Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Reaching Across the Aisle...

At Monday night's Board of Commissioner meeting, Mr. Mark Coggins had a few words for the commissioners.  These comments were forwarded me by someone in attendance. In light of being called "The destroyer of the Republican party", I thought I would give a fair share to the other side.   Be nice, they say.

But note you may want to see the video of the February 4th Commissioner meeting to compare notes.  Here's the link to the video:

Below is Mr. Coggins' comments, unedited except for address.  We, at FBC, like to protect others' personal info.  We don't ask "Are you Republican or Democrat?" unlike others may do!  Your safety is our concern.  

We post.  You decide!

Hi, I’m Mark Coggins, I live at (address deleted so as not to make Mr. Coggins a target for gun toting criminals)

A couple of weeks ago Commissioner Kirk Smith and Jim Womack spoke about the 2 nd Amendment, Gun Control and Battles of the American Revolutionary War at the Lee County Commissioners meeting.

I have read the proposed policy change called “ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN”, and there is nothing in the proposal that changes the 2 nd Amendment.  I have a copy of it for the all of you, so you can read it for yourself.  The legislation does not propose taking away anyone’s Pistols, Shotguns, Hunting Rifles, or Target Shooting Shotguns or Rifles.  Gus used to protect one’s home or business are not banned, but only those that would be used to kill a large number of people.  The lose (sic) talk of those sworn to represent and protect the citizens of Lee County must not be tolerated and is very harmful.

Then we had a history lesson from Kirk Smith, about how the battles were fought during the American revolutionary war and how guns were used which was so out of place at a county commissioners meeting with the unemployment in Lee County over 12%.  Jobs are what everyone here on this board should be working on not hearing jargon that was mostly incorrect.  So I hope and pray that this Board of Commissioners will get to the meaningful job of helping over 3000 unemployed fine citizens of Lee County find and get jobs.

                I wanted to tell him (Commissioner Smith) how many mistakes he was telling about the history of the revolutionary war and Jim Womack was sitting next to him and not correcting him.  Well maybe he could not correct him since he must not have know (sic) anything as well.  I wanted to tell him the correct information about the American Revolutionary War that he was talking about and the many incorrect statements he was making.  These two former soldiers should at least know their military history.

                The three main battles that turned the war in favor of the patriots and help win the war were not fought with the armies lined up facing each other, as Commissioner Kirk Smith said.  I’m here to inform you as to how the battles were fought.

                The battle of Cowpen (sic) was mostly fought as the North and South Carolina militia had learned from the Indians in the back country of those two states.  Some of the men had what were called rifled guns, which were more accurate at greater distances than the British rifles.  Also they were instructed to aim at the officers first so the British army would be without leadership.

                The battle of Trenton was a surprise attack, when General Washington crossed the Delaware River, and most of the British Army were (sic) still in bed when the battle started.  The last major battle was the battle of Yorktown, and it was won mostly by a siege.  The French Navy defeated the British Navy at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay and them (sic) set up a blockade of Yorktown.  Then they moved closer to Yorktown on Oct. 6, 1781 and bombarded the fort along with the American artillery for the next 10 days, no tanks were involved.  The French and Americans did not allow any food or supplies to get to the British.  Then Load (sic) Cornwallis surrendered on Oct. 17, 1781 by way of his surrogate officers, Alexander Ross and Brigadier General Charles O’Hare.  The National Guard and Dept. of Defense have replaced the Militia as you well know.

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