Saturday, October 20, 2012


UN-affiliated Monitors Will Be Observers For This Election

Gee...wonder if they will report any voter suppression by liberal groups.  -Nancy

International monitors at US polling places draw criticism

By Alexander Bolton - 10/20/12

United Nations-affiliated election monitors from Europe and central Asia will be at polling places around the U.S. looking for voter suppression activities by conservative groups, a concern raised by civil rights groups during a meeting this week. The intervention has drawn criticism from a prominent conservative-leaning group combating election fraud.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), a United Nations partner on democratization and human rights projects, will deploy 44 observers around the county on Election Day to monitor an array of activities, including potential disputes at polling places.  

Liberal-leaning civil rights groups met with representatives from the OSCE this week to raise their fears about what they say are systematic efforts to suppress minority voters likely to vote for President Obama.
The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, the NAACP and the ACLU, among other groups, warned this month in a letter to Daan Everts, a senior official with OSCE, of “a coordinated political effort to disenfranchise millions of Americans — particularly traditionally disenfranchised groups like minorities.”
The request for foreign monitoring of election sites drew a strong rebuke from Catherine Engelbrecht, founder and president of True the Vote, a conservative-leaning group seeking to crack down on election fraud.
“These activist groups sought assistance not from American sources, but from the United Nations,” she said in a statement to The Hill. “The United Nations has no jurisdiction over American elections.”
read the rest of this article here:

October Surprise? Obama Cuts Deal With Iran Over Nukes?

Dick Morris was talking about this earlier today.  He believes it is the October Surprise yet to come. - Nancy


Sanctions to vanish in exchange for 'temporary' halt in enrichment work

Iranian and U.S. negotiators have reached an agreement that calls for Iran to halt part of its nuclear program in exchange for the lifting of many of the U.S. sanctions against the Islamic regime, according to a highly placed source.
Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, expects a letter from President Obama in a few days guaranteeing the details of the agreement, arrived at recently during secret negotiations in Doha, Qatar.
The source, who remains anonymous for security reasons and is highly placed in Iran’s regime, said that once Khamenei receives Obama’s guarantees, he will authorize an announcement by Iran on a solution to the nuclear crisis before the U.S. presidential elections.
The agreement calls for Iran to announce a temporary halt to partial uranium enrichment after which the U.S. will remove many of its sanctions, including those on the Iranian central bank, no later than by the Iranian New Year in March. Iran is in the throes of massive inflation and citizen unrest because of the sanctions.
French intelligence verified today that Yukiya Amano, the current director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, has been given the go-ahead by the U.S. to be ready to travel to Iran and announce the agreement, according to Hamid Reza Zakeri, a former intelligence officer in the regime who has defected to Europe.
The source in Tehran said Khamenei has made it clear that unless he receives Obama’s written guarantees, he will not begin the process, which would dramatically boost Obama’s re-election chances. If the guarantees are not given, Khamenei has warned, Iran will speed up its nuclear program.
The guarantees would ensure the regime’s right to peaceful enrichment, quickly remove many of the sanctions, accept that Iran’s nuclear program does not have a military dimension and relieve international pressure on the regime while it continues its nuclear program. Also, the U.S. would announce that the killing of Iranian nuclear scientists was the work of a foreign country, though Israel would not be named, to increase legal pressure on Israel.
According to the Iranian source, a previous Obama letter to Khamenei indicated that it’s best for the regime not to give any motive to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, a message that was re-emphasized in the Qatar negotiations.
As reported exclusively by WND Oct. 4, a three-person delegation led by a woman on behalf of the Obama administration traveled to Qatar about Oct. 1 and met with Iranian counterparts, including Ali Akbar Velayati, the former foreign minister of the Islamic regime and a close adviser to Khamenei on international matters.
In the meeting, according to the source, the U.S. delegation urged an announcement, even if only on a temporary nuclear deal, before the U.S. elections to help Obama get re-elected. A Romney presidency, the delegation said, would surely move more toward Israel, and the Iranians were reminded that Obama has stood up to Israel against any plans to attack Iran. The regime’s delegate was urged to understand that if Iran does not stand by Obama, Israel will attack Iran.
Read the rest of the article here:

Still No Reply from Herald...

