- Daniel Webster
I've said it over and over that we here at FBC, try to make the obscene obvious. It is up to you to decide who represents you. It is our job to report what they do.
But the people that have that "D" by their names now look nothing like the Dem party of old. And it appals me that Pastors will proclaim the gospel on Sunday morning after speaking at a Democratic Convention on Saturday. If a Pastor speaks at a convention whose main focus was opposing Amendment One, the bill to define marriage as being between man and woman, what does that say about him? After all, if he is reading the same Bible I grew up reading, there are instructions against homosexuality. And I believe the only book of instruction for our lives is The Bible. Let's see what does the Bible say about homosexuality:
Leviticus 20:13
“If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense.
“If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
9 Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, 10 or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people—none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God.
1 Timothy 1:9-11
9 For the law was not intended for people who do what is right. It is for people who are lawless and rebellious, who are ungodly and sinful, who consider nothing sacred and defile what is holy, who kill their father or mother or commit other murders. 10 The law is for people who are sexually immoral, or who practice homosexuality, or are slave traders,[a] liars, promise breakers, or who do anything else that contradicts the wholesome teaching 11 that comes from the glorious Good News entrusted to me by our blessed God.
Not only that, the Democratic Party supports a woman's right to choose for her "fetus" to live or die. Shoot, they can't even decide when a baby is a baby. The Bible says in Psalm 127:3: Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.
The Democratic Party thinks it's ok to rob Peter to pay Paul. And they are thrilled when you are down and out and have nowhere to go but Government. They want you dependent on them. They are even running radio ads advocating going on Food Stamps!
The Bible says in Proverbs 10:4: Lazy people are soon poor; hard workers get rich. I am not referring to the widows and the poor that cannot help themselves. The Bible says in 1 Timothy 5:3: Take care ofb any widow who has no one else to care for her. 4But if she has children or grandchildren, their first responsibility is to show godliness at home and repay their parents by taking care of them. This is something that pleases God.
I don't claim to know what God thinks. Or what God will judge. I have His written word as a guide.
But I do know this though: The reason the world doesn't trust the church is pretty clear.
How do you answer anyone who says "I don't want anything to do with God" when they see Pastors or Deacons or so-called religious people claiming one thing on Saturday and another on Sunday ? You can't defend it. Why should the world trust the church when it's leaders don't follow the Bible? The very book they open in a pulpit but apparently don't read.
Folks, when I hear someone tell me that the God I believe in must not be real because of what they see in this county, state and country, it breaks my heart. Because you can't defend it. The very same fire and brimstone Sunday morning leader turns around on Monday and thinks saying "In Jesus' Name" at a public meeting is wrong. They don't say a word when kids are falsely accused and lives are ruined. They don't reject the notion that marriage isn't limited to man and woman. They just turn their head.
Our paper didn't report a word said by a local pastor, Shawn Williams, who is running for re-election to the "non partisan" (my foot) Board of Election race. I'd like to know if he came out against it!
Here are some things the Democratic Party claims they support (http://www.democrats.org/):
Fair elections and voting rights- If this isn't the most ridiculous stance! We want fair elections too. Stop cheating Democrats. Support voter id! I have to have an ID to write a check, go to the doctor, get money from my bank account, etc. I even have to have one to go to a Democratic event! So if you want fairness, start with yourselves!
Energy independence - OMG Let me count the ways "green" companies have robbed the taxpayer of millions of dollars and then bellied up. Drill baby drill. I'll say it again: Drill baby Drill. That also means "Obama - stop killing jobs by blocking the Keystone pipeline"!
Open Government - Ha. Ok I'll just laugh on this one. On their website it states: "For Democrats, changing politics in Washington means ensuring that government is open, transparent, and responsive to the needs of the people. President Obama has implemented the most sweeping ethics and transparency requirements in history, building on steps taken by Democrats to limit the influence of special interests and ensure that government is accountable to the people."
I guess attending $30,000 a plate campaign events, Patrick Kennedy's comment "give the White House something if you want something", having a tax cheat as the Treasury Secretary, party party party attitude, etc, is all about killing special interests and making government accountable! Mr. Prez, what kind of fools do you think we are?
These are only a few. I could name more.
