Thursday, May 3, 2012

Recommendations for the Pottery Festival

THE EDITOR HAS DECIDED TO DO THIS:  Remove the Hotel employee's name in the blog.  Why?  Let's give the employee of the that hotel the benefit of the doubt.  He really could have been duped by the LEED PAC organizers.   And second, because I really do have a heart.   5/4/2012 by Sheila Barber

Hello visitors and friends!

Just in time for the Sanford Pottery Festival, we endorse The Comfort Inn  (click the pic to make your reservation) as the place to stay in Sanford.  We suggest the Bay Breeze for a fine Seafood Dinner.  And if you need furniture, try Babcock's or just go out of town. 

Maybe we can fill the Comfort Inn (haven't connected any dots there yet) with all the patrons for this week's festivities.  Read the LEED PAC Donor list and MAKE YOUR DOLLARS WORK FOR YOU! 
See you all at the festival!  Don't forget Mother's Day is next weekend!  Buy those pieces of pottery up before you discover what side of the fence the organizers are on. 


Anonymous said...

Are you serious? You're calling for a boycott of a business because of the way one of its employees spends his money? What a terrifying precedent.

Sheila Barber said...

Ha. Nope it's not a terrifying precedent. The left wrote the book.
You don't think for one moment there wouldn't be a rallying cry against the righ if we had put out those ads, now do you? YOU DARN TOOTIN' there would have been.

The left have been doing it forever. It's just awful when the right does it? Is that correct? You mean the right can't promote which restaurant to go eat at, which place to stay, etc? Well I believe that's a bit hypocritical. Sorry dude or dudette.

What persecution did the left just do to Rush? Glenn Beck?
I didn't say Boycott anywhere, thank you. That's your assumption. I made MY suggestions.

And as a patron of any business, I have a right to suggest whatever I want to. It's public information on who contributed what.

I'm sorry you don't agree. Not my problem. I'm just using my money where I want to. And I can suggest whatever I feel like. By the way, I didn't say a single FALSE thing. Nothing.

Just in case you need a reminder: Go out and look at hotels, airlines, etc. There's always a review. Always.

Money talks doesn't it? Sure looks like it in the paper!

Anonymous said...

You miss my point. He's the manager, not the owner, and it would appear the donation was made on a personal level. Follow your logic to its end and no business with voting employees would ever have customers.

Sheila Barber said...

I didn't really miss it. I thought about what you said and it does make sense. Not everyone is happy to have the assumption they are for character assassination.

In that same vein, I haven't driven a tank. No one would let me because I don't think I would be able to use it wisely. :)

Guilt by association - it works both ways! Thanks for the common sense anonymous commenting.

Anonymous said...

I will never go back in The Flame Restaurant to eat or drink a beer at the bar. I have spent a few thousand dollars there over the past 20 years, but will never walk back through the doors and I will absolutely tell my friends too. Not a very smart thing to do Steve.

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