Tuesday, October 20, 2020

My Two Cents on a Tuesday!

Tuesday’s two cents worth:  I never wished ill will on President Obama even though I disagreed with his policies. I would still love to have a cup of coffee with him.  I would make him one of my favorite desserts too!  I pray for him and his family.  I always believe there is hope until the day we die to reconcile with others, find true love (Jesus), make amends, and be the best we can be. And all my life I always believed the people would put our country back on right path.  We always tried before. Sadly the people wanted a king with President Obama and they got one.  

But watching the treatment of President  Trump and now Rush with his update yesterday, doubts do have a tendency to rise up and cause concern. It is so obvious we are in a spiritual war.  Good vs evil. Right vs wrong.  Satan vs God.  Blind vs seeing.  Literally.  I am not requiring people to be just like me.  Oh no that’s not what the Constitution and America is all about.  

But I ask you to go find a mirror as fast as you can and ask God to show you the way, the truth, and the light.  Crawl up in His lap like a kid would. That’s where I find shelter. Ask Him for advice. Don’t wait a minute longer.  This isn’t a hyperbole or a way to round the troops up for President Trump. It’s for YOU and ME to do “a check up from the neck up” (as my brother used to say).  It’s a cry out to check your soul and your relationship with God.  He is the one and only true King.  And who will have the last Word.  Seems to me something is about to happen to show us just how small we are and how great God is.  And way more important than personal politics.

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