Saturday, October 27, 2012

If this is happening there...

What's happening here?  Yes, in Lee County?  I don't think for a moment there isn't voter fraud happening right here in my county.  People who are desperate for power and can't win on the true issues because they FAIL, have no choice but to cheat.

Let's see what happens in the next couple of weeks.  When you  honest people go to the polls, report any out of town license tags on cars in the parking lot.  Report if you see a government vehicle transporting people to the polls...Ok COLTS is probably ok.

How disgusting can Democrats get? 

Democrats Illegally Transport Voters in North Carolina


On Monday of this week, Democrats in North Carolina clearly violated North Carolina state law in their efforts to turn out the vote for Barack Obama. 

At roughly 10 a.m., two vans of students who worked at the North Carolina Jobs Corps location in Oconoluftee were transported from that location to the Swain County Board of Education one-stop voting location in order to cast their votes. The vans used to carry the passengers were Job Corps vans driven by Danny Muse, the son of O’neal Muse, a Democrat Swain County Board of education election official.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Damaging Video: Libya Timeline..

Timeline of the Libya Attack & Obama Admin’s Cover-Up 

Read more: 
You know with all the pettiness happening locally, we often can't see further than our own eyes will allow us. None of us in Lee County lost our family members to a brutal attack that was watched by the United States State Dept for 7 hours. None. I feel horrible for those families that are finding out now that the 2 seals broke rules to attempt to rescue the Ambassador and others.

To heck with being a target by Ron Hewett or being lied about by a jealous, sick man.  To heck with egomaniac good old boys who are as much of hypocrites as they accuse us of being.  To heck with a paper that doesn't follow its own rules imposed on us.   To heck with an overzealous Superintendent showing his true self.  To heck with the phony "War on Women".  None of that matters because....
4 Americans are dead 
due to the incompetence, and refusal of the President of the UNITED STATES and the State Dept to send help!  What if that was your son?  What would you do, Lee County residents?  America?  Would you excuse the Obama Administration? If so, shame on you! 
Our  own government wouldn't, not couldn't, but WOULDN'T send in help to rescue frightened and overwhelmed Americans. What actually would happen if we are hit again domestically? Would President Obama go fundraise the day after? Or would President Romney go after the terrorists with a vengeance? I think we know the answer now.
 EXCLUSIVE: CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say
Fox News has learned from sources who were on the ground in Benghazi that an urgent request from the CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. consulate and subsequent attack several hours later on the annex itself was denied by the CIA chain of command -- who also told the CIA operators twice to "stand down" rather than help the ambassador's team when shots were heard at approximately 9:40 p.m. in Benghazi on Sept. 11.

What the Frack?

By: Alex Bridges

If you are a citizen of Lee County and have even the most basic of reading skills than you have heard of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing. You may have heard of it referred to as simply fracking. You may think it will bring jobs to the county, you may think that it's just a trend that is doomed to poison our water tables making well water in the area unusable. What I bet you haven't heard is how the well is made, when the procedure was first developed and what all equipment is involved. 

In an effort to get some background for myself I ran across a promotional video from Chevron that goes into details of how a site is drilled. It's not all encompassing by any means, but it is a starting block for my own knowledge. As most of you citizens are aware, NC Legislation passed a bill that now allows for fracking under certain conditions. These conditions are not all laid out on the table, and another vote will be required

Bret Baier's Disgust on Libya: Are You Kidding Me?

Libya is NOT going away.  There's so much coming out and we can't blog it fast enough.

How much more can we take?  How many more times will they deny it's terrorism?  I mean truly deny.  The video didn't cause it.  Ambassador Stephens pleaded for help.  And according to emails, four (4) hours before he was murdered and whatever else they may have done.  

Mr. President, Jay Carney, Secretary of State Clinton, Susan Rice, David Axelrod..and anyone else mightily defending this atrocity:
4 Americans are dead!

  The letters, the cables, the emails, the pleading for help, the silence from the Obama media and supporters, etc., much more is out there?  

In National Treasurer, the chief tells Gates..
  Sadusky: So, here is your options: Door number one - you go to prison for a very long time. Door number two - we're going to get back the Declaration of Independence; you help us find it, and... you still go to prison for a very long time. But you'll feel better inside.
Ben Gates: Is there a door that doesn't lead to prison?
Sadusky: Someone's got to go to prison, Ben.
All jokes, quotes aside...
Somebody needs to go to prison on the Benghazi atrocity!  Who is going to demand this?  The current Attorney General is in hiding like UN Ambassador Susan Rice!