Nope.  No reply at all about suppressing our opinions.

But just in case they try to make the point that they never said we couldn't do rebuttals about the topics...Well...Yes they did.  See the circled section.


Friday, October 19, 2012

The Super's "Joe Biden" Moment

Honestly, I do hope Superintendent slept well and that his blood pressure has lowered!  

Wow..sparks flew last night at the C.E.A.D. forum.   Not just at the candidates.

I bet Mr. Sergeant at Arms, Robert Reives, had he been sitting where I was (back of the room at the old courthouse) and heard what the Super said when he was walking back to his seat after excoriating a candidate and putting his finger in Commissioner Womack's face and then mouthing off at someone sitting in front of me, he might just  have thrown him out.  

Many were shocked, like me and others sitting around me, to know our Super would say what he did.  Honest truth.  I would not kid on this one.  I am not making this up.  If I had not been sitting on a bench I would have fell out of my chair.   

But he told the guy in front of me to "___ You".  You figure out what that means.

In front of a 14 year old right beside me.  And in front of about 8-10 others.

I get in a tizzy when I hear that phrase.  It's disgusting and not appropriate in any situation.  Mr. Moss' face matched his hair.   I didn't know that could happen.  Dang, of all nights to have my camera crap out. But someone else did. Oh James O'Keefe would be proud.

Here's the video.  At approximately 3:35 Dr. Moss leaned over and for a second time stated that phrase (____  You) and what also appears to be "I'll show you professional."  Yes Dr. Moss.  You did. And once again in front of a kid (she's in the frame where the camera is turning around)  that you are suppose to represent and protect from such behavior.  Apparently, "it's for the children" works only when you want our money.

Playing Cards, Reading Mags and Watching Movies On Our Tax Dollars

Volt no jolt: LG Chem employees idle

Factory has yet to ship out a single battery

Updated: Thursday, 18 Oct 2012, 7:44 PM EDT
Published : Thursday, 18 Oct 2012, 4:58 PM EDT
HOLLAND, Mich. (WOOD) - Workers at LG Chem, a $300 million lithium-ion battery plant heavily funded by taxpayers, tell Target 8 that they have so little work to do that they spend hours playing cards and board games, reading magazines or watching movies. 

They say it's been going on for months. 

"There would be up to 40 of us that would just sit in there during the day," said former LG Chem employee Nicole Merryman, who said she quit in May. 

"We were given assignments to go outside and clean; if we weren't cleaning outside, we were cleaning inside. If there was nothing for us to do, we would study in the cafeteria, or we would sit and play cards, sit and read magazines," said Merryman. "It's really sad that all these people are sitting there and doing nothing, and it's basically on taxpayer money." 

Two current employees told Target 8 that the game-playing continues because, as much as they want to work, they still have nothing to do. 

"There's a whole bunch of people, a whole bunch," filling their time with card games and board games," one of those current employees said. 

That employee says some workers are doing odd jobs around the building, including cleaning and maintenance, while others hang out in the cafeteria playing video games, Texas hold-'em and Monopoly or doing Sudoku or crossword puzzles -- all on company time. The employee said some watch movies. 

"There's no work, no work at all. Zero work," another current employee said. "It is what it is. What do you do when there's no work?" 

Read the rest of the article here:

WOW...Ahmadinejad is Right!

This guy isn't stupid. He isn't safe to be around but he isn't stupid.  Remember VP Joe Biden has dismissed any notion that Iran has nuclear capability.   This administration has coddled dictators and disrespected Israel.  What in the world are they thinking?

Ahmadinejad: U.S. Debt Will Destroy America 


 President Barack Obama has racked up such a huge debt that Americans have been forced to concede that even Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was right when he warned that America could potentially collapse due to its mounting debt. 

