This is exactly what I’ve been talking about. The Republicans controlling the state legislature are so set on a partisan, divisive agenda--many of them aren’t even dealing in reality.
Just this week, a GOP legislator said this in regard to Planned Parenthood funding:
“[Planned Parenthood] is a murderous organization…getting wealthy on murder for hire. It deals out nothing but deception, death, personal devastation, and moral degradation. Never will I agree to give that bloody, indecent, immoral organization one penny. I will not be satisfied until it is outlawed.” – The Raleigh News & Observer (8/6/12)
Join me in calling for my opponent, Dan Forest and the GOP leadership in the NC General Assembly to repudiate these remarks and bring an end to falsehoods, such as the above statement, in the 2012 election.
Just this week, a GOP legislator said this in regard to Planned Parenthood funding:
“[Planned Parenthood] is a murderous organization…getting wealthy on murder for hire. It deals out nothing but deception, death, personal devastation, and moral degradation. Never will I agree to give that bloody, indecent, immoral organization one penny. I will not be satisfied until it is outlawed.” – The Raleigh News & Observer (8/6/12)
Join me in calling for my opponent, Dan Forest and the GOP leadership in the NC General Assembly to repudiate these remarks and bring an end to falsehoods, such as the above statement, in the 2012 election.
Let's examine this. She wants to end "falsehoods".
Linda, your party is the epitome of falsehoods. So when will you call on PBO to stop the class warfare? When will you call on PBO to denounce the ad that accused Mitt Romney of a woman's death? 7 years after he left Bain? When, Linda, when?
And, Linda, it is the Democrats under the tutelage of President Barack Hussein Obama that have played the race card. They have made it their mission to pit poor against rich, black against white, and young against old. They play it so well the New Black Panther Party has been emboldened. This group has flat out made it plain and clear their intention is to annihilate the white race by killing women and babies.
Or is it ok with Ms. Coleman that the New Black Panther party said the atrocious things they did? Does her silence towards them speak volumes? Here look at the video in my previous post to get what I am talking about:
Dear Linda...Planned Parenthood supports the killing of babies, too. And they want our taxpayer dollars to do that. To the tune of $500 million! So are you by the statements above doing the same? Do you support the killing of babies? That's what abortion is.
By the way, Linda, they let a patient sit for at least five, that's 5, hours after a procedure before they took her to the hospital. And she died I will take the high road and believe you would not agree that this was humane at all. Need proof about her death, follow the link below:
Documents Shed Light On Woman’s Death After Abortion
http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2012/07/24/documents-shed-light-on-womans-death-after-abortion/Rep wants public hearing on Planned Parenthood after woman's death
Maybe it's this statement in the Foxnews.com article above that Ms. Coleman agrees with:
"Today, having an abortion in the United States involves far less short-term risk than carrying a pregnancy to term," the report said.
Wow. Linda...children are a gift from God. Did you know that?
Planned Parenthood needs to be defunded. It is deceptive. It does deal with death and immorality. And government has no right using my money or any other taxpayer dollars to promote and engage in such activity.
For those of you who don't know this...Obamacare has instituted a $1 per month of your insurance premiums for "abortion premium mandate". Look it up:
If a woman wants to do that to her body and her baby, let her. I don't have to stand in for her on judgment day. But stop forcing me to pay for it. It truly amazes me how little the Democrats, who are suppose to be the party that cares, really care!
Here's an ounce of advice to Ms. Coleman.. be careful what you wish for. The petition tells us all we need to know about you and the value you put on a child's life.
Oh, let's just be honest here, Sheila. You don't want to defund Planned Parenthood because a patient died of an accident in a Planned Parenthood clinic. So, don't obfuscate the issue by making it seem that's what's got you in a tear. You want to defund Planned Parenthood because you equate abortion with "killing babies".
You also make yet another reference to "judgment day". So, let's tie it all together, and see if I can make a statement to which you can agree: You are pro-life because you believe that abortion is tantamount to murder. Murder is prohibited in the Bible, and is therefore a sin. Abortion is therefore sinful, and punishable by God. That is why it must be stopped.
Did I get your position correct? I want to be sure I have you right before I say what's really on my mind, because I really only want to say this once (well, I might have to say it twice, for unanimous' sake).
Until you clarify your position, I wish say one thing. You don't like funding Planned Parenthood? Well, I don't like funding the Boy Scouts. The Boy Scouts can fire you for being an atheist. That's right, if you believe like Warren Buffet or George Clooney, or 90% of the fellows of the National Academy of Sciences, you cannot be an employee of the Boy Scouts. I don't think taxpayers should fund that kind of discrimination. So, we're even.
And, Democrats do care. They care that religious conservatives think they can tell women what to do with their own bodies (because your philosophy tells you that independent human life begins at conception, but no scientific evidence supports that - your view is based on the supernatural concept of a soul). They care about women; if your side gets what it wants, we would return to the days before Roe v Wade, when over 1 million illegal, unsafe abortions were performed each year, except that number would be much higher. Conservatives don't care about that; you only care about your vaunted ideals, your holier-than-thou morals.