 I think this graphic from Facebook is pretty clear:

Bret Baier says it as plain as day that the O administration had:
An Interview with a Dead Man...Wow!

What October Surprise, Gloria?

So the judge happily grants the woman trodding Gloria Allred her request:  Sealed sworn testimony from Governor Romney.

Big deal.   Angry woman broke wants money.  What else is new?  Gloria is out of gas.  The hot air coming from her is potent.  And impotent at the same time.  The woman, an ex-Staple executive wife, Maureen Stemberg, is also under gag order.  But she wants to talk, Gloria said.  No, said the judge.

This case seems to be around the notion that Mitt lied.  That he knew how the stocks would react.  And to save  his friend from being robbed of millions of dollars, he lied.  

Read the first story.  Then read the 2nd. Looks like Gloria may have egg on her face.

Judge Releases Romney Testimony in Allred ‘October Surprise’

 Romney didn't load up on Staples stock, devastating Allred's case

 So Romney murders a wife of a bitter employee.  And Romney steals from another woman bitter about her divorce.  Romney actually spends his money not yours (this really ticks the left off), so on and so on.  What's next Obama?  He fathered your children?  Come on Prez!

Texas Says No to U. N. Election Observers

Texas sparks international row with election observers

By Julian Pecquet 10/25/12 03:04 PM ET

Texas authorities have threatened to arrest international election observers, prompting a furious response from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).
“The threat of criminal sanctions against [international] observers is unacceptable,” Janez Lenarčič, the Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), said in a statement. “The United States, like all countries in the OSCE, has an obligation to invite ODIHR observers to observe its elections.”
Lawmakers from the group of 56 European and Central Asian nations have been observing U.S. elections since 2002, without incident. Their presence has become a flashpoint this year, however, as Republicans accuse Democrats of voter fraud while Democrats counter that GOP-inspired voter ID laws aim to disenfranchise minority voters.
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott further fueled the controversy on Tuesday when he sent a letter to the OSCE warning the organization that its representatives “are not authorized by Texas law to enter a polling place” and that it “may be a criminal offense for OSCE’s representatives to maintain a presence within 100 feet of a polling place's entrance.”
The letter goes on to accuse the group of having met with liberal organizations that oppose Voter ID laws. The OSCE put out an interim report last week saying that “recent state-level legislative initiatives to  limit early voting and introduce stricter voter identification have become highly polarized.”
“The OSCE may be entitled to its opinions about Voter ID laws, but your opinion is legally irrelevant in the United States, where the Supreme Court has already determined that Voter ID laws are constitutional,” Abbott wrote. “If OSCE members want to learn more about our election processes so they can improve their own democratic systems, we welcome the opportunity to discuss the measures Texas has implemented to protect the integrity of elections. However, groups and individuals from outside the United States are not allowed to influence or interfere with the election process in Texas.”
Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) also weighed in, tweeting “No UN monitors/inspectors will be part of any TX election process; I commend @Txsecofstate for swift action to clarify issue.”
In letters to Abbott and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, whose State Department invited the 44 election observers, Lenarčič reiterated that the group is only there to observe the elections.
“Our observers are required to remain strictly impartial and not to intervene in the voting process in any way,” Lenarčič said in a statement. “They are in the United States to observe these elections, not to interfere in them.”
State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland sought to tone down the controversy during her briefing Thursday. The department is eager to avoid giving the impression that the United States is unwilling to submit to the same scrutiny it demands of others when it comes to human and civil rights.
“Since the initial issue with Texas we've received a letter, both for Secretary Clinton and one for Texas authorities, from the OSCE assuring us and Texas authorities that the OSCE observers are committed to following all U.S. laws and regulations as they do in any country where they observe elections and they will do so as well in Texas,” Nuland said. "To my knowledge [Texas] is the only state that came forward and said 'please reassure us that you're going to follow our state electoral law.' And they have now been reassured." 
This was the entire article.  Here is a link to it anyway.

The Herald - About those Letters to the Editor!

