Have you ever noticed that every time government gets involved in the private sector, it always has the ability to screw things up? The same can be said about government incentives.
With the successful track record of the U.S. Post Office, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the ever solvent Social Security and Medicare Systems, it is only fitting that the always financially astute Department of Energy, now find themselves providing loan guarantees for start up “green industries!”
Have you heard of Solyndra? You know the premier solar company touted by our Dear Leader as the green job maker of the future? The green energy company that relished the benefit of the tax payer’s largess to the tune of $528,000,000.00 in government loan guarantees! That is over a half a BILLION dollars! With all that government money, Solyndra filed for bankruptcy and laid off employees. Of course, Solyndra is nothing like the Enron Corporation that was connected to the evil George W. Bush! So it is not surprising that the progressive media fails to beat the drum day after day, for the failure of Solyndra as they did against Enron? Besides, it is tax payer’s money that was frittered away, not private investors.
Another company receiving a loan guarantee of $43,000,000 (that is $43 million for the mathematically challenged) from the ever business savvy Department of Energy, Beacon Power has also filed for bankruptcy this past November. Then of course there is Evergreen Solar Inc. that received a paltry $5.3 million in stimulus cash in order to make ‘institutions of higher indoctrination” (universities) in Massachusetts “GREEN!” Well you guessed it. Evergreen Solar filed for bankruptcy protection as well.
Then we have the troubled lithium battery company Ener1, also promised $118.5 million in grant money from the 2009 stimulus package. You remember the stimulus package superbly orchestrated by our Dear Leader and his progressive comrades in the U.S. Congress in order to keep unemployment below 8%?
Let us not forget that SpectraWatt, another solar cell company in New York, received a tidy little sum of $500,000 grant as a result of the Stimulus Package. I know, I know, what is a measly $500,000 grant to the average taxpayer today? Surely it is chump change! Then there is the evil corporation, Mountain Plaza Inc. who received $424,000 of tax payer money from the Environmental Protection Agency, laundered as a grant through the Tennessee Department of Transportation. They too have filed for bankruptcy. . .
In October of last year, we discover the Department of Energy provided a $529 million U.S. taxpayer funded loan to Fisker Car Company that will build the electric Karma sports car, in Finland! Yes, our Dear Leader enjoys and certainly knows how to spread the wealth around! Surely the United Auto Workers collective is happy that their international brethren will enjoy our tax money?
Now the culmination of stimulus / incentives gone wild! You know the corporation too big to fail, General Motors or GM? Now affectionately called Government Motors as we the so-called taxpayers hold 25% interest in the company.
We now learn that the “Government Motors” premier “green” car, the Chevy Volt apparently costs a little bit more than the actual $40,000 per car price tag. You see, the Mackinac Center for Public Policy found that the taxpayer subsidies will total nearly $250,000 per Chevy Volt!” There you have it! Taxpayer incentives from the local, state, and federal level always add to the real cost of any product. Which in most cases incentives force us all to pay more!
Let us not forget that the Chevy Volt enjoys a stellar performance record as it’s range of 40 miles per charge greatly diminishes in freezing weather, the charging system is prone to fires, survival in an accident is lessoned with 450 lbs of battery to contend with in a collision, and then the emergency rescue personnel are subject to electrocution while extracting the injured passengers! Don’t you just love being forced to go green?
How can government justify taking risks with tax payer’s money, by doling it out as “incentives,” without a track record of success? Of course most of the pay offs were to “political contributors” who in turn will return the favor! Can you say, Corrupt Chicago Corporate Cronyism?
So the next time the Lee County Economic Development Corporation comes up with a wonderful tax payer funded scheme, just remember the words of Michigan State Representative Tom McMillan:
It just goes to show there are certain folks [in Washington and Lansing] who will spend anything to get their vision of what people should do. It’s a glaring example of the failure of central planning trying to force citizens to purchase something they may not want…. They should let the free market make those decisions.
As always, I shall remain . . . In Search of Our GOD Given Liberties!