How in the world can you call yourself Godly and believe in what the Democratic Party believes in? How? If you have the magic answer, please by all means comment here. Because in my eyes, at the end of the day, a Democrat is a Democrat. And I have barely scratched the surface above as to what that means.
far be it for me to opine on the hyporcracy of your very words, to cast judgement on one political party while ignoring the "sins" of another is disingenious. to act as if the same couldn't be said for the republicans is simply perpetuiating a falsehood, do you read the stories concerning both parties or is your head so far in the sand you only see information with a blatant political view? facts somehow continue to escape you yet they are widely available, the list of fallen political/religious leaders is too longe to print here and most if not all of them lean right. doesn't the bible mention glass houses...... i'm be interested to know your position regarding the mormon faith, as you are apparently about to support one at the poles. "A"
excuse the typos, difficult to publish from a phone.....
Thank you Anonymous.
You did exactly what I figured would happened. Instead of answering the question, you threw back the accusations. Classic - kill the messenger instead of truly dealing with message.
Man I can call it right on the money sometimes.
I didn't ignore what the right side does. Dealing with the left is enough. You not only want me to pay for birth control, condoms to teens, lazy people sitting on their couches (there are plenty), but you also want me to pay for abortions. So let's call abortions for what they are - murder of innocent babies! MURDER. The left will support killing babies and then turn around and cry at rallies for murderers on death row. You'll support the killing of millions of babies (of all races) and hold rallies, call those of us asking for justice to really prevail - racists! You support a President who is making friends with our enemies. And tell me I have a war on women when he is allowing people in the White House, and having tea and caviar with heads of countries that carry out Sharia Law! My God how much more hypocrisy do you want me to point out? He just had the Muslim Brotherhood at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!
I personnally want every American, even my enemies, to have opportunity, freedom of speech (ohhh the left despises for the right to have that), liberty, safety, the pursuit of happiness. The left only thinks their elitists should have that. I want every single one of us, RIGHT, LEFT, BLACK, WHITE, HISPANIC, blue red yellow whatever color you want to throw at me to experience what America has to offer.
And frankly I am sick of the leftists trying to ram morality down my throat, preaching to me that I MUST believe in Adam and Steve, then turning around and staying silent on other stuff.... It's a wonder any of us are still here on earth.
There's such a vast difference in our thinking.
I knew without a doubt I would see "kill the messenger instead of dealing with the issue". I knew it. Bravo! Well done. Point proven again.
At least I have the guts to not hide behind "Anonymous". You're too freaking afraid to reveal who you are. Coward.
I have this thing with anyone posting anonymous must be a person hiding behind something themselves. Be man or woman enough to let folks know who you are and what your beliefs are. Don't be ashamed. it's America!
Having defended our freedoms it concerns me that you think of those with a different political view as "enemies" our system relies on our ability to express different views, I have no more right to impose mine on you than you do to impose yours in the rest of us. This country was founded based on relegious freedom, we are just as free not to bring our beliefs to bear on others, you seem to think we must follow yours. Though you are unlikely to understand my decision to remain anynomous there is no disputing the effect my words have upon you, it takes a few sentences to tell the truth yet many paragraphs to perpetuate a lie. "A"
Ha. They call me their enemy. Actually let's see: they call me heartless because I believe people who CAN SHOULD work. They call me a racist when I question the Prez. Hey I'm called racist if I print his full name! But that's another post.
I am not perpetuating a lie. Take off the blinders. I spoke as I see it.
So let me ask does Al and Jesse speak for you? Do you think we're guilty until proven innocent? Do you believe its ok to MURDER babies? uhh a gift from above! Huh? You never took my words point by point and refuted them. Please do. It is up to YOU to convince me otherwise.
The left does what I said. Period. I don't need to go through the points again. But I can frankly add to them. Apparently you don't know me well. I do go after the right. I have had alot of blogs condemning the attitudes of both.
You could do as I do when I see your spokesmen and women, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Debbie Big Mouth, spewing hate/lies, I turn the channel. You don't have to read my blog. I'm glad you do. I like the dialog. I think it's healthy for Americas to get the different views and decide for themselves.
I'm not like that other blogger and moderate. Sometimes comments are thrown into Spam but I release them.
I don't understand, and never will, those who pretend to be so passionate but are too afraid to reveal themselves. Why not? Why are you afraid? Will you be harassed by the left? Will you be disowned by family? God wouldn't do that to you. He won't disown you whether you believe in Him or not. Trust me I bet some of my family cringe at things I believe in. But that's ok. I stand my ground. What you see on Monday, you'll see on Sunday.
It's your country too. Dang it..you earned the right more than anyone else. What's the deal? And you have every right to your opinion as I do.
You said you served. Are you still serving? If that's the case, I would understand. If not, I don't.
So I am going to add something that likely get the ire of some of my friends.
Legislating morality doesn't work.