See, I told you so.  Dang even our home town paper thinks you and me are idiots.  And have short memories. And an editorial in Tuesday's Sanford Herald makes the claim that social media outlets and bloggers report opinions as facts.  Social media really doesn't matter. 

Whether they like it or not, we report Facts with Opinions.  At least we hold our feet to the fire.  And if I have a deadline..I abide by it.  

It's because of us that our print media and Lame Stream Media are coming under fire.  
[Better way of putting it:  Coming under fire for "leaving a few things out", sounding a bit biased, and blasting us for something they do themselves. - This won't go over well.]
So do you remember this last week?  The "moratorium" on new letters?

RV Hight never replied to the last letter I wrote:

Email to Sanford Herald..Stop Suppressing us!

Let the games begin.  In this morning's Herald one of those treasured LEED Brat Pac guys is a bit ticked off at the GOP candidates.  And the Herald didn't waste any time printing his letter about an event held THIS WEEK, you saw that, THIS WEEK, with the LEED PAC and the Sanford Herald.  How biased does that look anyway?  Our paper had already held a forum.  So they gang up with that group? can come to your own conclusion about that.

But wait...this blogger was bcc on alot of responses to the Herald editors on the "supposedly moratorium" on LTEs.  So why were they not printed first?  Many of our letters came in before October 19.  BECAUSE we were told they HAD to be in!

FYI - They also have or had a policy of not allowing candidates to write letters to the editors after a certain point.  That was THEIR RULE for as long as I can remember.  Mr. Ron Hewett replied to one about him and his ad that was in last Thursday's paper.  

Will the Editor give Mr. Kirk Smith the space to reply to his condemning editorial this morning?  Time will tell, won't it.

So what's good for the goose isn't good for the gander.  Mama would not be happy.  This one isn't.  But I'm "just a blogger", you know.

The Herald broke their own rules they stated we had to abide by.  Can we say "Got-cha"?  


Still No Reply from Herald...

Thursday - No Response from Herald


Thursday, October 25, 2012

WRAL 5 Reports On the Super's "Joe Biden" Moment

Residents say Lee school superintendent cursed them at forum

 Two people attending a political forum in Sanford last week said Lee County Schools Superintendent Jeff Moss cursed them during a heated discussion of school performance.

Moss acknowledges that his conduct during the Oct. 18 forum was "not professional," but he denies using any profanity in the encounter.

Video can be viewed on this blog in previous posts or on Youtube at

I don't know where any of this will go.  You all know there is no love lost between this blogger and the Super.  I won't deny nor hide it.  My distaste for Dr. Moss really accelerated during  those public budget forums in 2011.  I don't like how they were handled with all the fear mongering.  I don't like how a 3rd grader was a pawn against her dad who is an NC House Representative.  I sure as heck don't like how So Lee Principle Bonnie Almond and the Super handled the situation with the senior who took a paring knife to school, which was allowed per the Student Handbook.  Oh she was acquitted. Dang...can Lee County Schools stay out of the news for at least one year?  Is  that too much to ask, Dr. Moss?

And for goodness sakes, I despise the fact that the Board of Education and Dr. Moss refuse to let us know why they needed $7.9 million more and only settled for $500,000 last year.  Something just smells fishy.  And now I  can just add the cursing to the list.  Is having some integrity too much to ask as well?

Anyway I am quite perplexed as to how Dr. Moss can continue to deny what he said on the video.  [Editor Update: I should have said "Moss doesn't deny he said it.  He denies it's on the video."] Not just audio.  But a video.  Grant you was done in the heat of the moment.   Twice.  Outbursts are.  But they also reveal character.   One small fact:  10 + witnesses.

Regardless of who you are, you must be professional. Especially if you're the Superintendent of a county school system.  We expect all of our leaders to do such.  In every aspect, in every profession, in every situation.  That goes for all of us.

But the Super thinks he's not done a thing wrong. Maybe that talk is normal after hour chatter to Dr. Smith and Dr. Moss,  but to this mom,  it is the ultimate offense.  Ask those who know me what happens when I hear it.  

Plausible deniability doesn't work, Dr. Moss.  All of us sitting around you  in the courtroom (where the forum was held) heard you.  Own up.  Stop being the guy we all think you are and change our minds.  It's NEVER too late. 

