John Adams, in Defense of the British Soldiers on trial for the
Boston Massacre, December 4, 1770
My foes would not believe this but I
really, really try to give someone the benefit of the doubt before they truly
screw it completely up. No matter how deceiving I perceive they may be. I was
told today I gave too much time to one individual who's only goal was to hurt
me. That's definitely true! And sometimes no matter what you do the inevitable
happens. But when it does, it's not always a bad thing.
Alot of us have been praying for discernment and that whatever was done in the dark would be made to come out in the light. Those prayers are being answered.
Now before some of you foes attempt
to tell me what my position is with the RWL, I'll tell you. My bylaws state I
can't endorse a candidate(s) before the primary. What they DON'T say, and I've
checked more than once, is that I cannot excoriate one. And this election
season has shown the need for that. One "R" candidate says he's
trustworthy, courteous, completely honest in a paid ad in the Herald. Yet he
hasn't the least bit of respect for others. Wouldn't even return an email to
respectfully decline. I can forgive not being interested. I can't forgive a
blatant disregard for others. And for pretending to be in a party for the full
intention of taking votes from someone who really is a noble candidate and has
our values.
Plus why keep it secret? Makes the individual
look weak. Look untrustworthy.
Oh well......:
In February the Republican Women
voted on their bylaws. It was explicitly explained to the ladies they need to
read closely Articles II, III, IV - but especially Article II.
I repeated several times that before they voted to make sure they understood. Because we would hold them to their vote. This was clearly understood by everybody else in the room. There are several witnesses to the events that night.
The following pertain to members and those associated with us:
- to foster loyalty to the Republican Party and to promote its principles and candidates in all elections, including non-partisan elections;
- to support the objectives and policies of the national, state and local Republican Party organizations and to work for the election of Republican nominees.
And then this was in today's paper.
Tamara Brogan, a frequent visitor to the RWL, running for Board of Education, and who was
present the night we voted on our bylaws was invited to a Democratic Meet and
Greet. Tells you what the Democrats think about her. They love her. She ran in the Republican primary in 2010 against the left's favorite foe, and she lost. So is she or is she not a Republican anymore? I think the R is still beside her name however when you run for the BOE you are supposedly running in a non-partisan race. We all here in Lee County know the non-partisan label with respect to the BOE is a bunch of hogwash.
But here's what we know: Ms. Brogan supported the opposition in 2010 election; supported the sales tax increase, and opposed the Lee County/LCSS audit, etc. That's exactly what the kind of candidate the Dems were looking for. Makes you wonder if she would support an agenda
that pushes a particular 3rd grade class, the only one with a NC Rep's daughter
in it, to write a letter to daddy stating "please make the budget higher.
We won't be able to have our EOG tests. " Give me a break. You know that
As RWL President I want to know why she bothers to come to our meetings? Is it to spy? Is it to get our vote? Because our bylaws state we are to support true Republican candidates who believe in Republican values. And let me tell you don't support tax hikes and you do believe in accountability if you are a Republican.
I would rather someone be honest, even
if it's disappointing to me. Just be honest. Say who you are. Be who you are.
Be true to yourself. I guess that's a lot to ask of our current politicians and
candidates, huh?
I had a conversation with her in an email once feeling out her positions on school bullying. Trying to get a feel for her. She was courteous, and respectful in her response.
Don't know much about her other views .
Doesn't look good showing up at a democratic function. Doesn't bode well for my vote.
Would love to hear her explanation, if she chose to give it.
To Be honest, she really wasn't on my radar to vote for anyhow. But for those who pull the straight republican ticket lever.
Something to ponder.
She's very courteous.
A little slow in reporting campaign finance stuff - 2010 paperwork sent in right before announcing for 2012. That was
the word on the street. But oh well. Forgiveable.
Dems like her. And that's the scary part! The paper called her
'Keith Clark's protege'. That's even scarier.
FYI - Before someone else posts nasty stuff about me ...I have given Tamara plenty of opportunities to stand up and say something at our meetings. She's remained quiet. She declined the RWL regular meeting invite - where we had all local "R" candidates speaking. There was a BOE meeting at the same night and she needed to attend. Very respectfully declined, I might add! Unlike the other candidate who is flat out rude.