Iran's official news agency, IRNA, reported on Thursday Ahmadinejad said America's impending debt would lead to the downfall of the "U.S. empire."

“How long can a government with a $16 trillion foreign debt remain a world power?” Ahmadinejad asked at a press conference with Kuwaiti media personnel, according to The Jerusalem Post.

Libya Won't Go Away!

We told you we're not leaving Libya alone until the complete truth comes out.   Something isn't right. Our President and his staff blamed a video for two weeks.  Then suddenly after we find out about the "real video", that is the one taken in Benghazi do we start hearing "it's a terrorist" attack.

I am not going to comment on the President's "Optimal" comment.  You read Nancy's blog post and decide for  yourself.  

Obama talks Benghazi on Comedy Central

Things don't always come out right.  Mitt knows that.  He can use the President's words if he wants.

But here's the most serious stuff to date.  Read the entire article by following the link at the end.  I am just floored that our President claims he knew nothing.  I guess deny, deny, deny and hope people forget.  Except we're not forgetting...

Obama Knew Terrorists Ran Benghazi, Hired Local Security Anyway

Today, the Libyan government announced that it had discovered the identity of the terrorist behind the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, resulting in the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans. According to a senior Libyan official, the FBI has seen a cellphone picture of the mastermind: Ahmed Abu Khattala, leader of the Abu Obeida brigade. That brigade was an element of the rebel forces allied against then-dictator Muammar Qaddafi.

Back in July 2011, Abu Obeida was responsible for the murder of Gen. Abdul Fatah Younis, Qaddafi’s former interior minister who had joined up with the rebellion. The group was headquartered in Benghazi.

Here’s where the story becomes shocking: as early as July 2011, the media was reporting that Abu Obeida was responsible for all security in Benghazi. On July 31, 2011, the Sunday Telegraph (UK) reported:

So secretive is the brigade - said to be one of at least 30 semi-independent militias operating in the east of the country - that until yesterday few in the rebel capital had heard of it.

The fact that it takes its name from one of the Prophet Mohammed's most successful military commanders is an indication of its Islamist bent, observers say. Unlike the other militias, the Brigade seems to exercise considerable power within the rebel movement. Since Gen Younes's death, it has emerged that the group was in charge of internal security in Benghazi, essentially operating as a secret police force.

You read that correctly. In July 2011, more than a year before the murder of our ambassador by Abu Obeida in Benghazi, Libya, the press reported that Abu Obeida was “in charge of internal security in Benghazi, essentially operating as a secret police force.”

And yet the Obama administration chose not only to turn down repeated requests for additional security from diplomatic posts in Libya, it recruited security for our ambassador from the local Benghazi population.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Obama talks Benghazi on Comedy Central

'If four Americans get killed, it's not OPTIMAL': Obama's extraordinary response to Comedy Central question about shifting story after Benghazi attack 

President Barack Obama, during an interview to be shown on Comedy Central, has responded to a question about his administration's confused communication after the Benghazi attack, by saying: 'If four Americans get killed, it’s not optimal.'
Obama was speaking to Jon Stewart of The Daily Show for a programme to be broadcast tonight. 
Stewart, a liberal whose young audience is full of potential voters prized by the Obama campaign, asked the president about his handling of the aftermath of the Benghazi attack.

Ambassador Chris Stevens, diplomat Sean Smith and security men and former U.S. Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were killed by terrorists on the 11th anniversary of 9/11 - an attack that the White House initially blamed on a spontaneous protest about an anti-Islam movie made in California.

Stewart asked: 'Is part of the investigation helping the communication between these divisions? 'Not just what happened in Benghazi, but what happened within. 
'Because I would say, even you would admit, it was not the optimal response, at least to the American people, as far as all of us being on the same page.'
Obama responded: 'Here's what I’ll say. If four Americans get killed, it’s not optimal.'
He continued: 'We’re going to fix it. All of it. And what happens, during the course of a presidency, is that the government is a big operation and any given time something screws up.

