Sunday, August 5, 2012

Don't Give Up...AFP's Defending YOUR Dream

 "“There may be many things wrong with the United States but only a blind fool who hasn't been paying attention for the last twenty years would hold up Europe as the alternative.”
Mark Steyn, America Alone: The End of the World As We Know It

 As many of you know, I spent this weekend in DC attending AFP's "Defending the American Dream Summit".   I can't think of a better place I would have rather been.  Thank you AFP for your faith in me.  

But unless you were there,  it is hard to grasp the enormity of being in the same place as where many of our heartland's activists were.  I met people from Michigan, Ohio, and Florida.  I found new friends.  I found new readers for my blog.  I found new connections to what matters to most people in this country - patriotism, camaraderie, and love of country. The speeches, OMG!  Can you imagine this:  Governor Scott Walker, Michelle Malkin, Mark Levin, and surprise, Laura Ingraham all at the same conference?  Well that's what we got. 

Some lines from this weekend (Some are verbatim and some are just summaries.)

Laura Ingraham:  
1) "I'm going to start with a joke:  Harry Reid."
2)  The left wants us to sign on to a "Declaration of Dependence."
3) Reflecting on the latest power outage in DC..."Is it wrong to feel good when you see a Chevy Volt on the side of the road?"
4)  My mom told me "Too many people are on the wagon.  Not enough pulling it." This was back when Laura was in school.  
5)  Obama is the father of the Boomerang Brats.
6)  President Obama promotes "Americans AGAINST Prosperity."

Brent Bozell: 
1) "How dare we saddle  our children and grandchildren  with our incompetence!"
2)  Stop being apologetic about being successful.

Mark Levin:
1) We're told we have to care about what others think of the US.  Who gives a damn about what others think?  We are Americans!
2) We live in a post-Constitutional government. 
3)  It's Obama's birthday.  So what, it's also Saturday.
4)  Obama wants to fundamentally change America.  PBO - You don't have the constitutional right to do that!
5) The time is right for an American Revolution!

We all left our normal weekend routines on a mission.  My weekends usually consist of blogging in the morning, doing household chores that get neglected throughout the week because of work, and going with hubby to Walmart for our weekly shopping.  None of that mattered.  

This "just a blogger" was simply mesmerized.   I don't have room in this posting to talk about all the quotes that are moving around in my brain.  Some changed perception.  Some changed methods of delivery.  Some ...changed my life.

Anyway, being a part of this has upped my urgency to get out the truth.  It has propelled me to be more active (some in my community will cringe with that statement).  As it was politely put to my hubby by some friends at lunch yesterday... have no fear..we know how she feels already.  And she does a good job (Thank you, Chad Adams!)   Well get ready dudes and dudettes...I'm fired up more.  Blame AFP...nothing like a bunch of patriots to spur the passion. LOL!

I leave you today with this video.  I cry every time I watch it.  The person was destroyed by the News and Disturber (N&O) during his tenure at NC State.  I fully believe they perpetuated his death.  But he never, ever gave up on his mission.  All he wanted was to win.  And he did...1983 National Championship with the "Cardiac Pack"!

Ok this video..has nothing yet everything to do with my mission to save my country.  It isn't about black/white, Republican/Democrat, nor liberalism/conservatism.  It's not about AFP or SEIU.  It's not about the main stream media and those "just a bloggers" like me.  No, it's about your values.   It's focusing on what matters.."family, faith, and winning."  It's about  knowing what it takes to win.  

My take? Don't you gun loving, God fearing, USA patriots  EVER, EVER give up on my America...We're just a few steps away from victory...Without further adieu, here's Jimmy Valvano, just weeks before he passed away from cancer...


Unknown said...

Sheila,Stay revved my friend,stay revved.
The most intriguing man in the world.

Nancy Gale said...

Encouraging post and video, Sheila! You are being nurtured by an amazing group of people, and their influence is showing. :)

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