Kudos to Linda Coleman for seeking to dial down the rhetoric in the debate. And shame on those who are more than happy to call the other side murderers. No wonder you people can't get anything done when you go to Congress. When your basic position is that the other side is going to hell, there is no room for debate.
Here's my position: The government has no business taking taxpayer dollars and giving it to Planned Parenthood. Period.
Whatever a woman wants to do, fine. She can. But stop forcing me to pay for aborting what you call a fetus.
I'm not sure why you didn't get that the first time.
The bullcrap you spew out about me is just that bullcrap. I don't need scientific evidence Jay. Life begins at conception. I don't consider a kid a mass ... I consider them my son or my daughter.
If I am wrong tell me why the minute I would find out I'm pregnant, government and healthcare facilities demand I take care of myself. Why is there so much emphasis put on prenatal care? Why do hear the stats from government that smoking kills unborn children? Why the billboards? Why do we constantly hear the left tell us that we must stop smoking because our babies, oops sorry let me use your term- fetus...may have birth defects?
You can't have it both ways. No matter how hard you try.
A child is a child at conception. I will stand by that no matter how much you try to demonize my "morals".
I never said the other side was going to hell for aborting babies. That's between them and God. I simply said my conscious is clear because I don't have to stand in front of God and admit I agreed with it.
Choose your words carefully Jay. Stop lying about me. And stop lying about the right wanting to return to the days of Roe v Wade. It's law and will never be overturned. You've turned me saying don't take my money to pay for killing babies - my God Jay - what else do you call abortion?? So when does life begin Jay? When should men care? When should a woman care about her body and the effects on her UNBORN child? Never? That's your message?
You've turned me not wanting my money to be spent that way into something it isn't.
And buddy your side along PBO with all their constant lying and sewage..have divided this nation so it appears we're back into the to the pre-civil rights era. And it's a shame because it doesn't have to be that way.
Choices have consequences. Learn from that.
Take a breath. Okay. Most of your post was very highly charged, emotionally. I will try to respond to the elements which deal with facts.
First off, as a matter of record, the overturning of Roe v Wade is in the NC GOP Party Platform. So, when I said that your side wanted to return to pre-Roe v Wade days, I was speaking with that document in mind (http://www.ncgop.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Platform-of-the-2012-State-Convention-As-Adopted.pdf). So, please don't accuse me of lying. You are an office holder in the Lee GOP, are you not? I made an assumption that you agreed with your own party's state platform. If I'm wrong, please accept my apology, and correct the record. Are you saying that you believe the NC GOP Party Platform of June 12, 2009 should have retreated from the statement, "We urge the Supreme Court to overturn Roe vs. Wade."?
Second, the reason why it was so difficult for me to see your basic position (which is mostly a financial position) the first time is because you clouded it with such dramatic statements like, "Dear Linda...Planned Parenthood supports the killing of babies, too. And they want our taxpayer dollars to do that. To the tune of $500 million! So are you by the statements above doing the same? Do you support the killing of babies? That's what abortion is."
So, is your basic position about the money, or the killing of babies? Because, see, I would think that the money would be of little consequence if it was really about the babies. I would think that the NC GOP position would make more sense. If abortion is really murder, then it seems like people like you should be more worried about abortion’s legality; the amount of taxpayer money being spent on the practice would be a related point, but not the main point. But, here, you've taken the stance that, "Here's my position: The government has no business taking taxpayer dollars and giving it [sic] to Planned Parenthood. Period." Period, she said.
You realize that you're pro-choice, then, right? That's not a pro-life position.
Now, that makes the rest of your reply really confusing. What's not confusing is your statement, "I don't need scientific evidence." You should expand that, Sheila, to say that you do not require evidence of any kind. And, that, I think, is the basic difference between your position and mine. That is what will always separate us. You think that things are a certain way, and that's just the truth, and if I disagree then I'm wrong, and we have to make laws based on the assumption that you are right.
Now, I never used the term "fetus," but you ascribe it to me often. In fact, to read your post, it sounds like you are having a debate with someone else. You seem so sure that you know when life begins, but I'll bet you can't even nail down when life ends without reverting into a religious discussion. "When should men care?" What a sexist question. You assume that men, by default, shouldn't care about women's rights simply because they are men. How very insulting of you. "When should a woman care about her body?" Always, but she knows that already, and the effects of pregnancy upon her body is at issue. Like so many other many issues, your side speaks from this vaunted, holier-than-thou platform, and that posture prevents you from even joining the discussion. You have to talk about abortion and women's rights in such dramatic terms - "lying and sewage", "murder for hire" - which is, of course, what Ms. Coleman was calling on her opponents to rise above.
Choices do have consequences, and when you choose to stay out of the debate, out of the discussion and out of the solution, then you become irrelevant. Republicans are out of touch with the American people on women's rights, and the extreme religious heartbeat of the pro-life movement within the party will ensure it remains out of touch for many years to come.
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