Read the rest of the article here:

Bill Clinton in his Words: "It's not fixed"

 I like it when THEIR side admits THEIR failures.  How in the world can Bill Clinton be on the campaign trail for a man that just let his wife take the blame for 4 dead Americans?  Must not be about love after all.

Clinton: 'It Is True' Obama Hasn't Fixed Economy

Thursday - No Response from Herald

Assume the moratorium on "free speech" will not be lifted by our friends at the Sanford Herald.  As of 7:36 am this morning, there has been no email, no call, no reply...I will let you know if common sense prevails and they give the citizens more time for public commenting. 

 Make your voice heard:  919-708-9000.  

Steve Devane, The Fayetteville Observer reporter who has done a very good job covering Lee County contacted his editor yesterday on their policy.  They will cease accepting Letters to the Editor  on October 29.  That's a week before election day.  

Not 2 1/2 weeks!

 Related posts:

Email to Sanford Herald..Stop Suppressing us!

The Chicago Way: Tax the Bullets!

I almost spit my cup of Eight O'clock Bean coffee out this morning when I read a headline  on this morning where a Chicago official wants to tax bullets to curb crime.  This person is either misguided, has no clue what the real threat is, or she is absolutely insane.  

If you look deeper into the article you'll find how the estimate how much tax they will generate!  That's the real reason to do this.  They are broke and they need to tax the most profitable business in Chicago:  "Murder"!  Seriously, she cannot be so stupid as to think the "thugs" are going to go to WalMart or Dick's Sporting Goods and buy their ammunition. 

Look, if the official can do the math on the bullet tax so well, why can't she put boots on the ground and go talk to the thugs.  Tell them to go hug a tree before they shoot.  Tell them to sit down calmly when they get the "urge" to have a fix by killing.  Yea, that will work.

Make sure Toni that you also take a few drugs with you.  Maybe some brownies to eat while you present your stupid ideas and "talk peacefully" to the disgusting individuals that want to murder the rest of us.

"When I Was President"...OOPS!


It's a bit early but Ok....When "O" was President...


Obama Says "When I Was President" At Debate

President Obama spoke of being president in the past tense during last night's second presidential debate with Mitt Romney: "The way we're going to create jobs here is not just changing our tax code, but also to double our exports. And we are on pace to double our exports, one of the commitments I made when I was president. That's creating tens of thousands of jobs all across the country."

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

UPDATE! Conservative Voter Guides Available

EDITOR COMMENTS:  I apologize on the voter guides.  I had linked the wrong file.  That has been corrected.  Please download one before voting.  Thanks.

Friends...Vote.  Vote Conservative.  Take your friends to the polls with you.  But make sure they are informed.

The  Conservative Voter Guide for County, State and National are ready.  This one has Lee county local races and not other counties.

Note for all 100 counties:

NC Supreme Court - Justice Paul Newby(I)
NC Ct of Appeals – Chris Dillon
NC Ct of Appeals – Judge Marty McGee
NC Ct of Appeals – David Robinson

Please make copies and distribute.  Click below to download.

Email to Sanford Herald..Stop Suppressing us!

This is pertaining to the decision of the Sanford Herald to shut down letters to the editor after October 18.

Note that Bill Horner is the boss.  The buck stops with him.  It's not fair to just pin this on Mr. RV.   Sort of like it's not that fair to pin Libya murderers on just Hillary.  Obama shares the blame as well. 

The Herald's decision is ludicrous!  This is NOT standard operating procedure in other small towns.  It is a suppression of our free speech.  And if you don't want this to happen, call them at 919-708-9000 and tell them to stop suppressing our free speech!

Better yet, maybe we should just hit them where it the pocketbook...You know what to do.

I sense there's something else not only sounds like suppression of free speech but suppression to "turn an election and not report the news".   As stated in my letter, I bet them good old boys are up to something.  However, I hope they are not so stupid as to go after me. 

