Monday, April 2, 2012

Arrogance at Its Best!

President Barack Hussein Obama slams the judicial system his party abuses if they can't get something through legislatively.  Who does he think he is?  God?  Oh that's right.  He does!   So he bullies the Supreme Court, tells Russia "it's ok.  Just wait till the election is over...", politicizes a murder, encites the people, then shuts up instead of calming citizens down....What else will we hear OR NOT HEAR  from  the elitist?

Obama: Court Striking Down Obamacare Would Be Judicial Activism
President Obama preemptively slammed the Supreme Court as a bunch of "unelected group of people" who will have turned to "judicial activism or a lack of judicial restraint" if they decide to strike down his signature legislative achievement, the healthcare reform act.

Obama was speaking at a trilateral event with the Prime Minister of Canada and President of Mexico.

Obama touted the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, as "a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically-elected Congress."

"I am confident the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically-elected congress," President Obama said at a White House event in the Rose Garden today.

"I just remind conservative commentators that for years we have heard the biggest problem on the bench was judicial activism or a lack of judicial restraint. That an unelected group of people would somehow overturn a duly constituted and passed law. ..."


Anonymous said...

funny thing, the heritage foundation was the first to propose the individual mandate and oddly it quickly became unpopular when president obama inserted into his healthcare plan. why run from an idea widely supported by leadership in the republican party? as a right leaning court i suspect they will uphold the law, they do after all follow their masters original wishes.

Sheila said...

The arrogance here is the bullying by a President towards the Supreme Court. He's done it before. Obama believes he is all and all is he.

The mandate is the center of Obamacare. It is the only way they have to fund it. If it goes, so should Obamacare.

Nancy Gale said...

I believe the individual mandate was supported by the Heritage Foundation as way for the states to handle the problem, not as a solution for the federal government to undertake.

Nancy Gale said...

I believe the individual mandate was supported by the Heritage Foundation as way for the states to handle the problem, not as a solution for the federal government to undertake.

Anonymous said...

and the question remains, do you or do you not support the individual mandate? or should the rest of those being responsible continue to subsidize those that have no insurance but recieve the same level of care? define your position and provide an alternate if you dare.

Anonymous said...

A Bad Idea is a bad Idea no matter who initiated it. But since anonymous is talking hypocrisy, How about his excellence the holy one , arguing against a mandate when he was running for president. And suppose the mandate is upheld, does anonymous expect all those who dont abide by the law to be thrown in jail?

People go to the emergency room for serious care. Under this plan they will be flocking to the doctor everytime one of their nose hairs comes out. Talk about skyrocketing cost. But we have the evil rich to pay for it if all else fails

Anonymous said...

so by your analogy preventive care increases health care cost, opposite of everything the health care professionals have ever put forth. the evil rich don't pay for that, those having insurance and paying taxes pay for it with increased premium and rates charged to cover the uninsured.

Anonymous said...

Are those the same professionals who said this thing would cost less than a trillion, who now say double that?

If you think this plan will keep cost from skyrocketing you are greatly mistaken.

Hows that social security thing going. Maybe when I am eighty I might get a few dollars of it.

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