I did not think you were still blogging. I thought you had quit, you know like you quit being a Commissioner.
As to the matter of what you wrote, this is what I am talking about when I said you have absolutely no modern ideas. You want to regress back to some quasi-sixteenth century concept of hands off mercantilism. We did not have truly free market capitalism ever in this country, but do not worry we Progressives are here to bring you into the 21st Century. Even if it means kicking and screaming.
You innovate and evolve or you get left behind in the past. Every other industrialized nation on Earth funds research and funds new industries they want to succeed. Kirk you cannot be frightened of the future. I know you find it bright and spooky, but we must strive to see the future and then boldly walk towards it.
Even Renee Ellmers agree's with me.
I know she talking about funding Robots and Robots can be scary, but the future waits for no man, woman, county, state, or nation. To compete we have to play by the rules of the game and use all of the weapons in our arsenal.
-Randall Lee Yow
(By the way it would be wrong of me not to call you out on the fact that you are yelling about incentives and funding on the internet. The internet would not exist had it not been for public schools and government grants and funding. Even supported by Republicans.)
Let us dissect the response of Lee County’s leading horticulturalist, mind reader and psychiatrist, Randall Lee Yow:
Randall states,
”As to the matter of what you wrote, this is what I am talking about when I said you have absolutely no modern ideas.”
What?!?!? Randall, I am not sure how my comments exposing the fraud, waste and abuse of our federal government has anything to do with “modern ideas.” How about the idea that private investors take on the risk, not the government using tax payer’s money? How about the idea that we the tax payer’s not subsidize businesses that fail to make it in the free market? You know the free-market? Where people can freely purchase those goods and services that they wish, without government dictates!
Randall states,
“You want to regress back to some quasi-sixteenth century concept of hands off mercantilism.”
Not sure where you got that idea? Mercantilism was an economic system designed to benefit the mother country at the expense of the colonies. Nothing hands off there. The sole purpose of British mercantilism was to force the American colonies to provide only raw materials to England’s fledgling industries and going so far as to banning manufacturing in the colonies, thus assuring a market for the manufactured goods coming only from Britain.
This forced economy is very similar to the “centralized planning” demanded by communists, national socialists, and other fascist regimes. The failings of the Obama administration in this regard, clearly show the absolute fallacy of a government forced “green jobs economy.”
Randall states,
“We did not have truly free market capitalism ever in this country, but do not worry we Progressives are here to bring you into the 21st Century. Even if it means kicking and screaming.”
Not sure what you Progressives plan on for the 21st Century as it pertains to your version of an economic system. Most likely more tax and spend, along with centralized dictatorial proclamations from on high or from a highly bureaucratic agency whose failures mean nothing.
Randall states,
“Even if it means kicking and screaming,”
My, my . . . doesn’t that sound reminiscent of people dragged off to the gulags, concentration camps, or is Randall referring to the Department of Homeland Security Agency’s planned detention centers?
Randall states,
“You innovate and evolve or you get left behind in the past. Every other industrialized nation on Earth funds research and funds new industries they want to succeed.”
You make reference to every other industrialized nation? Could he be more specific? Did not Spain jump into the “green jobs industry about a decade ago?” How is that working out for them and at what cost?
The key words used here are “want to succeed.” Didn’t Hitler want his generals to succeed in Stalingrad? Didn’t Margaret Sanger want to succeed in sterilizing all undesirables and people of color? Simply wanting to succeed does not mean you will. Sometimes you have to look at a cost benefit analysis for any project, not crony capitalism that launders tax dollars back in the form of campaign contributions!
Randall states,
Kirk you cannot be frightened of the future. I know you find it bright and spooky, but we must strive to see the future and then boldly walk towards it.
I am terrified of the pending financial devastation facing this country’s future and the burden on our grand children! All Randall wants is more of the same, tax and spend without any accountability.
Randall states,
(By the way it would be wrong of me not to call you out on the fact that you are yelling about incentives and funding on the internet. The internet would not exist had it not been for public schools and government grants and funding. Even supported by Republicans.)