Here's the email:

Subject: Re: Sudden Deadline on LTEs
From: Sheila Barber (
Date: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 11:08 AM

Mr. RV,

I have asked a group of bloggers around the country if this is occurring in their small towns, etc.  And the unanimous answer is NO.  Some are in print media and TV anchors...not just "new media". They are credible.

I hope the Herald is not setting a trend here of suppressing "free speech". But by refusing to let us write rebuttals on what we find in the paper from now to the election, you are taking away the beauty of print media and turning it into an avenue of "deciding elections instead of reporting the news". 

The opposition of any candidate now will be allowed to throw out whatever they want because they will have the money to buy the ads. And unless "We the people" buy ads to refute, they will go unanswered.  I say this  because of the answer you gave me in your reply below:

"In addition, any politicians or other individuals wishing to support their candidates  may still do so by contacting our advertising director Gina Eaves at 919.718.1259."

I'm not arguing just for the GOP. It's your paper. I'm arguing on the timing of the implementation of it, and the unfairness this decision will be to both sides of the fence.  Especially to the citizens.

I expect LEED Pac has bought many ads.  They won't stay quiet.  They literally tried to destroy Commissioner Womack in the primary. And without the ability to write letters to defend him and condemn them during early voting, I am afraid they would have gotten away with it. Will you take the responsibility for whatever you print? I sure would like to know because I have a sneaky feeling Ron Hewett's ad about the 3 candidates and a "blogger" is just a preview.  I know who his contributors are. 

Don't forget we have something like 12% unemployment in our county. Over 6000 people don't have jobs.  Please don't keep readers from being involved and engaged. Money is tight. 

Sheila Barber

"I'll quit coffee. It won't be easy drinking my Bailey's straight, but I'll get used to it. It'll still be the best part of waking up."
Megan Mullally

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

WOW Part II: Prez says ...

buck stops with him.

Did he miss the memo from Hillary yesterday?

Hillary: I Take Responsibility, But...

 In a CBS interview that aired on CBS This Morning Tuesday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she did not brief American United Nations ambassador Susan Rice prior to her disastrous September 16 television appearances. 

On that day Ambassador Rice told five network Sunday political programs that the September 11, 2012 attack on the American mission in Benghazi was an unplanned spontaneous response to a privately produced video that criticized the prophet Mohammed. These claims have since been debunked by progressive and conservative media alike.

Clinton also said she did not know who briefed Rice prior to those appearances. "You would have to ask her," she said.

transcript of the exchange reads:
QUESTION: Who briefed Ambassador Rice that day? Did you sign off on that briefing and those speaking points?

SECRETARY CLINTON: You would have to ask her.

QUESTION: You didn’t speak to her before that appearance?

SECRETARY CLINTON: No, but that – everybody had the same information. I mean, I’m – I have to say I know there’s been a lot of attention paid to who said what when, but I think what happened is more important. We were attacked, and four brave Americans were killed. Others were injured. Dozens had to fight for their life and had to get evacuated. Everybody in the Administration had – has tried to say what we knew at the time with the caveat that we would learn more, and that’s what’s happened. So I think that – I’ve seen it before not just in respect to this. I think it’s part of what the fog of war causes.
 Read more:


Wow. O told a Whopper on Benghazi!

Here is Obama's Rose Garden speech the day after 4 Americans died!

Obama said during the speech that “No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation” — but at no point was it clear that he was using that term to describe the attack in Benghazi. He’d also spent the previous two paragraphs discussing the 9/11 attacks and the aftermath. “Acts of terror” could have jus
t as easily been a reference to that. Or maybe it wasn’t a direct reference to anything, just a generic, reassuring line he’d added into a speech which did take place, after all, the day after the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Here’s the line with some additional context:

Of course, yesterday was already a painful day for our nation as we marked the solemn memory of the 9/11 attacks. We mourned with the families who were lost on that day. I visited the graves of troops who made the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq and Afghanistan at the hallowed grounds of Arlington Cemetery, and had the opportunity to say thank you and visit some of our wounded warriors at Walter Reed. And then last night, we learned the news of this attack in Benghazi.

