Sunday, October 25, 2020

Sunday Morning PINOs!


WOW! Great article ! PINOs - Pastors in Name Only!  They are everywhere.  Yes they are!!  They say nothing about abortion then tear into President Trump because he doesn’t speak “right” ( rather as they demand)! What’s more appalling is the PINOs adamantly get so angry if you bring up the hypocrisy!!  They cry and whine that Republicans  just don’t help minorities but this President has and still is!! For goodness sakes, how many times does the President have to condemn racism for some to hear it?  President Trump isn’t perfect. No one is!!  But I will take him any day over someone claiming to be God’s messenger but will not condone abortion. There are wolves feeding the sheep on Sunday mornings. 

Michael Quinn Sullivan- on Facebook- this is exactly how I see it!

It has become all the rage within the woke circles of evangelicalism for “conservative” pastors to take this president to task in a way they never did with previous occupants of the White House. They focus on his style, without considering results or substance.

This isn’t surprising, since that’s how many treat their ministries. They want us focused on how they play the right music, have fun social groups, or are aspiring members of the new intelligentsia. They hope we will ignore the scripturally irrelevant self-help pablum dished out from the pulpit.

The problem is that too many pastors and other church leaders are threatened by a “profane” businessman delivering on the promises that they have not.

The modern church – even the allegedly “Bible-believing, theologically conservative” brand associated with American evangelicalism – has become a sinkhole of soft leftist ideology. Too many pulpits are filled by pastors more concerned with the faint praise of the godless elite than they are in substantive reform of our culture. They are embarrassed the Trump-supporting rabble, and want to be loved the modern Pharisees.

For decades conservatives have been urged not to see themselves as voting for a “pastor” when selecting a president. We have been told to overlook adultery in the Oval Office. We have been told to ignore unconstitutional power grabs in the name of “safety,” and to understand that funding Planned Parenthood and redefining marriage are necessary “concessions” for our so-called friends to gain political power.

But power to do what?

In 2016, conservatives finally relented. We elected someone who made a different bargain. Rather than go with the guys who pat the electorate on the head and offer some soft patter about their conversations with their ol’ pal Jesus, voters went with a straight-talking, results-promising newcomer – even if he’s occasionally crass and unabashedly self-promoting.

No one could confuse Donald Trump with a pastor. But we weren’t supposed to be electing a pastor, right?

Instead, Americans elected a man to get a job done. He made explicit promises, and seemed like a guy who would deliver.

For more than 30 years, American presidential candidates promised Christians they’d move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem; they never did it. Donald Trump did. Republicans for 50 years have run on the agenda of protecting the unborn and ending abortion, but done precious little. Donald Trump banned the use of federal dollars for abortion with the stroke of a pen, defunding Planned Parenthood. The hip pastors who preach about social justice talk a good game about prison reform, but Donald Trump actually did it.

The emasculated “men” who wring their soft hands on Facebook about how awful Donald Trump’s tone is seem incapable of looking at the results - results they have long claimed to cherish. It makes me think a great many pastors don’t actually want to solve problems, just spout moralism from their comfortable, book-lined offices.

The problem is not that Donald Trump is a morally flawed man like the rest of us. The same woke pastors who tell us we must metaphorically stone Donald Trump, nonetheless refuse to speak out against the sins of their local officials – for fear of upsetting them. They will loudly damn President Trump for his personal failings, but won’t take a state representative or city councilman to task publicly for funding abortion with tax dollars.

For years they have scammed their flocks, programmatically failing to deliver while blaming others, then lining their pockets with the proceeds of promises for “next time.” We have been told by these same pastors to tolerate professional politicians who’ve made a good living on “fighting the good fight” without ever putting a win on the board.

They can tolerate many intolerable things, but the new generation of socially woke pastors simply cannot abide by someone who actually delivers on his promises.

Donald Trump has done what he promised. He has fought for American greatness. Even when he has failed to deliver, he has not failed to fight. You don’t like Donald Trump’s attitude? Then don’t invite him to dinner. King David was a murdered and an adulterer. St. Matthew was a tax collector. Paul stoned Christians.

Rather than pander to the left, Donald Trump fights for the right. Rather than reject him, pastors should emulate his willingness to fight off the wolves in defense of his flock. Too many of them would rather be friends with the wolves.

Even as so many pastors have been unfaithful to us, Donald Trump has kept faith with America. We’ve had more than enough nice guys who don't fight, so now we've got a fighter who isn't always nice. Which has done more for liberty?

In my view, we need Donald Trump for four more years.

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