Roe v Wade - it's settled law. There's nothing the right will do by staying on the issue. Stop it and move on. All we can do is pray for the truth to be revealed. But arguing it on and on and on, is useless. We are not using the very thing we believe in, which is faith and prayer. We have other serious issues that we can fix. You simply can't fix the heart. God does that.
Gays - The Bible says its wrong. Ok. Case closed. Do we not befriend them? Absolutely not. Do we turn away and reject them? Absolutely not. It's their choice. They will answer to God just like I do. They are human beings and deserve to be treated like me. Not better than me. They don't need legislation to make me conform just like they don't need legislation to make them conform to morality. The right misses this point. And you bet'cha I believe if Jesus walked the earth today he would show compassion to all. My point with Pastors is...don't say one thing on Saturday and preach from the same book on Sunday that says homosexuality is wrong. That's hypocrisy.
The ultimate point I tried to make is the showing the hypocrisy that abounds.
Dear "A" don't stop commenting. Ever. Make your voice heard. You fought for it.
How come you only get upset about anonymous commenters when they disagree with you?
Do you really believe homosexuals should be put to death?
Anonymous did you even read what I wrote?
"Do you really believe homosexuals should be put to death?" - what?
Go back and read. Enough said.
Perhaps you are the one who needs to read what you write. From your OP:
Leviticus 20:13
“If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense.
Some seek to ride my coattails, you'll know when it's really me if you take time to read my post, most others lack my intellectual integrity and come across as angry, confused, or just plain stupid. I will not argue what the bible says, some like to pick and choose the parts they believe and support , others take it for what it is...a philosophy like many others that exist currently. You speak of the unborn and a women's right to choose yet support the killings of millions historically simply in the name of Christianity....You support the constitution, the same constitution that recognized our right to "own" human beings. My point is your inability to adjust locks you into positions you can't defend. "A"
That would be what the Bible says, not what Sheila says. Perhaps you would do well to attempt to comprehend what is written before hitting enter.
Those are God's words. Not mine.
Take your anger to him. He's listening.
Dear "A" - You aren't the only anonymous to post here, nor are you the first (you will notice there is a tendency on Sheila's part to call us cowards, but only when we disagree with her - our counterparts who support her remain anonymous with impunity). I do not seek to ride your coattails or "argue what the bible says." I seek to ask Sheila if she truly believes what she posted, which is that homosexuals should be put to death. Still waiting for a response.
Pretty weak response here. Did god sit down at your computer and post the verse in question to your blog? Do you believe that homosexuals should be put to death?
Pretty weak response here. Did god sit down at your computer and post the verse in question to your blog? Do you believe that homosexuals should be put to death?
Man, you "A"'s don't get it.
I stand by this: NO THEY SHOULD NOT. It was used as a reference from the Bible. And it's old Testament. Notice there are New Testament examples too. If you need clarification, go see your Pastor and ask what is the difference in the laws in the Old Testament to the ONE LAW in the New - love thy neighbor as thyself.
STOP the crap of trying to get me embroiled into something so you can call me a racist, hate gays, etc. You will do that anyway.
Why don't you "A"'s get to the point of refuting my original email and stop bashing the messenger?
All of you great philosophers who think you have found a irrefutable position are sadly mistaken.
Time isnt here to go into the relationship of the jewish race to God under the old covenant, nor its ultimate fulfillment under the new covenant instituted by Christ.
But just from a philosophical point you make the mistake of saying that because the PUNISHMENT for an OFFENCE changed , that the offence is no longer an offence.
For instance if a state decides to institute capital punishment for the crime of murder. Then later on rescinds that punishment. Does that mean murder is no longer a crime?????
If all you intellectual giants are trying to make it seem as thought the bible supports gay marriage,or acts. You will need to do some serious mental gymnastics. And a lot of straining of the text. DALE MARKS
Wow! 18 posts and I was not even involved.
Mr Barber and Mr Marks,
Remember you two if this Amendment passes you will no longer be allowed to criticize the State Government of North Carolina. If you do you will be speaking out against a government wrapped in the cloth of the Lord. Divine right of Kings is apparently coming back in style.
-Randall Lee Yow
P.S. Just so all you folks know I always sign my real name when it's from me.
I just realized something. What version of the Bible are you posting quotes from Mrs Barber? Because what you have posted does not match up with my Bible?
-Randall Lee Yow
I know Randall. Where you been?
They didn't even give you credit for disagreeing with me. I hope the "A"s are not considered friends. Obviously they don't know you well.