Cameron stopped by and I gave him the floor immediately so he could jet out to the same meeting. Would have done the same for her. An agenda can be changed on the fly you know.
One more thing you may want to note Dale, word on the street is also that she's part of that "LEED" group. I'm sure you're aware - its that group financing the ADS with that nice looking picture of Jim in it. He's so photogenic! Don't you think? Now if they would only put Dan Forest's picture in the paper every day. What a guy!
I imagine not being selected on the "Yellow Ballot" could have made her consider expanding her approach. Those with endorsements can stay within the conservative base and still succeed, but those that lose their base must venture out into the political wilderness to gain ground.
Could be, I am not as astute on those type things.
I didnt know enough about her to vote for her. I guess I will see how everything turns out then as I learn more about her see how I feel.
Hope the county gets some good conservatives to keep our financial affairs in order though.
I think it speaks to the openness of the Democratic Party of Lee County that we invited Democrats, Republicans, and Independents to come to an event. After all if you are elected you do not just serve with people of your own political leanings.
-Randall Lee Yow
Agreed Randall, But we aren't in that phase yet. We are still in the voting stage. And you must admit that it is the prerogative of every voter to vote for the candidate that best emulates his,or,hers views.
Tamara made a calculation. We will see if it pans out.
It does leave me to wonder of her actual leanings though. I think she would have been better served defining her views .
I really dont know if she is conservative, or liberal. Do you?
What do you think of the LEED Pac? Does it bother you that some of the contractors here in sanford, big business men. Might get control over the bidding process for local projects?
Remember when one was complaining about not getting contracts even though he was way higher than the other bids?
Will it help our budget to award to highest bidder? I thought you were for transparency.
Who else is running with this pack? Will we see a return of "good ole boys" days in lee co?
You scratch my back, me yours?
Dear Dale: The good old boys haven't gone anywhere. There's no returning back - they are already here!!
Mr Marks,
I believe she is a conservative more in the vain of someone like Mark Akinosho or a Herb Hinks. I do not believe she is going to vote for President Obama if that is what you are asking. I would like to ask you though if you have heard about this Conservative Ballot Committee of Lee County and what if any criteria they use in their choices?
-Randall Lee Yow
I am all for business. I am most certainly for home grown business!
But I hate cannibals. Those who eat their own kind. Throw friends under the bus,just for their own gain. Stand eyeball to eyeball with you, smile while patting you on the back.
Then meet secretly with your foes to discuss a deal.
Ok combining comments:
Were all Republican candidates invited? Don't answer. I already know the answer. No. Just those that think its fun to say you are but not really be one. That's ok. It always comes out. Better now than later.
So if Bobby dear came to our events and never went to yours, you would be ok and still vote for him against Pat McCrory? Is that correct? First of all Bobby won't come. And thank goodness. I'm not prepared to confront the dude on if he knows what a balanced budget is. He seemed a bit aloof in 2010 when I asked him about that at the CEAD forum. I hope he's learned more about it since NC requires one. And I hope he hasn't fussed any kids out soon.
But oh well...
FYI - "U"s were at the two Republican Women events too.
Anyone can come though and listen and learn. :)
Cya soon, maybe? I wonder what would have happened had I walked in last night? Bc if dinner hadn't been on the table, I was going. But my beef tips on rice looked too good to leave!
Why Dale that would be the EDC! Stop talking about Mr. LEED leader. Shame on you.
BTW - This is exactly what they did to Steele and Pipe. I imagine the EDC visited them that very day and took some of Sandra's doughnuts. Then went to secret meetings with the company that very well could have put S&P out of business.
What? Little ole me? You give me more credit than due. You are more equipped to answer such questions as those. ...But really fill me in on LEED I am really curious.
Whats your take? I heard some will heavy hitters in that bunch. Real estate tycoons, ect.
Mr Marks,
As stated before I am in no way involved with the LEED PAC. I have no idea who is involved with it other than what I have seen reported. I have heard various rumors but I will refrain from repeating them.
As to the bidding processes I want total transparency and I support going with the lowest bid. I do not know if you remember but we had a former Mayor of Sanford get in a whole lot of trouble over bidding for contracts, and the tools and oversight are a lot stronger now than the 80's.