As Americans, let us never, ever forget that our freedom is only sustained because there are people who are willing to fight for it, to stand up for it, and in some cases, lay down their lives for it. Our country is only as strong as the character of our people and the service of those both civilian and military who represent us around the globe.

No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done.

LEED Pac Donors Behind Hewett

Stop the pretense, Mr. Hewett.  Just give us the facts. Which side are you really on?

Oh the facts...I found some members of the LEED Brat Pac have  been funding the Mr. Hewett's campaign.  Not hard to figure out when you compare Mr. Hewett's campaign finance report to LEED Pac's report.  So I found these contributors: Paul Gay, Jr., Chet Mann, Kirk Bradley, Doug Wilkinson, George Harvey,  Mike Womble, James J. Cuff, John Kirkman, George Keller, George Harvey, Bobby Powell, and a few others.   LEED PAC donor list is under FBC Documents heading on the left along with Mr. Hewett's.

We all should remember what LEED Pac attempted to do in the primary.  Focus on an individual and whatever faults you can find with them and then connect the candidates to them.  I don't think that worked out too well.  Here we go again.  Only this time, it's a citizen and not an elected official.  Wow that's guts for you! 

So if these guys are supporting Hewett, watch out for your pocketbooks.  They will come after it like they are coming after a little old blogger like me. 

The more I think about it, the more I have to laugh.  I guess desperation is setting in.  He claims we're scared.  Well if exposing the truth is being scared, Ok.

Another Democrat Slams Bloggers


 Another Democrat Slams Bloggers

-By Warner Todd Huston
Ron Hewitt ran for the Lee County School Board back in 2002. He ran as a progressive liberal but claimed fiscally conservative ideas. He won but quit not long after to pursue his own business interests outside the state of North Carolina. The assessment of his tenure was that he offered promise and delivered on nothing.

Now he’s back claiming to be an “independent” and running for a spot on the Lee County Board of Commissioners. He also appears to fear bloggers.

In the Sunday Herald on October 14, Hewett published the following ad…
Read more of his piece:

PSA for Letters to the Editor

FYI - The Sanford Herald has suddenly imposed a deadline for all Letters to the Editor concerning the election. No previous notice. I checked Thurs - Sun papers. But this morning the notice was above my LTE. So please consult your crystal balls to find out what letters coming after Oct 19 that you will need to reply to by October 18.

Thank you. This Public Service Notice was approved by said blogger and not paid for by anyone!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Hillary Gives Up!

I predicted this one in a post several days.  Just in time for an election, comes a confession.  Geez.  We're not that stupid, O and Hillary!  See this for what it is.  She was giving up her post in November anyway.  So why not take the blame??

She's the fall guy.  Hillary...President Obama is not innocent.  There's a cover-up and she knows it.  So will she go to jail?  She should.  She was negligent.  I wonder how Bill feels his wife just blew her political future for Barack Hussein Obama?

Man if there ever was a blatant example of  'Party First.  People Second.' ...well, this is it.   Gentle reminder folks:

4 Americans are DEAD!

From Breitbart: 

Hillary Clinton Takes 'Full Responsibility' for Benghazi Failures

 Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told CNN's Elise Labbot that she "takes responsibility" for the security lapses at the American mission in Benghazi, Libya. In a Monday interview conducted from Peru, Secretary Clinton said the buck stops with her for the attack where militant Islamists murdered American Ambassador Chris Stevens and four other Americans:

"I take responsibility" for what happened on September 11, Clinton said in an interview with CNN's Elise Labott soon after arriving in Lima, Peru for a visit. The interview, one of a series given to U.S. television networks Monday night, were the first she has given about the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.
Clinton insisted President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are not involved in security decisions, Clinton said.

"I want to avoid some kind of political gotcha," she added, noting that it is close to the election...

Read more:


Gotta Love This Labor Force Chart!