However, because you still denied cursing as late as Tuesday, I'm not sure anyone would accept it.  But you readers listen for yourself to the video.  Some will hear "FU" (the full phrase). Some will discount it.  Some will call it "partisan politics".  And some will realize this is the Superintendent of our kids and not stand for it.   The BOE chair says "No need to respond. His evaluation is next month." Geez, Moss is our employee.  We the people voted in the school board and they hired him.  But he is still our employee.  He's paid with our tax dollars.  And we expect better.  

If you're a parent of a child in the LCSS, make your voice heard.  Even if you're not, speak  up for what you think is right.  Speak up whichever way you feel about it.  The School Board should listen to all of us.  They should hold a public hearing and let parents publicly say what how they feel about this.  By denying that, they are, in my eyes, attempting to shut us up  - for or against.

But there's always the next School Board meeting on Tuesday, November 6, 6 pm.  See you there.

Des Moines Register...Who is Presidential?

U.N.'s War on Israel Will Affect American Economy

U.N. Human Rights Council Calls for Boycott of U.S. Companies

U.N.'s war on Israel puts American economy in crosshairs

The Washington Free Beacon has obtained a report soon to be released by the United Nations that calls for an international campaign of legal attacks and economic warfare on a group of American companies that do business in Israel, including Hewlett-Packard, Caterpillar Inc., and Motorola Solutions Inc.
The Human Rights Council (HRC), a body dominated by Islamic countries and known for its hostility to, and heavy focus on, the Jewish State, issued the report. The George W. Bush administration refused to participate in the HRC, but President Barack Obama joined it soon after taking office.Members of the HRC include infamous human rights abusers such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Libya, China, and Cuba.
The Obama-approved body maintains a “Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories [sic].” The current rapporteur is American college professor Richard Falk, a 9/11 “truther” who once posted an anti-Semitic cartoon on his personal blog.
In a letter to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon, the Anti-Defamation League’s Abraham Foxman blasted the report and the HRC’s special rapporteur: “We believe you should have prevented the Secretariat from being a party to Mr. Falk’s anti-Israel agenda. Mr. Falk’s entire tenure as Special Rapporteur has served to undermine the credibility of the institution of the United Nations.”
The report attempts to instigate a campaign of boycott, divestment, sanctions, and legal action against a litany of international companies doing business in Israel. In addition to American companies, the U.N. targets include major European firms such as Veolia Environnement, Group 4 Security, the Dexia Group, the Volvo Group.
Read the rest of the article here:

How Bad is the Auto Industry?

It's BAD enough that the Detroit News endorses:  

Editorial: Mitt Romney for President

Detroit is hurting.  Badly.  They have even been talking about cutting off street lights.  That's how broke they are.  

But according to Biden and Obama..."GM alive.  Bin Laden dead."  
How far did that get Obama? 

Obama's "Joe Biden" Moment

Of course this is originally reported in the UK, and not USA.  No No...the Lame Stream National Media fails again...

Wow.  We're getting examples all over the place of fine upstanding, revered politicians and board officials being unprofessional.  Joe, Jeff, Barack, Akin (he didn't curse just said insanely stupid!) but nonetheless....

Keeping it classy, Mr President: Obama describes Romney as 'a bulls***ter'

By Toby Harnden In Las Vegas
President Barack Obama took the opportunity to describe his opponent Mitt Romney as 'a bulls***ter', it was revealed today.

bullThe extraordinary comment - most American newspapers decline even to print such a word - came at the end of an interview with 'Rolling Stone' in which Obama was asked possibly the softest softball question ever lobbed at him.

Let's Not Forget that Video...

UPDATED 10/28: Clarity:   Mr. Moss said 'FU' twice.  Once coming down the aisle he said it to Brian McCrae.  The second time is in the video. 
This story isn't going away.   The Superintendent really had a "Joe Biden Moment".  He's quoted in the paper denying he ever said a word.  We know better.  You can hear the explicative.  You can see the anger.  The color of his face matches his hair.

And now he's jumping out with another program that is suppose to be the latest and greatest on earth.  As long as he has our tax dollars and no accountability is enforced, they will be creating and creating programs.  Who cares if they are any good?  Who cares what they costs?

Ugh. I'm sure he meant in his "State of Lee County Schools" address last night to say this program would cut down the remedial class issues CCCC has to schedule for our Lee County graduates.  Not all graduates.  Don't be a quoting me wrong, now.

