Wednesday, October 31, 2012

LEED PAC's Spooky Accountability Problem

What about those LEED Brat Pac ads?  Do they make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?  Are you running out to the polls voting for their "hand picked candidates"? Stop the train. Look at the hypocrisy first.

It truly amazes me how they are claiming YOU should want accountability for this:

But refuse to make themselves force accountability from the LCSS Super for this:

Click the link above for the youtube video.  Yes, the good old boys, who put themselves and a few others on a pedestal; who claim to know how to spend your money better than you; who attempted to destroy a sitting commissioner in the primary...them!  They tell us LCSS has the greatest Super since slice bread.  And he might prove to be but not talking like that!  

Interesting ....The LEED Brat Pac has been completely silent on the disgraceful comments made by Dr. Moss at a public forum.  Not one word.  

But reasonable people should ask:  Why have they been so quiet? For a while there we saw ad after ad about how great the Super was.  But suddenly none?  Come on, boys and girls.  To praise such a guy with such veracity and then stop?  Did he embarrass the Brat Pac with the nice speech (at the back of the room) at the CEAD forum? 

In a recent letter to the editor, a comment  made by Mr. Chet Mann (who was quickly allowed space in the editorial page to condemn the GOP candidates for leaving the LEED PAC/Herald forum) is quite comical...."Our questions ranged from hypothetical to current issues. These were fair but direct questions."

Really, Chet? There is NOTHING fair about your group and the tactics they employ to get our tax dollars.  You have proven that.  Case closed.  It's quite funny that Mr. Mann and others in his circle have the gonads to say 'these people will hold you accountable' to the GOP candidates.  How hypocritical  when you won't even hold the Super accountable for his nasty comments.

By the way, Brats, is that the normal talk in your circles?  I should hope not. Because I don't like it no matter who says it.  It's not the heart of America, nor Lee County, Mr. Mann.   You need to explain what "professionalism" is to a few in your group.  

Lee Co needs real LEADership!

I seriously think the Brat Pac along with the Herald planned a setup.  They wanted to get the GOP candidates  in a private room with selected invited individuals and go after them.  Bet most of you didn't know that it was "first 75 invitations only".  Who were the guests? The Chamber dude, Mr. Joyce, says "leaders".  Yep, those tax dollar hungry ones, I bet.  And to boot, the joint venture was held at The Flame...that place owned by one of the biggest liberals in town, Steve Brewer... Mr. Business Privilege Tax dude himself.

Bless the Herald's heart...I guess one forum wasn't enough for them.  They needed a private one with the one group that fulfills ad quota every election season.  No, they needed a got'cha because LEED was out of ideas.  Maybe they were hoping for a no-show and took the picture of the empty chairs beforehand?  Just a wondering because ads sure went in the paper pretty fast. 

Now really...Do you think the GOP candidates would have gotten a fair shake had they been able to stay? I don't know why they didn't stay.  If it was money, well,  at least it wasn't the citizens' money. But again, I don't care.  I can just imagine the trouncing would begin as soon as they took a seat.  And there are ways to outsmart the smarts of the know-it-alls in Lee County. 

I admit...I would have been a bit skeptical.  But no matter how much, the challenge to face those who are behind an ad about me and others would have been delicious!  Got to go now.  My witch's brew is boiling over with anticipation for their "good old boy" response.  

Happy Halloween!

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