Monday, August 10, 2020

Desperation Sets In - Our President is in Danger!


Psalm 91:7-8  A thousand may fall at your side,
And ten thousand at your right hand;
But it shall not come near you.
Only with your eyes shall you look,
And see the reward of the wicked.

They Will Try to Kill Him!

You read that right.  I fully believe the radicals are so desperate they will stop at nothing.  What else is left?  I read Antifa plans to occupy DC until the election starting around 17 September, so it will help Democrats win. Really?  They think law abiding citizens are agreeing with them? Or that their threats will stop me from voting? Over my dead body.  And I mean that!  Nothing will be in my way to vote.  NOTHING.

Then this came in my feed this afternoon:

Trump abruptly escorted from briefing after shooting near WH

This morning I made a post in a prayer warrior FB page with no knowledge at all on the above. I just feel we get warnings before bad things happen if we are attuned and listening.  Please read and ACT.  Pray! And pray harder than ever before.  Our President is in real danger.  This war, this spiritual war, is dangerous.  Are you ready to defend him?

My post:

Hello prayer warriors! I am sitting on my porch this morning drinking coffee as usual. But it’s not a usual morning. I am shaken by a warning. Strong warning! I doubt I am alone if I am writing this. That little voice inside is insistent this morning! We must humble ourselves now and pray for our President’s safety. We are in extremely dangerous times especially between now and the election. They are going to try to “permanently get rid of him”.

I have prayed the prayer below for many years and have evidence of its power. Right now, I implore all of you...urgently to be praying the below prayer over your family (naming every one of them) and adding President Trump and his family in it too. Please don’t just read this: PRAY IT! If they will go after the President, they WILL come after us. Already trying. I haven’t had this type of warning in awhile. It’s shaken me. Thankful for this group. So thankful. 

Prayer of Protection:

Father, I thank You for Your covenant promise of protection. Right now I call upon the covenant I have with You and plead the blood of Jesus over my husband/wife, my children and myself.

Angels, I charge you to watch over my family and me to protect us, for we are walking in the footsteps of Jesus. Go before us, behind us, beside us and all the way around us. Keep us from calamity, evil and misfortune.

No evil will befall my family in the Name of Jesus! No weapon formed against them will prosper, and every lying tongue that rises up against them I do condemn, for this is my heritage as a servant of the Lord.

I thank You Father, that great is the peace of my children. Their righteousness is of You. They don’t walk in their own righteousness, but in Your righteousness by the blood of Jesus. I thank You for that, Lord. They will not get off track in life, none of their steps shall slide (Psalm 37:31) for Your Holy Spirit will guide them every step of the way.

Father, Your Word says that we, Your sheep, know Your voice. It says You will show us things to come. It says the voice of Your Spirit will come to us and say, “This is the way; walk in it.” I stand on these promises, Lord, and ask that You teach us to hear Your voice. Help us recognize when You are speaking to us, and we will obey.

Now I stand in Your holy of holies and open my spirit to receive the wisdom You have made available to me. I put myself in a position to hear and receive instruction from You. I enter the secret place of the Most High by the blood of the Lamb, and I purpose to live my life in Your presence.

I thank You that You are faithful to your Word, Father. I thank You that what You say is certain and sure. When You say You will deliver us, we can rely on that promise. So right now I receive Your supernatural protection and deliverance for my family and me in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

(Prayer from Kellie Copeland’s book – Protecting Your Family in Dangerous Times)

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