Friday, August 17, 2012

Romney: Don't fall for this trap!

What is the obsession with Romney's taxes?  The left is so obsessed with how Romney spent his money and could care less how Obama spends the taxpayer's money!   Oh that's right...the Dems believe its their money not ours.

Don't fall for this trap, Governor.  They are proven liars and hypocrites.  And they have no business wanting to know.  When President Obama forks over his college records and other stuff, fair game.  Until then tell PBO's cronies NO.  A flat out resounding NO!

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.  Keep on taking it to them Romney/Ryan.  Thank you for having guts to fight back and point out  PBO's atrocious and failing policies.  And that my friend is why they are so obsessed with Romney's tax returns.  They can't talk about Obama's  "True" achievements like continuous high unemployment, bailouts for PBO's rich friends, takeover of the automobile industry which has NOT made GM prosperous (40% loss in profits),  etc, etc, etc.  They need to divert the attention away!

Obama camp offers to pull back on tax attacks if Romney releases 5 years of returns


Anonymous said...

let's see, he wasn't born in this country so he released his birth certificate and that's now a fake(in theory). now it's he applied as a foreign student that made terrible grades and his only achievement is that of a bi-racial freeloader who's been given everthing in life due to affirmative action and he's out to whip up black radicals to kill all the white folks. he bailed out the banks, both foreign and domestic, he's taken over every industry, he's been easy on muslims (because he is one in theory), he's opened the borders to the mexican's and canadian's that want to run us out. have i left anything out? is there 1 thing good he's done for this country or do you support mr king from iowa who wants to repeal every law that has been inacted while president obama has been in office?

now don't let the fact that every statement above is a right wing talking point that is a factual lie get in the way of your analysis or opinion when commenting on the job he has done.
name 1 position regarding reducing debt and deficit that your team can support with facts? is it the cuts in medicare that ryan proposed in his budget? romney's stated he'll put back that 716 billion dollar savings back in, provide a 20% tax cut across the board( he will pay less than 1% under mr ryans budget) and increase the defense budget to 4% of gdp. i hate to break it to you but those numbers don't add up, don't add up, he's a liar regarding this and anyone that says the same is as well. mr ryan lied regarding his seeking stimulas funds while blasting the stimulas as wasteful spending. just because they have an "R" beside their name doesn't mean they care about you or anyone in this country, paul ryan is a lifetime political hack that's never had a private sector job in his life. he's gotten fat on the government tit just like his family continues to do to this very day. i'll be here till the election commenting and putting the facts out for you no matter how uncomfortable it makes you and everyone of the zombies that read/watch fox news. "A"

Jay Calendine said...

I was going to point out the painfully obvious double standard here, but you did a yeoman's job; bravo and cheers.


Let see . . . we wonder why BHO's records are sealed and the lefties revert to talking points. . . brilliant!

Jay Calendine said...

Calling it a talking point gets you out of responding to it. Pretty convenient.

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