the United States according to CNN/Money. That ad is attached as well. With all this going for us our opposition will still continue to try and thwart our progress and advocate for change – mostly by dramatically reducing spending and advocating for unaccredited alternative forms of schooling which by law are entitled to public funding. This funding would take from the available funds the school systems receive and desperately need which would be coupled with another State reduction in funding coming next year. Furthermore, we believe you would see an erosion of our overall leading statistics with these alternative schools which would become a deterrent to our growth and prosperity. The opposition’s goal seems to be to target our School’s leadership and Board of Education members replacing them with those who would seek to change and disrupt our progress. For the time being we have won this battle but never let us take our eye off this continuing attack on Lee County Public Education.

Now our attention turns to the November General Election. At stake is the majority of the Lee County Board of Commissioners. As you may know three at large seats are open. The candidates that have adopted the LEED PAC stance on education and economic development are Democrats Amy Dalrymple, Ricky Frazier, and former Republican running as an Independent – Ron Hewett who successfully raised the !,350 registered voter petition he needed to be put on the November ballot. A very encouraging sign for the upcoming election. The challenge ahead for the community is winning all three of these seats as the Womack led commissioners and their extreme right faction of the local Republican Party only need to win one seat to claim a majority. They will send the minority on the board to the end of the line as they begin to dismantle the County as we know it. The community will need to come together and resist the temptation of  pulling a straight ticket in November and vote for the candidates that will work together towards our common goals. Kirk Smith, Max Dolan, and Frank Del Palazzo have all aligned themselves with the Womack militia and are sure to carry out his orders and vote against growth and sustainability. If successful and one of them wins we may very well have seen the last new company recruited to Lee County for at least the next two years until the next election cycle. The damage this could have on our County could last much longer.

Economic Incentives will be the crux of the political debate in this election. Anyone advocating for them will be targeted by the opposition as tax and spend candidates. This is just not true. If you visit our position papers and study how economic incentives work you will see that Lee County has received a 509% return on investment from incentives paid vs. taxes received since 1997. The City of Sanford has seen a 1,582% return during the same time period. Folks, if we stop recruiting industry to our County using incentives they will go somewhere else. Who will then be left to fund the tax base in the future? Likely a shrinking business base and the homeowners that are left here that’s who. We only need to look to our neighbors in South Carolina who are led by a Tea Party Governor and the most Conservative state leadership in the South. They are using an incentive package that trumps ours in Lee County and North  Carolina ten times over. Why are the Republican leadership there so much more progressive and business oriented than ours are here? The results in South Carolina have been thousands of new jobs many of which were originally intended to land in North Carolina.

The question is clear. What kind of leadership do you want to have in Lee County after November? Where do you see a new majority of the Lee County Commissioners taking us in the future? How will your business fare? Do you see your taxes actually rising or falling with a new leadership who pledges to abolish economic incentives, the Economic Development Corporation of Lee County and drastically changing our public schools?

So what can you do and what does LEED PAC need from you?

· Get Involved and forward this email and the link to www.leedpac.com to all your friends, family and fellow Lee County voters.
· Join the PAC by making a minimum donation of $25.00. You can use our pay pal feature on the website or you can print a form from the site and mail a check to us. Businesses and individuals can contribute and there is no maximum amount.
· We need 100 new members to join over the next month that will tell 5 others to do the same. We need members to carry our voice and message. Our numbers are growing and our membership is made up of all types of citizens in Lee County. Republicans, Democrats, business owners, retirees, and working people from all sectors. Support the candidates that are running on some of the same tenants that LEED PAC supports. Help them at the polls and during the campaign.
· Write letters to the editors, post on Social Media, and get our message out to the average uninformed voter in Lee County. Use the material from our website to help with your own message.
· Don’t allow yourself to get fooled with the Opposition’s message. Ask yourself if they succeed in the election what is their plan for the future? Good companies will cut spending in one area and invest in another. Ask the opposition candidates where they would invest your tax dollars for future growth. It’s easy to say they will cut your taxes. It takes little vision to be a “no” candidate. The greater questions remains. What is their plan for sustainability, growth, and continued quality of life initiatives for Lee County?

As always the LEED PAC wishes all the best to your family and your business. Contact us if you have any questions. Stay tuned for our next meeting announcements.


Chet Mann &

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