Friday, September 7, 2012

How Dare the Dems call for Lee GOP Chair's Resignation!

Oh gasp.  What did Charles say to the LA Times that wasn't the truth?  Ms. Ann McCracken believes his comments were racially offensive.  Say what? 

Well Ms. the DNC hats displayed the buttons below:  "Once You vote Black You Never Go Back". 

 Ms. Ann...your party consistently make racial comments towards Black Republicans and calls them traitors or Uncle Toms.  Ms. Ann...I am offended by your party's platform!  Did you happen to hear the benediction last night?  Or did you tune it out?  Oh yes this...The Cardinal prayed for those who can't help themselves and for protection for them ...the unborn children.  OMG..Do you really want me to get into how "planned parenthood" targets black women?  Or how the DNC supports partial birth abortion along with the President?  No you don't.

How dare you call for the Lee GOP Chair resignation.  How dare you!  The truth hurts.  And the truth is the Dems War on Poverty has never been won because you don't want it to be.  It's your party and the likes of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson (you know them right?) and Jeremiah Wright and President Obama who keep the poor down for your own benefits.  Especially those of certain races!

How dare you...there's nothing racially motivated in his statements.  Nothing!  But spending a week with a crowd that screams nothing but slurs at conservatives, kicks out  a black conservative blogger (Kira Davis), boos at God, rails against America's economic engine, promotes "shared prosperity" (Bill Clinton) and belittles anyone who doesn't fall within your "ranks" ..what else should we expect? this all you have left to go with a failed Presidency and failed agenda?
What a pity!

Here's the LA Times article.  Read it Ann.  Please let me know when you are finished.  I'll gladly give you plenty of examples of "God D_ America" and anything else you want about how your party conducts itself.    

North Carolina county GOP leader seeks Latino support
By Hector Becerra

SANFORD, N.C. — Polls may show President Obama with a fighting chance of winning North Carolina for a second time, which would be a bad omen for Mitt Romney on election night.

But sitting in his office in this county seat in central North Carolina, Charles C. Staley, chairman of the Republican Party in Lee County, sees signs of hope for the GOP.

In 2008, Obama narrowly defeated Republican nominee John McCain in the state. But Lee County — where registered Democrats outnumber Republicans — went to McCain.

Since then, according to the State Board of Elections, Democratic registration in the county has dropped by 1,009 to 15,670 people, while Republicans have added 206, for a total of 9,697 people. The biggest shift, 1,091 voters, identified themselves as unaffiliated, for 7,714 in all.  Total registered voters in Lee County rose by about 4,000.

Like much of the state, this rural county originally named for Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee has seen its nonwhite population increase. It’s largely due to an influx of Latinos, who now make up about 20% of the population.

Tom Jensen, the director of Public Policy Polling, an independent polling firm in Raleigh, said the demographic shift could cause the state to maintain a “newfound swing status” in future presidential races because Latinos, and Asians — another growing group in North Carolina — generally vote Democratic.

But Staley argues that Latinos are “natural Republicans." He blamed the media for portraying the GOP as “anti-Latino,” and said he has spoken to Latino neighbors about the Republican Party.
Staley, a retired probation officer, showed off some of the Spanish he has learned, and which he said he would use to reach out to Latinos. He said he first learned the language to help Latinos who got in trouble with the law.

“Some of them would get in trouble because of cultural differences between here and the country they came from," Staley said. "In the foreign country, the husband, it’s OK to hit your wife. It’s not OK to do that here."
He continued, “The husband would get paid, he would go to the tienda (store), he would get drunk and he would drive home. It was OK there, and it’s not OK here.”

“It’s OK in Mexico, it’s not OK here,” he said he told some Latinos he encountered as a probation officer. “You need to learn to learn the culture."

But Staley said he respected Latinos because most were not asking for a handout.
“The Latino population that is here, they did not come here, even though you hear people say it, they did not come here to get on welfare,” he said. “They came here to work.”

Staley said the “mainstream media” has unfairly portrayed the Republican party not just as anti-Latino but as “anti-black” and for “the rich white man, and not there for the poor people who don’t have a job.”
He said nothing could be further from the truth, pointing out that the Republican Party had been anti-slavery and had been supported by blacks for about 100 years until the 1960s. To be sure, many states, including North Carolina, enforced laws that effectively restricted blacks from voting until the civil rights movement of the 1960s.
Read more at this link.,0,4969339.story