I also believe in last week's forum Dr. Moss said or maybe it was Ms. Smith, that commented the remediation numbers mentioned by Commissioner Womack were wrong.  I caught part of it.  Do note I was sitting right behind someone who received Dr. Moss' wrath after Commissioner Womack got a lashing from the lovely Super.

Hello...from CCCC:

HS Last Attended Name % of Students - Dev English % of Students - Dev Reading % of Students  - Dev Math % of Students - w/one or more Dev courses

2011 HS Graduates

Lee County High 33% 26% 32% 49%

Southern Lee High 13% 29% 13% 44%

Total All NC High Schools Statewide 48% 32% 64% 65%

Source: NCCCS Data Warehouse CC0120-II, Curriculum Student II Univse, CCCC Institutional Effectiveness Office

What you got to say about that, Dr. Moss?  

But here again we present the real Super.  It's amazing what happens outside the office. 

Just note: At approximately 3:35 Dr. Moss leaned over and for a second time stated that phrase (____  You) and what also appears to be "I'll show you professional." Watch out.  This man is "for the children".

No Regrets: Screw the Economy!

Need I say more?   Nope.  This is your President..Rammed Obamacare down our throats instead of caring that we could make it paycheck to paycheck.

Elections have consequences...

Obama: 'Absolutely' No Regrets For Ignoring Economy for First Two Years


The Obama campaign has finally released the transcript of his endorsement interview with the Des Moines Register--and it is clear why they were reluctant to do so: the President says he has "absolutely" no regrets about ignoring the economy during the first two years of his term, when Democrats controlled Congress.

Here is the key part of the exchange:
Q: Yes, that begs a question from us, Mr. President. Some say you had a super majority in your first two years and had this incredible opportunity, but because of what you were talking about, as you were running, you had to go to get Obamacare done. Do you have any regrets taking on some of the economic issues, some of the issues that we're talking about for your second term, that when you had the chance, so to speak, during your first -- do you have any regrets that you didn’t do that at that time?
THE PRESIDENT: Absolutely not, Laura. Remember the context. First of all, Mitch McConnell has imposed an ironclad filibuster from the first day I was in office. And that's not speculation. I mean, this is -- it’s amply recorded. He gave a speech saying, my task is to defeat the President.
So we were able to pass emergency action with the stimulus, but we had to get two votes from Republicans...
Obama's response is misleading. Republicans made no such filibuster threat at the outset of his first term. He refers to remarks made by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell in late 2010, not in late 2008 or early 2009. Republicans in fact attempted to work together with the then-popular Obama before being rebuffed ("I won").

Read more:

Gloria's Surprise: An Anti-Mormon Bitter Woman

Does any of this surprise you?  They can't win fair and square.  So the Mafia gets called in.  Yes, Gloria Allred is a part of it. 

 Will we ever see the days of a clean, fair election again?  Not if the people don't stand up and demand these hoodlums to stop.  Demand accountability.  Stop the good old boys/gals networks setup all over our countries in all our small towns.

Bring it on Gloria.  Another poor woman who made bad choices is desperate for money.  What else is new?  And it's suppose to ruin Romney?

Gloria...Prayer is greater than you.  My God is greater than you.  Matter of fact, alot of things are better than you.  But you're still special in God's eyes.  Therefore I hope you find peace in him and turn away from the tabloid life.

*EXCLUSIVE* Anti-Mormon Bigot Behind Obama/Allred 'October Surprise'


As I write this, Barack Obama's gal-pal Gloria Allred and the Boston Globe have aligned themselves with the Chicago Machine in a partisan crusade to launch an October Surprise against Mitt Romney. That we all know. What you might not know is that Allred's client, Maureen Sullivan, the woman pushing to unseal the gag order on her own divorce records, is an embittered leftie, a Huffington Post "Super User," and a vicious anti-Mormon bigot. 

Read the story:

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Libya: The WH Lies Just Keep on Giving..

 Let's put this news in perspective:
The Obama WH knew within two hours of the Libya attack.
So in essence, they watched our Ambassador and 4 other Americans be murdered.  

Did you rest well President Obama after hearing that?
Update 1:24 pm: Obama replies:  Went fundraising in Vegas.  Had a great time!

