Tuesday, October 20, 2020

What’s at Stake!

My two cents before Election Day: Let’s not forget...the Presidential race is not all you are voting on.  But let’s ponder something anyway....Is your 401k, savings, paycheck better now than 4 years ago?  Are you working? Did you see consumer spending is now at a higher rate than BEFORE COVID-19? Wow.  President Trump led that. #MAGA

Ok back to my subject: Did your US Senator or HOR fight for life, liberty and pursuit of  justice for all or do nothing for four years but try to destroy your vote in 2016 by impeaching the President?? (I used justice instead of happiness deliberately.) 

What did he/she do? How did they represent our state? Stand with the President against illegal immigration? Stand with him on peace in Middle East, moving US Embassy back to Jerusalem, Cutting taxes, stand with our Boys and Girls in Blue, agree bringing jobs back for Americans was worth killing some trade pacts, stand with MAKING AMERICA GREAT and not foreign governments???? What?? How about this:  NO NEW WARS!!!!!!!  Or did he/she said Senator/HOR mock the President nonstop and try to destroy him bc they hate him? Guess what they hate you too for voting for him. ☹️

Did your Governor lock your state down, require masks, and didn’t look objectively at real data, ie, CASES DO NOT EQUAL DEATHS? Did he march with protestors, mask or no mask, then say those on the Capitol grounds wanting their states to open only spread COVID? Did said Governor  then use tyrannical means to favor some businesses and bankrupt others?  Did your Governor allow destruction,and act hypocritical when rioting thugs destroyed cities and towns and applaud their actions? Did your Mayor go along with that?  

Did your County Commissioners or city council members keep raising your taxes and stay silent on the thuggery?  Have they tried to defund the precious Law enforcement officers in your county ( like Durham and Asheville)?  

And in Lee County - Are they putting a bond on the ballot for sports complex or any other extracurricular item THAT WILL RAISE  TAXES IN A COVID 19 aftermath?  Especially after school sports were curtailed drastically?? I am sure “it’s only for the children” is being said right now back at me.  😱

Did your school board along with Governor keep your schools shut and refuse to listen to parents that kids need to go back to the classroom or vice versa  (two sides to every story)?  Parents should be listened to no matter what the issue is.  

What I am getting at is there is more than a Presidential  race this year!!! Policies stay around after 4 years.  Presidents only last 8 if they win re-election. You are voting for the future of our country and if your kids and grandkids will have the same freedoms you do right now right this very minute. Don’t sit out!!

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