Friday, September 7, 2012

Jobs Report: Let the Fake Manufacturing Begin

Dear Friends,  President Obama wants a second term.  Duly note in his first term he has said that if he didn't get "the job done" he would be a one term President.  I'll grant him that if you join me.  Anyone up for renting a U-Haul?

Today's report comes out with unemployment at 8.1%!  Yea you say.  It's finally moved a point down.  Yep until you realize this isn't the true unemployment number.  It's just reflective of the people we know who are looking.  How else could they come up with this number?

US economy adds 96K jobs, unemployment rate falls to 8.1 percent

Read more:

But when you read the real story:  

"The unemployment rate fell to 8.1 percent from 8.3 percent in July, but only because more people gave up looking for work. The government only counts people as unemployed if they are actively searching."

 There you have it.  The real reason it's lower is because the labor department can't track the ones who simply have given up!  People don't have hope and really do need change.  We need change in leadership.  Change that embodies those who know what it is like to create real jobs, who have experience creating real jobs, and who have solutions!  And it isn't O&B but R&R.

As for the "fake manufacturing" title,  the Fed Reserve thinks it needs to step in:

"The economy has experienced three years of growth since the 2007-09 recession, but the expansion has been grudging and the jobless rate has held above 8 percent for more than three years -- the longest stretch since the Great Depression.

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke last week said the labor market's stagnation was a "grave concern," a comment that raised expectations for a further easing of monetary policy as soon as the central bank's meeting on Wednesday and Thursday."

No Mr. and the leeches need to get out of our pockets, reduce regulations that are stifling growth and annihilate Obamacare.  That's how you help us.  Stop trying to help manufacture false hope.  Stop the printing press.

As I have stated over and over,  Obamacare is the number one reason small businesses will not hire.  They are fearful of what is coming down the pipe.  We all should be considering the IRS is now the governing body of Obamacare.  Man America needs some R&R like this:

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