When will the nightmare end for the families of Ambassador Stephens,  Sean Smith, and the others?

No matter what Gloria Allred or Donald Trump attempt today:

4 Americans are dead!

And our President and his buddies have lied to the American people.  Romney missed an excellent chance to confront a sitting President on his incompetence and naive attitude to extremists.  If he thinks the media will do that, well look no further than our own local media...the one that suggested social media doesn't give facts.

If coverage of this had been sufficient in the Herald and thousands of other small town papers, the truth would be more known.  I realize, before you naysayers go defending, that local politics are the focus...but you can't ignore national security either.  And is it too much to ask that our local papers give us as much information as possible?  No.  Therefore, the  blogosphere, facebook and twitter,  make up the difference!  And we do a very fine job, thank you! 

This story is not going away.  No matter what the WH claims.  The current occupant believes America produces terror.  The extremist is a film maker.  The spontaneous demonstrators just happened to have grenades.  Really?  Time to really fess up PBO.  Tell us what you really think.   Seems to me "PBO spiked a football and can't seem to catch it". 

Oh by the way....4 Americans are dead!

White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack: emails

(Reuters) - Officials at the White House and State Department were advised two hours after attackers assaulted the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11 that an Islamic militant group had claimed credit for the attack, official emails show.

The emails, obtained by Reuters from government sources not connected with U.S. spy agencies or the State Department and who requested anonymity, specifically mention that the Libyan group called Ansar al-Sharia had asserted responsibility for the attacks.

The brief emails also show how U.S. diplomats described the attack, even as it was still under way, to Washington.

U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed in the Benghazi assault, which President Barack Obama and other U.S. officials ultimately acknowledged was a "terrorist" attack carried out by militants with suspected links to al Qaeda affiliates or sympathizers.

Administration spokesmen, including White House spokesman Jay Carney, citing an unclassified assessment prepared by the CIA, maintained for days that the attacks likely were a spontaneous protest against an anti-Muslim film.

While officials did mention the possible involvement of "extremists," they did not lay blame on any specific militant groups or possible links to al Qaeda or its affiliates until intelligence officials publicly alleged that on September 28.

Read more:

Caught in a Lie--Again: White House Received Claims of Terrorist Role Two Hours After Benghazi Attack


The New Ad and Amy's 2009 Voting Record

I've dodged the bullet for several days.  No ads about a "state champion blogger".  But wait...the election isn't over.  So I'll wait and wait and wait for another attack to come.  By the way, thanks Ron Hewett for the publicity. 

Here's an ad that is quite interesting.  

Oh I must note...did you know Bill Tatum was "Independent"?  Me neither.  His supporters need to look at that blue ballot the Dems are distributing to see it says "Democrat".

Anyway...the ad in this morning's edition of the Sanford Herald:

So when did Broadway and Sanford residents not belong in the County?  News to me.  This ad is absolutely ridiculous.  We all get a tax cut if the sales tax is redistributed properly.  But it's even more absurd because one of these candidates was a County Commissioner when the citizens were essentially blackmailed in 2009 by having to vote for a "property tax increase" or "sales tax increase".  We were left with no choice.  Thanks Amy.   Talk about distorting the facts.  Poor Sanford and Broadway residents.  Them poor poor individuals.  I am one of them, for goodness sake!  And these two guys and a gal are saying YOUR taxes  shouldn't be cut.  

Where are the taxes being raised all mighty Democrat candidates (Ron's oval is filled in on their copycat ballot)?  Show us the proof.  You can't because this ad is misleading.  Ha ha  ...paid for by the "committees".  Right.  Paid for by LEED BRAT PAC supporters!  Do your research folks.  While you're voting down at the Board of Elections, ask Nancy for that rack of campaign finance reports.  Interesting stuff.  Matter of fact, I think I'll make a visit today.

But what else should we expect from tax and spenders?  It's never THEIR money they spend.  It's ours.  Oh about that voting record, you will find this in the 2009 Archives on the Lee County Government Commissioner's page, 17 August 2009:

"The Board considered a Resolution stating the intended uses if the ¼-cent sales tax passes during the November referendum. After discussion, Commissioner Oldham moved to approve a Resolution by the Lee County Board of Commissioners Stating the Intended Uses of the ¼-Cent Sales Tax Revenue if the Advisory Referendum for the Levy of a Local Sales Tax Passes by Majority Vote, a copy of which is attached to these minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: 

Aye: Dalrymple, Hayes, Kelly, Oldham, and Paschal
Nay: Reives and Shook

The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted by a five to two vote."

