Monday, August 19, 2013

What the "Frack"?

Intuitive Commentary 

by Kirk Smith

While attending a meeting at the McSwain Agricultural Center, I picked-up a piece of Green Propaganda against Natural Gas drilling and Hydraulic Fracturing. During my Army tours in Germany, we had the opportunity to travel behind the “Iron Curtain” in Communist Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union; I made it a point to collect the plethora of propaganda laid out for us less than progressive thinkers, so I am well versed in knowing when I am being conned. After reading the leaflet I can sum it all up - the “Earth Worshiping, Tree Hugging, Human Hating, Green People” FRACKFREENC.ORG are seriously confused!

Modeled as “AN ALLIANCE TO PROTECT COMMUNITIES” their propaganda leaflet states:

“Fracking in NC brings high risks to our health, communities and environment. We are standing up for our right to clean water, soil, and air. Our elected officials should protect us and not let corporate profits be more important than drinkable water and breathable air. Renewable and clean energy is the best choice for NC. Stand with us against fracking.”

They go so far to quote the brilliant Hollywood fracking expert, Matt Damon:

“Everyone knows that fracking poisons the air and water. We wanted to show how it tears apart local communities and subverts democracies and corrupts political leaders and eviscerates all the things that Americans value.”

Yep, the “Earth Worshiping, Tree Hugging, Human Hating, Green People” idolize his grammatically challenged words!

Turn over the leaflet and the question:

Why is fracking so dangerous?

Streams, rivers, groundwater, air and drinking water wells have been polluted, and people are suffering health impacts. Fracking and its wastes have also lead to the sickness and deaths of farm animals and wildlife.

Fracking demands scarce water supplies in the millions of gallons per well. It usurps the vital water supplies from communities, agriculture, and wildlife.

The used frack water is contaminated by the billions of gallons and cannot be safely disposed of. The main method of injecting the toxic frack water into deep rock formations has resulted in earthquakes.

Shale drilling emits not only carcinogenic chemicals such as benzene, but also dangerous levels of carbon rich methane, a known cause of air pollution and greenhouse gas.

Strict regulations cannot make fracking safe – there is no safe way to eliminate human error and all of the existing fracking wells have caused toxic pollution. STAY INFORMED, STAY IN TOUCH AND LET YOUR COMMUNITY LEADERS KNOW YOU OPPOSE FRACKING.

Let’s dissemble their opening paragraph.

“Fracking in NC brings high risks to our health, communities and environment. We are standing up for our right to clean water, soil, and air. Our elected officials should protect us and not let corporate profits be more important than drinkable water and breathable air. Renewable and clean energy and clean energy is the best choice for NC. Stand with us against fracking.”

High risks? How High? Do the “Earth Worshiping, Tree Hugging, Human Hating, Green People” drive cars? Do they know that the higher CAFÉ standards dictated by government substantially increases the fatality rate in car accidents? The lighter the car the greater the number of fatalities! Or do they drive their sustainable bicycles? When a bicyclist collides with a car or truck, which has a higher risk of dying, the vehicle driver or the bicyclist?

Right to clean water, soil, and air is an interesting statement in and of itself. Did you know that the “Earth Worshiping, Tree Hugging, Human Hating, Green People” prefer we use “renewable” and “sustainable” energy? Corned based ethanol has a dark side. To grow corn requires the expenditure of diesel to plow, plant, fertilize, spray (toxic insecticides and herbicides), harvest, transport, dry and store the crop, all this before it goes to market. Now the nitrogen fertilizer used on the crop, releases nitrogenous pollutants into our streams and rivers. Did you know that fertilizers also emit nitrous oxide into the atmosphere? How does this contribute to “clean air and water” that the “Earth Worshiping, Tree Hugging, Human Hating, Green People” consistently tout?

How sustainable is corn based ethanol production when it increases the cost of food here and around the world? Did you know that there have been food riots in Mexico City and Haiti because of the increased price of corn? Furthermore, how can a crop be sustainable if it is subject to various weather disasters such as droughts or floods?

