Tuesday, August 7, 2012

At least our taxation comes with representation?

Or does it? When a president issues an executive order and bypasses congress what has he done? Our government structure is beautiful when it comes to issues of checks and balances. We as a nation are too populated to be a true democracy, where each citizen has a word in each and every decision before it is passed, but we have a representative in Washington, speaking for us on "each and every" decision. The Senate is set to have equal votes per state, so that the ever so populated Texans can't steamroll little Rhode Island on every issue. But the House gains representation based on populous vote so that Rhode Island can't cancel out all of Texas either. Our Congressmen keep the President from becoming an unaccountable king during his 4 year term by having delegates that speak for Americans in their
home districts. The President gets executive orders so that immediate action can come IF it is needed. Of course this power can be overused. But then there is another beam in the structure that allows the Congress to remove a President. Checks and Balances....
It is time to exercise some of these checks, before this President throws out the balance of power. Your voice has been ignored more than 130 times while this man has reigned as king. Last time we had our voice ignored in government by a king it took a bloody revolution to remove the oppression. Our founding fathers had the foresight to this predicament and have put into place a way without bloodshed to take back the power. It's about time to call your representatives and demand he answer for daring to pass down orders without your representative giving their voice. He isn't just bypassing congress by these executive actions, he is bypassing the American people. Over 130 executive orders in 1295 days is a willful disregard to the wishes of the American Citizens. Mr President "WE can't wait" for your answer to this one. 
Although the Senate voted against cybersecurity legislation demanding new regulations in cyberspace, President Obama may issue an executive order to have the bill implemented without the approval of Congress.
Regardless of Congressional rejection, Obama claims “we can’t wait,” and may issue an executive order forcing companies to implement new cybersecurity standards.
Opponents of the bill have already accused the president of making illegal power grabs with some of his previous executive actions. To date, he has issued more than 130.


1 comment:

Nancy Gale said...

You would think that more of congress would see that every time the president writes an executive order, he is chipping away at their own power, that they are merely pawns for him to use to 'fundamentally change' America.

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