Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Goodbye Kermit!

It wasn't that long ago when kids shows and comic books were just that:  KID SHOWS and COMIC BOOKS!  They worried about teaching 1-2-3, A-B-C, and  Red, Green, Yellow.  They sang "Mary Has a Little Lamb", "Kumbaya", and "Ring around the Rosies".  And we worried if Batman was going to survive another episode of  Gotham's bad guys trying to kill him.  Not these days.  Now the Green Lantern is gay and even Sesame Street has introduced the "alternative lifestyle".  It's more important to learn about  Heather and her two mommies than if Big Bird can fly or what was up with Oscar the Grouch.  BTW - Oscar the Grouch was my favorite character.  LOL!

So the  Muppets  have been thrown into the fray.  The  Ms.Henson is severing ties with Chick-Fil-A and won't allow Kermit to have chicken.  All because the CFA's President standing by his values.  Ok!  Wonder how frog legs taste?  I bet with the same breading on their chicken nuggets, Chick can make them very tasty!  

And they could add a  new menu item:  Barbecued Ms. Piggy...

And in the meantime, I'll make sure my sugarbear watches something that isn't trying to throw their political views on him and his family..."Tom and Jerry" perhaps?   Here read the insanity for yourself:

Here’s What You Need to Know About the Muppets Severing Ties With Chick-fil-A Over Gay Marriage

 The fallout from Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy’s comments supporting traditional marriage last week only seems to be intensifying. The Jim Henson Company, a popular children’s entertainment group, is taking a strong stance against the fast food chain. Rather than holding on to monies gained from a partnership that was struck with Chick-fil-A, The Jim Henson company is donating earnings to the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).
(Related: That‘ll Show ’Em: ‘National Same Sex Kiss Day’ Coming to a Chick-fil-A Near You)
This morning, TheBlaze blog covered the issue (which was first mentioned on TheBlaze yesterday), with Eddie Scarry discussing the strong stance that the company is taking against the restaurant chain. As Scarry reported, “Both companies were in the middle of a promo deal in which Muppet toys were included in Chick-fil-A children’s meals.” This most recent decision will, quite obviously, end this deal.

The Jim Henson Company made the startling funding announcement on July 20 on its Facebook page, clearly showcasing its urge to highly publicize the decision.

“The Jim Henson Company has celebrated and embraced diversity and inclusiveness for over fifty years and we have notified Chick-fil-A that we do not wish to partner with them on any future endeavors,” the social media message read. “Lisa Henson, our CEO is personally a strong supporter of gay marriage and has directed us to donate the payment we received from Chick-fil-A to GLAAD.”

Boo Hoo.  I wonder if the REAL Jim Henson would approve.  Of course, we'll never know. He left us many, many years ago when citizens were sane!


Linda said...

I pray sales go out the roof for chick-fil-a. Look at what Rosanne Barr said about people who eat at the restaurant, she hopes they get cancer. Wow, wonder what she will fill like when she stands before God and he brings that to her attention. Glad it isn't me.

Robert A. Bridges said...

Rosanne Barr must be a conser... oh wait this just in. That's right, once again the "tolerant" group is the one throwing more stones because someone (Wont say any Dan Cathy names) stood up for a position he believes in.

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