Speaking of “clean air”, have you ever been around an ethanol plant? My wife and I travelling across Nebraska a few summers ago were enjoying the mild sunny day with our air conditioner off and the windows open. Suddenly we smelled a most noxious odor requiring us to roll up the window and closing the fresh air vent. Some miles off on the horizon I noticed these very tall stainless steel tanks and realized it was a corn ethanol plant. So how can “Earth Worshiping, Tree Hugging, Human Hating, Green People” claim to be for “clean air” with such noxious emissions?

Fracking demands scarce water supplies in the millions of gallons per well. It usurps the vital water supplies from communities, agriculture, and wildlife.

The used frack water is contaminated by the billions of gallons and cannot be safely disposed of. The main method of injecting the toxic frack water into deep rock formations has resulted in earthquakes.

The myth that hydraulic fracturing demands millions of gallons of water per well and produces billions of gallons that cannot be safely disposed of is truly telling of the “Earth Worshiping, Tree Hugging, Human Hating, Green People’s” total lack of technical knowledge. Today there is a North Carolina based company that is currently working at gas wells in West Virginia and Pennsylvania – with an on-sight water filtration system that greatly reduces the truck traffic and water usage by upwards of 80%. Surprised? Remember one of the arguments the “Earth Worshiping, Tree Hugging, Human Hating, Green People” use against oil and gas drilling is the truck traffic hauling water will damage our roads and put our children on school buses at risk.

As for the questionable allegation that earthquakes are due to the injection of hydraulic fracturing waste water, memo to the “Earth Worshiping, Tree Hugging, Human Hating, Green People”, North Carolina will not be injecting the waste water into the ground.

Some weeks ago the Economic Development Corporation of Lee County sponsored a presentation at the McSwain Center regarding the building of a woody bio-mass ethanol production facility in either Harnett or Lee County. Our location is ideal due to the 75 mile radius of potential sources of woody bio-mass that is available for such an endeavor.

The unique point made by the presenters was that to sustain this operation, the plant would require 200 tons of woody bio mass to be trucked in everyday! Not just a couple of months as in natural gas drilling but trucks hauling 200 tons of woody bio-mass every single day, every week, every month. What impact would this renewable energy source have on our roads and what threat to our children on school buses?

What impact would the by-product emissions and water usage to produce the ethanol from the woody bio-mass have on the air, water, community and environment? Let us not forget that the 200 tons of woody bio-mass comes from trees! How will “Earth Worshiping, Tree Hugging, Human Hating, Green People” embrace the wanton destruction of trees for energy production?

Do not forget that the “ethanol” produced has to be trucked off the site in large tanker trucks. What impact will these trucks loaded with highly flammable ethanol have on our roads? What threats exist to our children on school buses or our communities when these highly flammable cargos are transported out of Lee County? Will the “Earth Worshiping, Tree Hugging, Human Hating, Green People” except this risk to our community and environment? Let us not forget that these tanker trucks loaded with a highly flammable cargo would be ideal targets for terrorists. Are you willing to except that risk?

The “Earth Worshiping, Tree Hugging, Human Hating, Green People’s” disdain for “corporations” reveals their hatred for not only our economic freedom and energy independence, but it also reveals their total disdain of our basic freedom as well. How do you ask? Well take the First Amendment of our Bill of Rights. We have the right to peaceably assemble in order to pool our resources, to either produce a product or provide a service to the mutual benefit of all, in order to make a profit so as to return a portion to the share holders who peaceably assembled to pool their resources. Of course they made no mention of the crony corporate friends of Obama, who benefit greatly from the federal government subsidies (our tax money) to sustain ethanol production or the other costly “renewable” energy sources.

“Earth Worshiping, Tree Hugging, Human Hating, Green People” are actually Enviro-Marxists!

As always, I shall remain in search of our GOD given liberties!

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