The issue with me starts when I have to change my life to accommodate the "laws" that get enacted because we, both right and left, try to legislate morality. Never has worked. Abortion foes will never win. I should not have to pay for Ms. Fluke's recreational activities. I would have no problem helping her fight breast cancer. But don't expect me to be forced to pay for abortions or condoms. Not my cup of tea.
And then I have a serious issue when Pastors use their forum to perpetuate (to use an "A" term) political views. And then remain silent or turn their head at hot issues.
Oh I'm not advocating nor rejecting the Amendment. Frankly, as I said before, there are some things you can win on, and some things you can't. I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I brought out that is what is in the Bible. We all will be held accountable on judgment day. In the meantime, we have people who want a job and don't have one or have lost hope. We have the need for oil and a way to get more but our Prez won't lift the moratorium on the Gulf nor endorse the Keystone Pipeline, yada yada yada. You get it Randall. I know.
You really should set the "A"s straight. Shame on them for not giving you the credit due. You're my favorite foe.
New Living Translation. There's a few out there!
So true about the Divine Right of Kings. Especially the one living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Randall, What I am opposed to is that the government will one day force me to accept what my conscience considers wrong.
You know Randall that we are ultimately heading to a federal acceptance of gay marriage. Once that occurs the weight of the government will force me to accept that view or suffer consequences.
Children will be taught in schools with no opt out, or no parental notification, about homosexuality. Regardless of parents approval.
Sex education now is quite a thing. But can you imagine the discussions on safe sexual practices of two men? What a conflict this will impose on poor children. Taught how homosexuality is wrong by the parents, and in their church. Then told the parents and church are wrong at school.
Teachers who oppose teaching these things on moral conscience dictates. Will be forced to choose to violate conscience, or loose their job.
Churches will be forced to perform gay marriages or loose tax exempt status.
A tent revival in downtown sanford will be told what things can and cant be said about homosexuality. An employee at work risk losing his job if he says something deemed improper about gays.
You think television and movies are full of objectionable things now. Hollywood will feast with shows depicting gay interaction. Art work will follow. I mean our whole culture will change.
Since it will be treated like race discrimination, the cries for more openly gay teachers, coaches of sports, actors,news anchors, I mean will we have an affirmative action law for gays. The sky is the limit.
And poor little me, forced to stand in the corner and keep my views quite or suffer ridicule, or even punitive actions because I dont believe homosexuality is acceptable behavior.
And I guarantee a Gay orientated bible is coming soon.
In other words intolerance , and bigotry will be synonymous with gays. And with the full force of government behind them, woe is me.
Not to mention the cost this will incur on
this already broke nation. social security will disentegrate. Dale Marks
Sis: What is wrong with these people. Where on earth did they find you wanted to kill homosexuals. My God, have mercy on these people. Lord, they are lacking wisdom. Should we laugh or feel sorry for these people. God tells us to pray for them and yes laugh at their ignorance
DALE is not a liberal. You could probably tell that anyway. Just posts under Anonymous.
The others:
They are liberals who will attempt to no end to discredit those of us who have faith and USE IT. They beat up the messenger to keep from confronting the message.
Now Randall - he has no problem stating who he is. That's honorable even if we see things differently.
The other "A"s - don't want anyone to know how they really believe. I have my guesses who they are. But will remain silent.
"from my numerous observations our liberals are never capable of letting anyone else have a conviction of his own without at once meeting their opponent with abuse or even something worse"
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
"Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid."
Fyodor Dostoevsky
By the way earlier I was not taking either side in the debate. I was just warning of any government that tries to wrap it self to closely in religion. I have found that most times people do not use government to promote religion, but use religion to promote their brand of government.
-Randall Lee Yow
Your point is well taken Randall. But the real reason we want this to pass is to put up a firewall to stop a single black robe from changing existing law by judicial fiat.
I dont wish discrimination on gay couples,nor wish a theocracy government. Not with this bunch leading it! I can wait on The Lord. I do feel however we have forgotten the part of the establishment clause that says, nor preventing the free exercise there of.
Glad youre back in the fray ole buddy, Love debating your points. And as much as I hate to admit it sometimes youre right. At least you try to stay intellectually honest. And civil.
Enjoy that comment fellow, You probably wont get that out of me again.....Have good day.
By the way I decided to stop posting as anonymous, then leaving my name. I kinda dont like being associated with some of those other "A",s
Right on the money with that Randall. The list is too long on both sides of the aisle.
It isn't fair for Al Gore to go speak to a church and it's praised, but Rick Warren would get an IRS visit. Not just picking on the left - crap flies both ways. Just using an example.
And about Randall - He's honorable and deserves my respect even though we disagree on many issues. Sometimes we don't though.
Smart decision.
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