Call me out? Randall, you do know that the military industrial complex created the Internet in order to maintain communications after a devastating nuclear strike against this county?
You realize that the U.S. Constitution under Article. I. Section. 8: Congress is responsible to maintain the post roads (postal routes necessary for 18th century communications) also raise and support a military force. So it is just and proper that money be spent on those enumerated duties of our Congress.
Wouldn’t you say the internet was a great investment? Unfortunately, this current administration is cutting military research and development funding. While the Progressives and RINOs have pending bills in Congress in order to censor the internet! Senator Kay Haganov is very much in support of such a bill as she is a cosponsor! Got to love them Progressives!
As always, I shall remain, In Search of our GOD Given Liberties!
Yeah, yeah I know anyone who does not agree with you is an evil commie. You really need to get better material the same old stuffs getting old. I recommend you study Marx, now there was a guy who was on the ball. Groucho could always make me laugh. What? You thought I was talking about another Marx?
You forgot to address two things; Your quitting the County Commission and the fact that Renee Ellmers (who you supported and voted for I believe) does not even agree with you on these things. Renee Ellmers, Pat McCrory, Nikki Haley, Chris Christie, and Mitt Romney all believe in using (and have used) business incentives. Now I agree we do not need to use them willy nilly and we do not need to give away the store, but if our competition is going to use them as a tool so should we. I have asked this once and I will ask this again; How is it bad for the Democrats in North Carolina to use incentives but it is fantastic for Republicans in South Carolina to use incentives? If we stop using them and everyone else is going to keep using them doesn't that doom us to failure? Is failure alright as long as we are ideological pure?
-Randall Lee Yow
(By the way when the Homeland Security (cough, Bush!) people come to take you away, you and Mrs Barber can come over to my house and I will protect you. I own a gun that is not a muzzle loader. As always, I shall remain, In Search of your modern ideas!!!)
Wow, I just heard the Dear Leader's words, recycled from the three State of the Union Addresses! Now they are really into recycling!
Here is more on the Green Mega Rich gulping at the tax payers trough!
You will excuse me if I do not except a post on Michelle Malkin's blog as a solid news source. Every new industry is going to have stumbles. Look at the railroads in the 19th century. Many companies went under and there tracks ended up being sold for scrap or went to new companies that sprang up. If the Federal Government had not supported them we would not have had the transport system necessary to preserve the Union in the American Civil War and by the dawn of the 20th century America had the best rail system in the world. Just look to the Gadsen Purchase, we bought a piece of land from another Country to help the railroads.
The Asian countries are starting to outpace us in technological advancement, we have to keep up. If we had an import tariff on Solar Panels several companies would still be in business. Just look to fracking which is going to make quite a bit of money here in Lee County (as long as it is done correctly). It was developed through the use of a public private research partnership. I am sorry, still looking for those modern ideas.
By the way still waiting on the explanation on why you think people should vote for you, when you already quit public office before?
-Randall Lee Yow
Mrs Barber,
Are Kirk Smith's personal problems resolved or will they force him to leave office again? Maybe I need to know so I can decide to vote for him or not? And the last two Commissioners that left office were both Republicans weren't they? Amy Stevens who held the Broadway seat, then Kirk Smith, then John Quiggle, then Amy Dalrymple (who was the only good one), and then Charlie Parks. Five Commissioners in less than two years don't you think that did not properly correct represent the district?
And I did recently request Kirk's e-mails from the time he was Commissioner. Much like Charles Staley requested all of Doc Oldhams and Richard Hayes emails. Which I believe I am in my rights to do. I am surprised Kirk even sent any e-mails, he seems more of a telegraph kind of guy to me.
-Randall Lee Yow
Will you really vote for someone like Kirk? Ha ha
Hmmm are you retaliating against Staley? I haven't paid attention to all
the hoopla except when it comes to another certain individual in town.
Otherwise, I think it's ridiculous. What's the purpose other than to dig up
dirt and hurt someone?
Not going down that path. I do however ask and pay for with my funds documents like audits, proposals.
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