Friday, August 24, 2012

Who Will Defend the Child?

Here I go again.  Mentioning that abortion thing.  So be it.  But before you start reading..note there's no need to attempt to change my mind.  It's wrong in my eyes, my heart, and my soul.  And it takes a life.  And I have felt life.

Anyway...All power to the woman!  Isn't that what the left tells  us?  Hey folks Roe v Wade was passed a long time ago.  Don't like  it.  Don't participate in it.  Can't change it. But there's something missing...the child doesn't have a choice.

The left tells us constantly, "It's for the children. Need more money for the children."  Anytime education gets put on the chopping block, they go nuts.  

How come they don't go nuts when a child's life is taken?  How come our President isn't standing against partial-birth abortion? According to the article below and the video as well, he says it's ok.  It's the most disgusting part of all of this flap on abortion.   Someone on another one of my posts said I didn't have any scientific proof when a child was a child.  I don't need scientific proof.  I felt it.   I knew when there was life.  I knew.  And to boot a man had the audacity to say that!

You women who want to have abortions, go ahead.  It's your choice.  I don't like it. But it's your body.   However deliberately killing the child (and it is a child!) who is partially born is something I am willing to fight with all my might to stop.

Want to know how it happens?  I won't post the procedure but here are links that explain. And actual videos of the deed.  I can't imagine sitting there as a mother, going through the birthing process and allowing this.  I simply can't.  

But for info on what happens:

Breitbart has this article about the Democratic Platform.  We know they  will seriously concentrate on abortion and women's rights at the DNC. Word is they will be using AKIN as a poster boy.  And we've seen who they are inviting.  Our own President Obama is on video stating he's  "pro-choice" even when asked about late-term and that includes partial-birth abortion.   I also just heard Debbie Big Mouth declare that a candidate can't run away from a platform.  Of course, she was talking about Romney and not her guy.

Wasserman Schultz Refuses to Acknowledge She’s Misquoting the LA Times After Baffled Cooper Calls Her Out

So I'll use Debbie's logic and hold PBO's feet to the fire too.  He can't hide from the platform.  And the platform agrees with this inhumane treatment of babies.  See below:

President Infanticide: Dem Abortion Platform Does Not Exclude Partial-Birth Abortion

In 2008, the Democrat Party platform on abortion read this way:
The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right.
Obama was in charge of the Democrat Party in 2008, and there's been no scuttlebutt whatsoever about any change that might include an exception for children who are already partially born and very much alive -- but still aborted. The practice known as partial-birth abortion is infanticide -- nothing more, nothing less. It's a horrifying procedure (more here) that over two-thirds of Americans believe should be illegal.
And there's little hope the 2012 platform will calibrate towards sanity and include this exception. After all, Obama is still in charge of the Democrat Party, and while running for the U.S. Senate in 2003, Obama defended late-term abortion:

Well he's in charge in 2012 too.  Now are you ready to hear your President defend infanticide?   He can run but he can't hide.

Anyway, listen to the following video.  It's a discussion of a bill concerning abortion in the Illinois State Legislature in 2003.   There seems to be a serious discussion on the liability of the attending physician and what would happen if the child was born alive.  Around the 4:01 minute mark you'll hear something like this:
 "movement or some indication that, in fact, they're not just coming out limp and dead."

I ask: Who, my God, will defend the child?