The chart itself overlaps the right hand column of this blog.  Sorry about that.  It is completely readable, though.  - Nancy

For Every Person Added to Labor Force, 10 Added to Those Not in Labor Force

1:09 PM, OCT 15, 2012 • BY DANIEL HALPER

A new chart from the minority side of the Senate Budget Committee details the fact that, since January 2009, for every person added to the labor force, 10 have been added to those not in the labor force. Here's a chart showing the dwindling labor force:

"For Every 1 Person Added To Labor Force Since January 2009," the chart reads, "10 People Added To Those Not In Labor Force."
That is, in nearly the four years, since President Obama took office in January 2009, only 827,000 people have been added to the labor force, while during that same time period, 8,208,000 have been added to those not in the labor force.
The chart relies on data available from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.
"The numbers represented in the chart are a measure of growth from January 2009 through September 2012," the Republican side of the Senate Budget Committee explains. "The data is sourced from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Current Population Survey, a sample of 60,000 households conducted by personal and telephone interviews. Basic labor force data are gathered monthly. The labor force consists of all people aged 16 and over either employed or actively seeking work. It does not include discouraged workers, people who have retired, or those on welfare or disability who are no longer looking for work. The 'not in the labor force' group is defined as the total civilian non-institutional population minus the labor force."
Read the rest of the article here:

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Free Advertising: Thank you, Ron Hewett!

I simply smile.  You know you're really making a difference when those seeking office publicly go after a citizen.  You know...those of us "just a bloggers".  Those of us who want accountability, not empty promises. 

In this morning's Sanford Herald I found an interesting ad by Mr. Ron Hewett, a candidate claiming he's Independent and is running for Board of Commissioners.   The ad doesn't tell me anything about what he's going to do.  But it does tell me quite a bit about his character.

EDITOR:  This ad is on page A8 of the Sunday Herald, 14 October 2012.  Please contact the Sanford Herald at 919-708-9000 to see full ad.  Thanks.

Can you trust someone who basically is trying to shut up the voice of a citizen before he's even elected?  What exactly will he do IF HE IS ELECTED? Don't we get enough of trampling on our free speech from the Obama Administration?

The ad states this : "State champion blogger".  Now what other blogger has publicly cheered more for the Lee County GOP BOC candidates except me?  Who has blogged and published the Covenant more than anyone in this county?  No one.  So Mr. Hewett has to be talking about this blogger.  And yes...I got this little award..TRIP TO VEGAS by some very special friends, AFP.

The last thing Lee County needs is someone who thinks the citizen's voice is a blight to society!  We are tired of being treated like 2nd class citizens.  Mr. Hewett just did this.

But word of mouth is the most form of flattery you can get.  Thank you Mr. Hewett.  You single handedly have helped Fresh Brewed Conservatism mark its 2nd best Sunday hit count in its history!  And I didn't have to  spend a dime.

FYI - Follow this link to the one document that has upset the left (I now include Mr. Hewett wholeheartedly with the left) ...but irritates the mess out of them: 
 The Covenant (link)

More Proof of a Cover-Up

This story will not end.  Too many questions.  Too many stories.  Too many dead.

Who told who what?  Does it matter because in the end 4 Americans are dead.  And they will never be able to tell THEIR story.

And now...the Administration had the video all along that let them know there was no "spontaneous uprising" due to a video (published in July not September 11):

It's Not That Funny, Joe!

Where did Joe get the idea to act so incredibly rude?  From what I hear though, that's the real Joe. And the gaffes go right along with him. has a video that compiles his smirks and smiles:

Joe might have thought something was funny..but many women saw his actions a bit differently.  I said on Facebook the other evening that if Ms. Fannie had been in the audience, I expect she might have walked on stage and slapped that smirk off his face. 

How do I know?  She use to do that to me if I rolled my eyes, huffed and puffed, and disrespected others.  Nope.  My behind wouldn't make it to the bedroom without being blistered.  Ouch. I still feel the sting of that switch that she made ME go get!  That's probably why it hurt so bad.