Sunday, June 10, 2012

Now Sidewalk Chalk Art is Banned?

Read article here:
Sidewalk Chalk Art Against the Rules in Stapleton

The Stapleton, CO, ban on sidewalk chalk art is bothersome in several ways.

First, it appears this HOA has let power (and political correctness) go to its collective heads.  This HOA might be within its by-laws to ban sidewalk chalk art, but it doesn’t mean it’s necessary or wise or wanted.  I wonder if each property owner’s driveway is actually considered to be part of the ‘shared space.’  I hope these HOA members give their by-laws a good read before the next meeting.  

Second, the article indicates that no-one has even complained about it yet, so this must be a pro-active strike against that happening.  Some of this behavior is taking place in other arenas of life, too, like removing God from community activities before someone complains.  It’s bad enough that a single complaint can overrule the majority, like the decision in Franklin County, NC, to ban school prayer at all school functions.  We certainly don’t need to be offering up bans ahead of time.

Third, government, parents, teachers, etc, all complain that children spend too much time inside playing video games and looking at computer screens.  They complain kids aren’t exercising their bodies or minds enough.  Yet, the possible activities that would hone their physical, mental and creative muscles are being carved away at by restrictions like permit requirements for lemonade stands and bans on dodgeball.

Some HOA’s are illustrative of our overbearing federal government. Just like these HOA members in Stapleton need to know what their by-laws say so as to protect their rights and keep their HOA in check, every American needs to know what the United States Constitution says so as to protect their rights as a citizen.  Governments (and HOA’s) can get too big for their britches if not reined in when necessary.  


Anonymous said...

I know a little about this story. There were complaints and it was also toys and swimming pools being left all over the common area not just chalk. the piece being left out is that these are single family homes with private sidewalks and driveways. I don't get why they are having her draw in the courtyard where the colors get tracked into everyone's homes ruining carpets rather than on thier own sidewalk and/or driveway.

Nancy Gale said...

If the problem is that chalk art is being drawn in a common area, then that IS a problem. Part of living in a community with an HOA/POA is agreeing to respect the common areas.

If that is what is happening (chalk art in the common area), then, as usual, the ones who won't follow the rules make a problem for those who do follow the rules. Thanks for sharing the 'left out' details of this story. :)

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