Here's the best part of the ad:  They, the GOP candidates, will pit city and town against the county and tear our community apart.

LEED BRAT PAC...nice try.  You and President Obama have successfully done that.

See my hubby told you in today's LTE,  I wouldn't shut up!  You should listen once in a while.

A Much Needed Getaway

Hello Friends!  What's brewing in that cup today?  I'm sipping Eight O'Clock Bean.  Just a morning staple for the Barber family.  Let me know what you've got.  It's been a long time since I asked.  

It's been a long time since I focused on ...well, something besides politics.   And it felt darn good to change the scenery and the conversation.

So I woke up Monday and decided I had to get away.  I've had enough.  I'm not a candidate.  I'm not running for office.  Ads in the paper and email threats are ridiculous.  Just had enough of a very spiritually sick individual and his subtle threats to destroy my family.  Bitterness and jealousy kill.  And what goes around comes around.

Anyway, enough of least for a day.

So those of you who know me, guess where I went?  Let's see if these pictures help:

 You got it right...Straight to Boone.  Straight to solitude.  Peace.  Just me, the road, and a conversation long overdue with my Creator.  And lunch with my boy.

When I crest that hill outside of North Wilkesboro, the radio gets cut off and my focus becomes the beauty our Creator gave us.  No man could have made those mountains.  No man makes those leaves change to such brilliant colors.  No man can do for us what God can.  Those are the things that come to my mind when I go west to escape from the  madness. 

And I can't help but think of the lyrics of "America the Beautiful" when I'm mesmerized by those extraordinary colors on display:

O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!

America is beautiful.  Not just because of those "mountain majesties".  No it's deeper than that.  America is beautiful because of you and me.  America is beautiful because thousands of years ago, something far greater than you and I, said "Let there be light."   

America is beautiful because that same entity gave us His Son.  Let me ask, seriously, "How many of us would sacrifice our sons on a cross for the better of mankind?" None of us would, at least not in that fashion.  I know I couldn't.  I would rather die than have my kid sacrificed.  But many have sacrificed their sons, daughters, wives, mommies, daddies, save mankind and our country.  Thank them please.  Stop those soldiers in Walmart, Food Lion, and the malls and say "Thank you!"

America is beautiful because a couple of hundred years ago,  a few good men with incredible faith believed:

"America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea! "

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

About that Moss' Video...

EDITOR UPDATE: 10/24/2012 - 11:30 PM:  2 comments have been removed.  They are not valid. I talked with Ms. Linda Smith, the real one, today and informed her someone was impersonating her on this blog. Those comments along with are not valid.  Plus they came from the same IP address. Please note IP and email addresses are available for this editor to review at anytime. 

UPDATE:  I hear Moss is denying any fault.

Praise to the Herald.  It made the paper.  Miracles never cease.  Watch the video at the link below.

In the paper today, this was stated: "It was after Moss left the podium that he allegedly exchanged words with audience members."

Sorry,  there is no "allegedly"..he did.  I witnessed it.  But that doesn't matter to Lynn Smith.

Would Linda Smith, John Bonardi, Tamara Brogan, Cameron Sharpe, Mark Atkinsho, or Wendy Carlyle like their child to be exposed to this?  Will they ardently defend the Super no matter what?  Yes, I know I've included every "non-partisan" member on this board.  They need to speak up! 

Dr. Lynn Smith...about those contentious and inaccurate remarks...There was a certain program called Laptop 1:1 initiative and a $1.4 million grant.  And about $4.3 - 5 million dollars later (funds came from somewhere besides the $1.4 million grant) ...the program is still alive and well.  For anyone the Super chooses to give laptops too.  

Oh Dr. Smith...when you tell us what you and the other board members which at the time included Bill Tatum were going to do with $7.9 million you requested but so graciously accepted only $500,000, then maybe we will believe you.

Until then, maybe Dr. Smith and Dr. Moss should get THEIR facts straight.  Mr. Del Palazzo was correct.   And the document proving it can be located from the County Manager's office as well as  right here: Laptop Initiative.