But then again, that would mean the other blogger in town would use common sense. Hit me on a head with a 2 x 4! Of course not.
Mr. Clark (allegedly) wrote the following email (nothing but Keith's email address was changed). Take note of how he describes how horrible Mike Stone is. Just the same old stuff, different day. Keep reading below the email....
Hmmm noticed it's addressed to "Community Opinion Leaders..."...I can guess who's on that list!
From: Keith Clark <deleted for protection>
Date: February 11, 2014 at 11:08:17 AM EST
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Fwd: Last Post
Date: February 11, 2014 at 11:08:17 AM EST
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Fwd: Last Post
Community Opinion Leaders:
Today I have made my last two posts on the Lee Dispatch. I invite you to visit it and to share this email with any one you feel appropriate. Since Christmas I resumed publication with the intent of influencing potential Republicans candidates by showing them how vulnerable the incumbents really are. Now that filing is underway, I know that either Republicans will step up. If none does, then perhaps the Grand Old Party will deserve for a while the reputation that ideologues wrapped in God and Constitution have fouled. Is you will read, I feel that the local Democrats have to not repeat the mistakes of the last election'
There were told me that very little damage could be done in two years. Such complacent thinking is dangerous this year too. So is the notion that the leopard will change its spots.
It is especially important that a Republican step up to challenge Mike Stone. He is one of the most vulnerable among the House majority but he also had the district customized for him. As long as the local bill process is abused, things that people assume can be fixed will become law.
Some argue, somewhat persuasively. that Brad Salmon can take that seat from Stone. My point is to take two shots rather than one.
As I said, others will have to take the ball. More from me is no longer in the overall interest of the Republican party I choose to have a two party state, both conservative.
It should be clear to all that what has been happening here has not gone unnoticed in Raleigh. For example, remember that Governor McCrory immediately called on Jeff Moss to personally advise him on education matters. Folks should remember that the Governor had great instinct's in that and went forward despite the spiteful and vocal critics of Dr. Moss.
Keith Clark
Business Innovation
Community Service
Word on the street is that Mr. Keith Clark has been forced to retire "The Lee Dispatch". Surely you remember ... its the one where he liked to trash Lee County Republicans, all the while running around town as one plus even running in the City Council races as an "R".
Here's what I found when I tried to find the "two posts" he mentioned above:

Say what? No longer exists? So is the word on the street true? Was Mr. Clark forced to shut the Lee Dispatch down? Did he tick off a REPUBLICAN Governor that appointed him to the CCCC Board? Well what I want to know is if the Sanford Herald called him and accused him of a "cover-up"? Surely they wouldn't treat that blogger any different than this little blogger?? The Herald isn't too fond of me. I expect they do!
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