Sunday, May 6, 2012

It's About Principle, Stupid!

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!
I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"
Patrick Henry

Ughh the disgust I feel right now is disturbing.  And I will get to it in just a minute.

I went to see "The Avengers" this afternoon with sugarbear and hubby.  Awesome movie!  Several lines in the movie hit me square in the eyes.  Like we as a human race beg to be taken care of.  Don't we hear that from the left all the time??

  This is a movie of Evil vs. Good.  Heroes who believe in mankind against an evil, evil being intent on making the people obey and be servants or die!  Without spoiling the movie, let's just say there are way too many similarities with the EVIL vs GOOD characters and the current methods used to "justify the end result". 

Anyway, living in Lee County just sucks right now. If I was looking for a place to live, this is the last place I would come to. We have higher taxes than Moore County! Yea Moore County where the beautiful golf courses are. Moore County where the wealthy retirees are. Yep Moore County's tax rate is .46/$100. Lee County's is .75/$100. And that's not enough we hear. Must spend more. Need more schools. Need, need, need.
If I was looking for a place to live, the first thing I would do is look at our local paper. Get a subscription. And make sure I looked at commenting online and letters to the editor. The vile, vicious commenting by some have put a blight on our community. Its one thing to talk about issues and to disagree.  But the type of crap I am referring to is just despicable.

When I write my letters, they are intended to reveal the truth.  I stand on principle.  I could care less what side of the fence you're on.  My intent is also to show no one is immune to their voting record. And I will go after a Republican as much as a Democrat. No one wants the facts anymore.    Maybe they do but just don't want anyone to know it. They just want to win at any cost.  No matter who or what it destroys.  And they kill the messenger to detract from the message.

I'm told I will 'reap what I sow' or that Mr. Womack will.  I agree.  We all will.  The left is not immune.  Geez they do their best to get God out of everything but will be the first to "speak the word" about us.  Hypocrites!  And what the heck does that have to do with the conservative candidates?  Explain to me why, should our side win a good number of races, why would we trust these individuals at all?  I mean had I run, and one day I will,  and this type of attack was set on me (I expect it would be), but yet I won..the first thing I would do when I saw Donnie Oldham's face is ask, "Why should I trust you?"  Then I would take the high road and mend fences.  I'm not sure these boys have any intention on mending fences. 

So no more can you say "Oh that's just in Washington. We don't act like that here." Oh yes we do.  In the pdf on the right, many are listed that claim they want what is best for Lee County. Actions prove otherwise.  Their principles stink. 

And those anonymous commenters on the Herald's website, are even worse.  They will throw out the racist slurs on us but are too much of a coward to reveal their names.  They call us Nazis, racists, etc.  They are the ones that are vicious.  And they are the EXTREME.  I'm just sick of them. All we want is accountability. We want our school board members to stop and streamline their processes. We want the truth. We want the EDC to hold companies accountable! Make them walk the walk.

You bet'cha "It's about Principle, Stupid"!


Rich Wulpern said...

Hello Sheila,
I agree with your comments 100%. Unfortunately the comment section of the sanford herald has been hijacked by either one person with access to multiple accounts or a few cretins. I say this because the writing style (or lack thereof) is too similar to be coincidence. I have written the herald stating my concerns and we'll see what, if anything, happens.

One thing though, I would caution you to be on your toes. I suspect that the individuals behind this are doing all they can to get a rise out of you. If you rise to the bait, they will use your words against you or a candidate that you support. It will not matter what vile comments that they said, but they will make sure your replies are broadcast over and over. Kinda like what the LEED group is doing.

Sheila Barber said...

Don't disagree one bit. I was "warned" that anything I've ever said was going to be used against me if I ran for BOE. And that came from someone who pretends to be on the right. Someone who is probably behind the commenting.

I just wish we could have elections without the dirty crap. I don't think we ever will again. It's about power and money. And not what America really needs.

Appreciate the comments and the advice.


Randall Lee Yow said...

Mrs Barber,

I disagree, Lee County does not suck. In fact I think the current quality of life in Lee County is better now than it ever has been.

I do agree that the anonymous comments get out of line. Quite a few of them have been directed my way. If people had to use their real names they would be a lot classier and less jerky.

But hey, look on the bright side the Lee County Republican party might not have a Hulk, but they have a Kirk Smith. KIRK SMASH!

-Randall Lee Yow

Sheila Barber said...

Did you see Avengers too? Awesome movie.

It's the commenting that makes it stink right now. And I have seen it swing your way too. But I know, the perverbial optimist I really am (some will disagree, I'm sure), that when the sun shines tomorrow it will be a better day.

Not because its election day. But because I get to experience it. And that I am an American. Thanks Randall. And uhh I think Thor is the bomb!

Sheila Barber said...

Know what's worse? Didn't the mayor and city council pass a "civility resolution"? I guess it doesn't matter though when the right are attacked.

See the hypocrisy that occurs? It's so thick you could cut it with a knife!

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