Thursday, April 26, 2012

And They Wonder Why...

People don't trust Government anymore. 

First we find the GSA doing the shuffle and buying extravagant gifts at taxpayer expense.  And then this comes out today on

Records show state employees' children got high-paying jobs
Read more:

(article farther down)
It's not like we didn't know it happened.  It's just that ,when it's exposed, it hits you like a ton of bricks.  Especially when alot of this cronyism was happening over at the NC Emergency Management Division during the most disastrous time NC had experienced in years!  Shoot you can drive through our county and still see the memories of that April 16 tornado. 

Don't think for one moment there isn't any "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" happening here.  The last I checked a couple of our local home boys were getting quite a bit of dough from the Department of Public Instruction.   I asked a candidate for State Superintendent on Saturday at the 2nd District convention if it was appropriate for the DPI to give money to an after school program that was managed by a Board of Education Chairman.  He called this a  "conflict of interest."  He wondered who had helped the gentleman get the grant.  I do too.   Hope that candidate wins.

Umm I've got an idea... I challenge anyone to go find out who works as a custodian and see if you can connect the dots, so to speak, as to why the BOE tabled outsourcing custodial personnel in the LCSS.   The comments in the paper were they were quite concerned about the employees becoming contractors: 

"But Moss and the board members expressed concern about the contractors’ policy that custodians must work 30 hours per week to be considered a full-time employee eligible for benefits, which would be an issue for custodians who are dual-employed as bus drivers, and wouldn't have the 30 custodial hours necessary to receive benefits."

Read more:
Sanford Herald - Board of Education seeks 3 3 million local budget increase

Ok but how about being concerned about your TAs and teachers? Then if you were, the BOE wouldn't have their talking points for budget negotiations.   Is there more to this story that just hasn't come out?  Inquiring minds just want the truth.  If nothing is there, fine. 

 We are not in the greatest economic times.  And any chance for fiscal responsibility should and could begin with our local government and school system.


Records show state employees' children got high-paying jobs

North Carolina’s Division of Emergency Management division has put two assistant directors on paid leave while the agency investigates reports of nepotism.
The WRAL Investigates team obtained records that show the sons and daughters of two high-ranking and four lower-level employees got unadvertised, high-paying jobs to work on disaster relief last year.
Emergency Management deployed staff to the worst-hit areas after two natural disasters last year – the April 16 tornadoes and Hurricane Irene on Aug. 27.

After the storms killed dozens of people, destroyed hundreds of homes and left thousands homeless, the agency added temporary workers, called disaster reservists, many of whom are former state workers or people who have worked in disaster areas before.

However, last year’s reservist list included names of employees’ sons and daughters who had no experience in disaster relief.
Assistant director Steve Sloan’s son, Steven Sloan, scored a community relations job after both events, making $20.92 an hour. The state paid him a total of $43,391.53, which included overtime pay, hotel and meals.

Assistant director Emily Young’s daughter, Jessica Kilpatrick, worked on the governor’s hotline after the tornadoes and made $18.18 an hour, for a total of $2,225.08, which included overtime pay.

Both assistant directors were put on a 30-day leave on March 27, but were still receiving their nearly $70,000 salaries as of Thursday.

“I actually don't think I did anything wrong,” Steve Sloan said. “I didn't have oversight over anyone. I knew, of course, my son, but everybody else, I had no idea.”

The agency’s family friendliness didn’t end there. Records show lower-level employees’ children also benefited.

Read more of this at:


Randall Lee Yow said...

Mrs Barber,

What about Charles Thomas, you know the chief of staff for Tom Tilllis. The one who was getting obscene raises while all the teachers were being cut. Did you hear about his scandal with a lobbyist. Pretty interesting, especially if you consider him and Tillis share an apartment in Raleigh. I am just saying!

-Randall Lee Yow

Sheila Barber said...

Yep. The scoundrel. Kick their butts out. This one was posted last night. Heard about the fool this morning. Haven't had time to get to it. Working. You know making those wages that get confiscated.

Have a great day!


Nobody said...

The bad part is that we have to be skeptical of these types of situations. We should be able to trust folks to hire the right person for the job (whether family, friend, or stranger) & pay fair wages to that employee based on the job, skills, experience, & knowledge. Unfortunately that is not the way things currently work. Where are the morals that everyone should have instilled in them?

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