I think the main issue with LEED has been James Womack and how he has tried to throw his weight around and intimidate certain people. I think those certain people have finally gotten tired of his attitude (not necessarily his political views). It is my understanding though that LEED has members of all political stripes.
By the way totally agree with the cannibals thing, but I prefer to call them Casino Capitalists. They make their money and leave the taxpayers holding the bag. Just look to the Witin-Roberts factory and the old Coury Company Factory, one torn down at taxpayer expense and one decaying into a public safety issue.
-Randall Lee Yow
Well then you should be very skeptical of this LEED. A lot of Chameleon figures in this group.
If they are so much for the citizens why is it that you only hear of their names as rumors?
I would be proud of a pac If I started it. I would also not want to veil my friends.
Why aren't the citizens aware of all these rumored folks?
Is the destruction of a single figure the ethical means of starting a pac?
"Is the destruction of a single figure the ethical means of starting a pac?"
good to know you don't support any of the current heavy hitters putting out propaganda against our president. super pac money be it national or local, veiled in secrecy is never a good thing and here we have a great example of it. neither party or it's biggest contributors should be allowed to hide while trying to buy elections and influence policy for their own benefit. "A"
I am going to think on your point all day. Surprised?
It's a disease that runs deep in both parties. has for years. Then when people speak out about it, they get trampled. And campaign finance laws don't work. Our beloved Prez had overseas donations, from countries with socialist agenda, in 2008. So he is sort of getting a taste of his own medicine.
But let's discard that for a moment. Go locally. Until the voters do their homework, get off their recliners, make calls, and actually get to know who, what, when and where, nothing will change. It's so easy to just vote for those who go to your church, eat with you at lunch, talk the talk, preach the rhetoric but in secret do otherwise, so on and so on. We seem to accept the abnormal as normal. And forget these are the very people that go to Washington!! Why??
The root of the problem is the voter. The politicians just feed off the apathy. Turns my stomach. Another thing is most would think I am die hard Republican. Nope. Die hard conservative. There's a difference. conservatism is shared by all. you would never see that admitted though.
While I think. I hope you will think about unions also "A" In essence they operate as pacs sometimes with taxpayers monies. They would have to brought into the eguation also. Since they tend to favor one spectrum of the political system.
Ain't that the truth!
Classic case. Local citizen cries like a baby because contracts are rewarded to outside bidders. Then turns around and tries to put another local company out of business by courting an outside business.
He practically offered the business the kitchen sink to come here on our dime.
That ain't just politically wrong. Man thats dawg gone mean.
The EDC sure did. You know people chastised Commissioner Womack on wanting to put the EDC under the County Manager.
But I really don't think they looked at it the right way. If we were to do that, and go through the hiring process of finding a manager, making Huets apply as well, the very first thing it would do is stop the "conflict of interest" perception.
It would stop the mishandling of the incentives game too.
I would be willing to go for this. We could use some of that $14.5 million in savings the Evergreen audit showed we could.
Then it would also give some trust back to the citizens. You would have an employee that is accountable. One that would definitely lose his/her job if they tried recruiting direct competition! And not a bunch of good old farts who think their stance is life is better than the rest of us. Poor other blogger though would have to find another way of praising his buddies, though.
I never really thought about it this way. I don't expect the hot heads on the EDC to go along.
You know Randall. I really am a little afraid of the LEED pac thing. Politics aside. Just two citizens talking. I know they are against my political views and that makes me partial.
But it just don't feel right Randall. Party affiliation or not. I am concerned about a group gaining access to government affairs. You know I am pro business and all.
I remember the Stewart days well. You know more about the insiders on this pac than I Randall. You have more standing in party matters than I . I write the occasional letter to editor. But really thats all the savy I have on those things. But man something just don't smell right.
I think womack is a smoke screen. Thrown out to get the dog off the hunt.Thats one of those conspiracy things we republicans do.
But seriously Have you ever thought if a group gained entrance into all the functions of the county government what a prize that would be.
Look at that wral report on hiring practices. Can you imagine an orwellian group heading up the county.
You know them better than me but I hope I dont come back and say I told you so later. I know the rumored names too randall, I just wish i had confidence in their motives. I think it runs deeper than the statement they put out. And the revenge on womack
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