Friday, September 7, 2012

Atlas Has to Be Shrugged..

Friends, when in history have you heard so much vile and hatred toward the makers in our country?  It wasn't this bad under Bush.  But since the Anointed one took over, it's been a non-stop assault on the ones that invest in our country and the ones who put all they have in innovation to make the widgets that we use in our kitchens, our cars, and those things that touch every aspect of our lives.

So when you look at what's happening over in Charlotte, how in the world can you not realize that it's at a boiling point.  And the makers will at some point say, "No more!" When that happens, what will those haters of capitalism do?   

Shame on the Democrats.  Shame on them.  Those elitists tell their constituents me and you do not deserve our money.  They say corporate profits shouldn't exist!  Those dumb enough to listen to that and believe it are dangerous.  Dangerous to themselves and society.

They are flat out wrong about the profits.  It's the profits that are invested in medicine, to build hospitals, and provided to charitable organizations and many school functions, etc.   It's the profits that our 401 Ks build on.  You know, that wealth that many middle class families use for retirement/college tuition/home buying. 

But don't tell the puppets.  They call those of us on the right radical, extreme, and thieves.  Yet we don't do what the Occupiers and others on the left do.  I've brought that out more than enough to prove my point.

And here's just one more example of the class warfare and attack on the American economic engine - capitalism:

DNC delegates: Let’s ban corporate profits!

David Harsanyi   

Are you surprised?

At the Democratic National Convention, where one speaker after the next swears they love free enterprise, delegates and attendees (maybe some media, who knows?) were asked by Peter Schiff, posing as a anti-corporate activist,  if they would support capping or banning corporate profit.

Well, there seems to be plenty of enthusiasm for the idea in Charlotte this week — and not from the fringe. “We deliberately avoided speaking with the occupy protestors camping outside in tents to get a more “mainstream” Democratic perspective,” writes Schiff.

See more:


Anonymous said...

It absolutely amazes me that on this very page you have an article criticizing the democratic party for their lack of acknowledgement concerning God or faith or Jerusalem and yet located directly above it you invoke Ayn Rand & her novel Atlas Shrugged, do you not know she was a devout atheist? Surpassed more than her love of capitalism was her hate for God, church and all things religious. Your corporate master provides you funding yet supports gay marriage, tax increases, and continued withdrawal of troops from the middle east while acknowledging the need to reduce military spending. I have yet to see you comment, unless you count your bubbliness regarding a free trip to vegas.
Truly the difficulty of your position must not be underestimated, you embrace those you hate less in order to justify your disdain for others you hate most. You confuse our position on issues yet when unable to argue facts you resort to accusations of unfairness and close remarks. You hide from debate behind my anonymity, we both realize fear of your own position is what drives you more.
Delusion regarding the facts, fear mongering, race baiting, those are your platforms and for this your party will be rewarded with a sound defeat come November. Your candidate banks on America losing, his stock position backs that up. Republicans have adopted a party first, America second position; both will soon find the peril that exists in that realm. “A”

Sheila Barber said...

A you're always amazed at something I do. I am so flattered.

Yep I knew. It's a phrase and it pertains to the makers being disgusted with the takers.

Maybe you should do some homework before you jump to criticize constantly.

I don't hate A. That is just what you like to spew out.

Of course since you won't reveal your identity it is very easy to say you might have the hate in your heart. And just to chicken to admit it.

Really? Republicans adopted party first, America 2nd? America wasn't built on the back of bashing the individual and loving the Government. Dang you need a lesson in history.

Watch what you wish for. Come out of the closet. What are you so afraid of? Afraid of debate?

OMG delusional. You're delusional.

Linda said...

Anoymous reminds me more and more like Biden, no purpose at all!

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